I've been out of the Org since 2005 and haven't stepped foot in a Kingdom Hall since, with the exception of a relative's memorial service about 6 months ago. I used to pioneer, special pioneer, be a ministerial servant, an elder, attended an early MTS class, worked at Brooklyn Bethel and Watchtower Farms, and served as a missionary in South America. But all of that pales to the joy I now have of living my life as God created me, with my partner of 8 years.
Heartofaboy: Thanks for the great post! Yes, there is a double stigma of being gay and an ex-JW, but I try to look at the positive. I may have lost JW "friends" when I left, but now I've found better friends on this ex-JW site, many of whom are gay and lesbian. We can all be ourselves and not worry about being judged. This is something I NEVER had as a JW. If anyone here wants to chat further, I'm always willing to listen and share.