I got to thinking the other day about how JWs, at least when I got married in the Hall could not use secular music for the ceremony. We there fore were forced to use kingdon melodies. Anyone else have fond memories about your wedding song?
My wife and I chose, "We thank you Jehovah". It seemed to be the most popular and the closest to a wedding march we could get.
Posts by NikL
What was your JW wedding song?
by NikL ini got to thinking the other day about how jws, at least when i got married in the hall could not use secular music for the ceremony.
we there fore were forced to use kingdon melodies.
anyone else have fond memories about your wedding song?.
Written Review
by NikL inreading; see w94 6/1 p. 28 par.
reading; see w97 10/1 p. 27 par.
reading; see w99 li/i p. 9 par.
Ahh the written review! I used to enjoy them as you could sit there and do something instead of listen to a bunch of brothers yap about the same ole same ole.
Anyway, I received this in the e mail and it is apparently thw questions for the upcoming written review. This way everyone can study. (Yeah right)
Anyway here it is...1. Since faith is a fruit of God's spirit, people without faith are not =
seeking that spirit, or they are doing so for a wrong purpose or are =
resisting its operation in their lives. (Luke 11:13; Gal. 5:22) [rs p. =
129 par. 1] =202. Psalm 58:4 correctly indicates that the cobra has 'ears' that are not =
functional because it is naturally deaf. [Weekly Bible reading; see Rbi8 =
p. 1583.]3. The "large army" of women mentioned at Psalm 68:11 were foreign =
female slaves that were released from captivity by the men of Israel =
when conquering enemy nations. [Weekly Bible reading; see w86 10/15 p. =
30 par. 6.]=204. If each person's moment and manner of death were already fixed at the =
time of birth or earlier, there would be no need to avoid dangerous =
situations or to care for one's health, and safety precautions would not =
alter mortality rates. [rs p. 138 par. 3]5. Paul's remark "let no man ever look down on your youth" indicates =
that Timothy was just a teenager or in his early 20's. (1 Tim. 4:12) =
[w99 9/15 p. 29 pars. 1-3; p. 31 par. 2]6. As recorded at Psalm 110:1, "my Lord" refers to Jesus. [Weekly Bible =
reading; see w94 6/1 p. 28 par. 5.]7. In the book of Psalms, the name Jehovah appears about 700 times, and =
the abbreviated form "Jah," 43 times, so that all together the divine =
name is mentioned about 5 times, on the average, in each Psalm. [si p. =
104 par. 23]8. Although Jesus is spoken of in the Scriptures as "a god," even as =
"Mighty God," nowhere is he spoken of as being almighty. (John 1:1; Isa. =
9:6; Gen. 17:1) [rs p. 150 par. 2]9. A study of the book of Proverbs is, in fact, a study of Solomon's own =
wisdom. [si p. 106 par. 1]10. The Bible's counsel, found at Proverbs 21:
17, to avoid "loving merriment" indicates that having fun is wrong =
because it takes time away from more important matters. [Weekly Bible =
reading; see w97 10/1 p. 27 par. 7.]Answer the following questions:
II. What did Jesus' mild reproof of Martha point out? (Luke 10:40, 41) =
[w99 9 1 p. 30 par. 7]12. To what "glory" did Jehovah take the psalmist? (Ps. 73:24) [Weekly =
Bible reading; see w86 12/15 p. 28 par. 3.]13. What view of service privileges does the
psalmist express as recorded at Psalm 84:
1-3? [Weekly Bible reading; see w97 3/15
p. 8 pars. ~-7.1
14. How do Revelation 22:17 and Romans 2:
4, 5 show that Jehovah does not foreknow or foreordain everything people =
do? [rs p. 141 pars. 1-2]15. Since early Christians believed in the Millennial Reign of Jesus as =
mentioned in the book of Revelation, what influences led to an eventual =
rejection of this divine teaching by apostate Christians? [w99 12/1 p. 6 =
par. 3-p. 7 par. 5]16. What limits on showing "personal interest" in other people should be =
observedby Christians? (Phil. 2:4) [w99 12/1 p. 29
par. 1]
17. What is suggested by the mention at Psalm 128:3 of sons being "like =
slips of olive trees" around a man's table? [Weekly Bible reading; see =
wOO 8/15 p. 30 par. 4.]5
18. If we find God's work to be fear-inspiring, how will it affect us? =
(Ps. 139:14) [Weekly Bible reading; see w93 10/1 p. 15 par. 18.]19. Why does Proverbs 5:3, 4 speak of the aftereffects of immorality as =
being "bitter as wormwood" and "as sharp as a two- edged sword"? [Weekly =
Bible reading; see wOO 7/15 p. 29 par. 2.]20. In harmony with Proverbs 14:29, how can discernment help us to avoid =
the consequences of impatience and uncontrolled anger? [Weekly Bible =
reading; see w97 3/15 p. 13 pars. 7-8.]Provide the word(s) or phrase needed to complete each of the following =
statements:21. True prophets spoke and made
known _______ . (Deut. 18:18-20; 1 John 4:1-3) [rs p. 132 par. 3; p. 133 =
par. 2]22. The purpose of the Proverbs is twofold
-to impart and to provide (Prov. 1:1-4) [w99 9/15 p. 13
par. 1]
23. "The secret place of the Most High" is a place of ________ for those =
who take God's side of the issue of ; it is "secret," or unknown, to =
people who(Ps. 91:1) [Weekly Bible reading; see w86 12/15 p. 29 par. 6.]
