Since leaving the JWs behind, I've undergone a wonderful transformation. I used to be proud to be a Witness and ashamed to be gay. Now I'm a proud gay man, and an even prouder ex-JW. I now have real freedom and enjoy real "truth." No more living lies. I feel more of a "brotherhood" with all of you here than I even did as a Witness. Life is good. Thanks for the post HOAB. I always enjoy Timmy's, Fernando's and Quendi's comments. You guys are awesome!
JoinedPosts by matt2414
Any gay exJW's?
by Trapped in JW land inwas just wondering how many gay exjw's were on this site, and how did you deal with being in this organization?
and also, how did you end up leaving?.
Any gay exJW's?
by Trapped in JW land inwas just wondering how many gay exjw's were on this site, and how did you deal with being in this organization?
and also, how did you end up leaving?.
Thanks HOAB, I appreciate your kind comments. But sometimes I wish I lived closer to other gay ex-Jdubs. It would be interesting to have a gay ex-JW support group. lol
Any gay exJW's?
by Trapped in JW land inwas just wondering how many gay exjw's were on this site, and how did you deal with being in this organization?
and also, how did you end up leaving?.
I've been out of the Org since 2005 and haven't stepped foot in a Kingdom Hall since, with the exception of a relative's memorial service about 6 months ago. I used to pioneer, special pioneer, be a ministerial servant, an elder, attended an early MTS class, worked at Brooklyn Bethel and Watchtower Farms, and served as a missionary in South America. But all of that pales to the joy I now have of living my life as God created me, with my partner of 8 years.
Heartofaboy: Thanks for the great post! Yes, there is a double stigma of being gay and an ex-JW, but I try to look at the positive. I may have lost JW "friends" when I left, but now I've found better friends on this ex-JW site, many of whom are gay and lesbian. We can all be ourselves and not worry about being judged. This is something I NEVER had as a JW. If anyone here wants to chat further, I'm always willing to listen and share.
Special Talk Outline 2014 - Does anyone have it?
by gbrn ini was wondering if the upcoming special talk outline has been available by way of a leak?
if not and somebody has access to it, can we somehow get it uploaded for us.
i may be in a position where i attend with family, and would like to know what i'm in for.. thanks!.
Jehovah has permitted evil to exist for the past 6,000 years in order to settle the issues raised by Satan once and for all time (Ge 3:1-6)
This is the most stupid reasoning anyone could possibly have conjured. Why does it take 6,000-plus years for this issue to be settled, and yet imperfect humans only have six months or so with a free home "Bible study" with one of Jehovah's Witnesses to be convinced on this matter? If you design and create a faulty structure, aren't you responsible for any imperfections that may bring harm to others? Even if someone else throws broken glass or nails on your property, aren't you responsible for cleaning it up before someone gets hurt? If you're a parent, and your teenage children throw a drug/sex party in your home, and you are aware of it, who's really responsible? As an all-knowing and all-powerful Father and parent, how can God throw the blame on someone else? How can he just stand by and watch his "children" bully, beat, rape and kill, and get bullied, beaten, raped and killed right before his eyes? Don't the scriptures apply to him also, namely, "If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them" (James 4:17)?
Doesn't the Watchtower's argument, in effect, make God a sinner? Isn't the all-knowing Governing Body really making a mockery of God with such a weak and untenable argument?
Just sayin'.
"Jehovah ALWAYS had/used an organization". How would you reply?
by EdenOne inin a recent meeting with elders, an argument was used to the effect that jehovah has always [= throughout history] used, or operated through, an organization; therefore, the wts must be that organization today, since god must be using one.
naturally, i know what arguments i've used to counter that argument.
but i'm interested in hearing yours.
Adamah: I had forgotten that my screen name is matt2414. lol. A few years ago when I was a JW, I had to come up with a screen name and password for my work computer that had letters and numbers. I have a hard time memorizing random letters and numbers so using a Bible name and verse that I had burned into my brain made it easy. I've almost forgotten what it says at Matt. 24:14. Almost.
"Jehovah ALWAYS had/used an organization". How would you reply?
by EdenOne inin a recent meeting with elders, an argument was used to the effect that jehovah has always [= throughout history] used, or operated through, an organization; therefore, the wts must be that organization today, since god must be using one.
naturally, i know what arguments i've used to counter that argument.
but i'm interested in hearing yours.
This topic about whether God has an earthly organization reminds me of the discussion between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at John 4. She said: " Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem." Apparently both groups were claiming that God had an earthly organization, but Jesus was about to settle the matter. He said: “Woman, believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem." He couldn't have been clearer.
