Lloyd has little to say, and none of that is original. He is repetitious. He is a follower who tries to present his work as original. I do not know what lower grades report cards are like in the UK, but I'd bet that "gets along well with others" was not checked on his. He's a bully and a fake. And worst of all, he is boring.
I detest his behavior. His sexual adventures are revolting. But if he had something meaningful to say, I'd listen. He doesn't. He never has.
In a general way, personality matters. If you yell and rant; if you present yourself as a scholar when you are not; if you're smarmy; if you're a sycophant; if you put on the 'gay boy voice'; if you dress like a pirate, you will turn away audience. [Yes, you probably know which youtube presenters I mean.] Fake personalities do not cover inadequate content. Lloyd's work falls in the category "inadequate." The work of some others does also.