24. 'Not forgetting all Jehovah's doings' is evidently linked to =
________on "his doings," his acts of loving-kindness as described in the =
103rd Psalm. (Psalm 103:2) [Weekly Bible reading; see w99 5/15 p.21 =
pars. 5-6.]25. A proverb is a pithy saying that employs a ________ and is designed =
to ________ . [sip. 107 par. 6]
Select the correct answer in each of the following statements:
26. Although he had reason to be angry over the treatment he experienced =
from Saul, David restrained himself because (he realized that Saul was =
imperfect and that God's servants must be forgiving; he had clearly in =
mind his relationship with Jehovah; he knew that it was wrong to be =
judgmental). (1 Sam. 24:6, 15) [w99 8/15 p. 8 par. 7]27. (Wisdom; Discipline; Righteousness) is a blend of many factors, =
including understanding, insight, shrewdness, andthinking ability; (goodness; understanding; good judgment) is the =
ability to see into a matter and discern its composition by grasping the =
connections between its parts and the whole, thus getting the sense of =
it. (Prov. 1:1-4) 17w99 9/15 p. 13 par. 2]28. Joseph's strength to resist the immoral advances of Potiphar's wife =
came from (his knowledge of the Law of Moses, which condemned =
fornication; a healthy fear of the weighty position of her husband; =
valuing his relationship with Jehovah). (Gen. 39:7-9) [w99 10/1 p.29 =
par. 3]29. The writer of Psalm 119 obviously had deep appreciation for (the =
word, or law, of God; the gift of life; the prospect of salvation), =
which is mentioned in nearly all of the psalm's verses. [Weekly Bible =
reading; see w99 li/i p. 9 par. 5; w87 3/15 P. 24 par. 2.]30. In the first two chapters of Paul's letter to the (Romans; =
Galatians; Hebrews), we find a number of quotations from the Psalms =
respecting the (superior position; baptism; earthly ministry) of Jesus =
Christ. [si p. 105 par. 28]Match the following scriptures to the statements listed below:
Prov. 2:19; 14:15; 18:17; Rom. 10:17;
Heb. 13:18
31. To acquire faith, a person must first find out what the Bible says =
and examine it carefully. [rs p.130 par. 3]32. Christians cannot adopt business practices that are dishonest or =
that ignore thelegitimate interests of others. [w99 9/15
p. 10 par. 2]
33. Those committing sexual immorality may reach the point of no return, =
namely death, before it is possible to recover. [w99 11/15 p. 27 pars. =
4-5]34. A wise and discerning person weighs the consequences of his actions =
and does not blindly follow some new trend simply because it is popular. =
[Weekly Bible reading; see g94 12/8 p. 16 par. 1.]35. Even though a person's argument may sound plausible and right, it is =
wise to hear both sides of a matter before coming to a conclusion. [si =
p. 111 par. 36] Proverbs 18;17 The one first in his legal case is =
righteous; his fellow comes in and certainly searches -
The Russell/Mason debate
by NikL ini have noticed there is some debate on this board about russell and whether he was a mason or not.
some say he is a part of a conspiracy others say it is nonesence.. i am, to be quite honest, not sure where i fit in this.
i do find it interesting that russell is buried under a pyramid in the masonic section of a grave yard.