God would never again need an earthly organization, neither on Mt. Gerazim, in Jerusalem, Brooklyn, Patterson, or any other place the JWs decide to plant their headquarters. Why? Jesus succintly explains: " Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. " For emphasis, he repeats himself: " God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” Spiritual people worship a spiritual God. Fleshly people worship fleshly organizations.
In Jesus' words, "true worshippers" do not need any earthly organization telling them how to please God. Those who feel the need to worship God through organizations made up of men are not the kind of worshippers God is looking for. To teach otherwise is to go against the teachings of Christ.
Does the GB Call God a Liar?
by TTATTelder inis the governing body defaming god's name?.
doesn't the claim to be "spirit-directed" and to be "jehovah's organization", to only turn around and spread falsehood (aka old light), actually indirectly call god a liar?.
Here's my two cents on this topic:
YES, they DO call God a liar. That's why I left the organization, because I didn't want to be complicit in their grand lies. Every time they make a doctrinal claim and say it is new light from God, and then turn around a few years later and change it again ... well, they are basically calling God a liar. They never make any apology to God or the congregation for their failed interpretations and misrepresentations of Him. They let Him take the blame, while they spend so much ink in trying to protect their name as the "Governing Body" and "Faithful and Discreet Slave." Just like Paul publically rebuked Peter, the GB members responsible for doctrinal lies should be publically exposed and even removed.
If they were really familiar with the scriptures, they would know Paul's words at Romans 3:4: "Let God be true, but every MAN a liar." This means that the GB members are the real liars. And when you apply Jesus' words at John 8:44 ("You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father ... there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.") this makes the GB/FDS children of Satan. They are so busy making a name for themselves that they have lost sight of the real message of the Bible. According to these and many over verses, those who continue to follow the GB as their minions will find themselves in the situation described at Rev. 21:8: "All liars will find themselves in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death."
In effect the GB says the new testament was only written for the 144k - right?
by Comatose inbecause if you just read it then its plain that all should partake of the emblems and go to heaven etc.
they get around that by saying it only applied to those when written who all anointed and then a small group today.
so they take away the bible for the average witness.
Of course, if the NT was written only for the anointed, then the anointed should be the ONLY ones required to go door to door. Jesus only told his soon-to-be-anointed followers to "Go, therefore, and make disciples," did he not? He was not addressing the so-called "great crowd." There's no evidence that anyone other than the apostles did the bulk of the preaching in the first century. Yet, the GB pawns off their self-declared responsibility onto those who don't even have a heavenly hope, especially forcing this burden on women who have no say-so in the congregation. No matter how they spin it, there's no scriptural support for underlings doing all the work. Their words and actions (or lack of action) are reprehensible and despicable.
Heart bypass surgery & blood
by Twitch inmy father had an angioplasty this morning and was admitted immediately for coronary artery bypass surgery due to major blockages found.. how likely or necessary is a blood transfusion for this?.
what's the latest policy on blood?.
i realize there's likely a thread or two dedicated to the subject but i'm looking for the short answer from those in the know, at least on the latter.. i only found out this morning and am heading to the hospital now.
My partner had to have quadruple bypass surgery in November. Apparently they lowered the temperature of the operating room to slow his heart rate and gave him blood volumne expanders before putting him on a heart-lung machine. Afterward, he looked very -- and I mean VERY -- puffy and bloated in the ICU, but the doctor told us he lost very little blood. During the next couple of days in recovery, they began draining off the excess fluid (expanders) until he regained his normal appearance. We were told that the surgeon tries to avoid giving blood because it tends to slow the recovery process. My partner was 45 at the time and has recovered very nicely. He's basically back to his normal routine now, but trying to eat better and excercise more because of his family's predisposition toward clogged arteries. I wish you well.
Why the "New Light" in the July 15 Watchtower?
by Indian Larry init seems to me that in the past large flashes of "new light" have come when the governing body was backed into a corner.
for example the multiple re-defining of what a generation is until it ended up the ridiculous "overlapping" meaning.. what is the reason this time?
are they worried because the number of partakers has been going up?
Since the Governing Body has been wrong about dozens of Scriptures, isn't it likely that they are also misinformed about the "new light" at Proverbs 4:18? For example, based on the number of Witnesses who have left that false religious group after gradually "seeing the light," wouldn't this verse really apply to them, and not as the crutch the GB regularly uses as they continually change their doctrine to save face? Just wondering ...