Dear Judger,
Have you read the Separate Identity series? Vol. one has a biography of Paton.
Click the links on the left side of the page:
i've been silently fading away for almost 3 years now, me my wife and parents.
but i love the history of the religion i grew up in.
our past doesn't define us, but it helps shape us into the people we are today.
Dear Judger,
Have you read the Separate Identity series? Vol. one has a biography of Paton.
Click the links on the left side of the page:
original reddit post (removed).
Just a thought. If Evans wants to sue me too, my address is 1 Police Plaza, New York City, New York, suit 401. [Okay so not really, but ...]
original reddit post (removed).
Lloyd Evans is in a slow motion crash and burn. On April 29 he had 573 patrons. Today, May 20, he has 546. If the pattern continues, a relatively big drop will come about June 1 when the month to month patrons drop off his list. How nice.
i need a new religion.
it can't be trinidadian and it must be a christian church.
it's been a while since i've been to the hall (and i'm not interested in returning either) and i need a new religion.
I've never found a satisfactory religion. I agree with Jehovah's Witnesses strict moral expectations. -- Yes I know many here do not. -- I think some of their doctrine is unsound scripturally.
And I think much of the behaviors of those in authority are not reasonable, scriptural or kind. I watched nonsense come my mother's way from elders who thought they could or should control her thinking, only on the basis that she attended meetings as a child. I'm told their actions were not typical, and one of my uncles, an elder himself, took it up with the offending elders. But if you put self-serving, dictatorial men in authority, you share in their sin. The Governing Body is responsible for Elders' conduct.
I'm drifting from my point, aren't I?
For now I'm content to pray and read. I talk religion to others taking sociology and religious studies classes. So many points of view.
The original poster puzzles me. Why would you come here to seek a belief system? It appears to me that he wants what Witnesses offer, but without being a Witness. The Abrahamic Faith churches [e.g.: General Conference - Atlanta] are non-Trinitarian, but they're also Socinian. I can't find a scriptural basis for Socinianism. But perhaps the original poster would be happy with that.
Sorry for the rambling post.
i need a new religion.
it can't be trinidadian and it must be a christian church.
it's been a while since i've been to the hall (and i'm not interested in returning either) and i need a new religion.
Trinidadian = Trinitarian.
Okay, I'll stop with the corrections, but I couldn't resist this one.
You believe God exists. You believe he is revealed through Christ. Why not ask him where he wants you and what he expects of you?
Please tell me why you left the Watchtower. [I'm struggling through a short paper on that and collecting reasons.]
original reddit post (removed).
Doesn't Evans understand that no moral, sensible person wants to dialogue with him?
volume two of schulz and de vienne's separate identity has been out for almost two years.
some who would have purchased it were put off by the cost.
the cost of a print copy is going up, sadly.
When you're finished reading it, please tell me what you think. Uncle B is working on volume three, the final volume in this series. I've read bits, and I think it will be exceptionally interesting.
Mom and B kept three ring binders filled with source material. Last time I counted there were thirty, mostly 4 inch binders. I've encouraged him to publish some of the more difficult to find material in book format. I hope he does that.
volume two of schulz and de vienne's separate identity has been out for almost two years.
some who would have purchased it were put off by the cost.
the cost of a print copy is going up, sadly.
Volume two of Schulz and de Vienne's Separate Identity has been out for almost two years. Some who would have purchased it were put off by the cost. The cost of a print copy is going up, sadly. However, it is now available as an ebook for less than half the cost of a print copy. Ebook is $20.50. It is only available from
I'm partial to this book because my grand uncle and mom wrote it. So, yes, this is one of those "shameless plugs."
original reddit post (removed).
Probably Lloyd would have more success with environmentalists, except for all the garbage her purveys.
original reddit post (removed).
In reply to your speculation: Exactly right.