Wow mad,
You called me an ass and you don't even know me. You say I am whining when I say you attacked me. I can see that no matter what I say you will just revert to name calling and bullying. What is the point of geting into a war of words? You are just as bad an the most dogmatic JW I have ever dealt with. Because of you I am re-considering my visiting this site. I don't need abuse. What do you want from me? To say I was wrong or that I didn't have correct information? Why the name calling? What are you so dogmatic on this issue that you attack someone who you know nothing about who may have been your friend if I knew you personally? In the long run it means nothing we are still dealing with an unchristian organisation and "YES" that's my opinion though I can't proove it. -
The Russell/Mason debate
by NikL ini have noticed there is some debate on this board about russell and whether he was a mason or not.
some say he is a part of a conspiracy others say it is nonesence.. i am, to be quite honest, not sure where i fit in this.
i do find it interesting that russell is buried under a pyramid in the masonic section of a grave yard.
Hi Charles,
I don't know who Springmeier is.
I think what you are saying is that for apostates to believe something untrue of WT history and spreading it is detrimental to us because they can turn around and say how they believe. Is this what you are saying?
Again I never made the claim that he was a Mason, only that looking back there are some things that gave me pause for thought personaly.
I am not out to convince anyone one way or the other. I am on a quest for personal knowlege and it feels like I was attacked by Mad. It kind of pisses me off when I was simply asking a question. Almost like going to the kingdom hall and asking the elders about the UN thing. :-)
What I believe about the masons and all of that crap goes way beyond anything I wish to discuss here. -
The Russell/Mason debate
by NikL ini have noticed there is some debate on this board about russell and whether he was a mason or not.
some say he is a part of a conspiracy others say it is nonesence.. i am, to be quite honest, not sure where i fit in this.
i do find it interesting that russell is buried under a pyramid in the masonic section of a grave yard.
Are you refering to me Mad?
I was not trying to say anything about illuminati, only that there appears to be some connection between Russell and the Masons. The preceeding seems to lend some creedence to that though I am having to take the writer at their word so really there is still no proof.
This seems to be a hot issue with you. Why is that? You seem to have an ax to grind over this and get really bothered if someone thinks otherwise. Perhaps you can enlighten us and I again ask you to do so if it wouldn't be too inconvenient. :) -
The Russell/Mason debate
by NikL ini have noticed there is some debate on this board about russell and whether he was a mason or not.
some say he is a part of a conspiracy others say it is nonesence.. i am, to be quite honest, not sure where i fit in this.
i do find it interesting that russell is buried under a pyramid in the masonic section of a grave yard.
Okay Mad,
I don't have the time unfortunately to go in depth into the reasons that I have the "opinion" that Russell was a Mason. I can't proove a thing. Is that better? Make more sence? I am asking what your reasons are for your "opinion" as to why you think he was not. I really want to know, I don't want to argue or anything I am just curious.
We form our opinions by what we see and our experience in life. What I might view as evidence or proof you may not. What are the things that lead you to your opinion? I am sure you have answered it already here somewhere but I am a hit or miss reader on this board and I miss a lot. -
The Russell/Mason debate
by NikL ini have noticed there is some debate on this board about russell and whether he was a mason or not.
some say he is a part of a conspiracy others say it is nonesence.. i am, to be quite honest, not sure where i fit in this.
i do find it interesting that russell is buried under a pyramid in the masonic section of a grave yard.
Hi Mad,
Well, any evidence I speak of is obviously not first hand. I have never been to Pitsburgh nor have I seen the grave site. I am relying on accounts from others and in my little world I take everything with a grain of salt anyway. This includes my conclusions. If I come to some understanding and later find it is in error, I have the gift to abandon all of my previous erronious thoughts and go in the direction to which the newly aquired evidence or knowlege points.
If you can give solid prrof that Russell was not
a Mason I would love to see it.
while you ask me for proof which I do not have, you have not provided proof for the viewpoint that you are so strong in putting forth, namely that Russell was not and never was a Mason.
All I can say, it that in my reading of Masonic literature, there seems to be a simularity in many ways in believing that pyramids are somehow able to help break a code for telling the future and prophesy.
Many of the symbols used in early Watchtower publications were Masonic in nature. You may argue this point but our arguments don't matter if neither of us has any definate proof. For whatever reasons you have come to the conclusion that there is no masonic connection. I on the other hand, feel there might be. If someone can give proof that there is no connection then I will gladly take your side on this issue.
Does anybody have it? -
The Russell/Mason debate
by NikL ini have noticed there is some debate on this board about russell and whether he was a mason or not.
some say he is a part of a conspiracy others say it is nonesence.. i am, to be quite honest, not sure where i fit in this.
i do find it interesting that russell is buried under a pyramid in the masonic section of a grave yard.
I have noticed there is some debate on this board about Russell and whether he was a mason or not. Some say he is a part of a conspiracy others say it is nonesence.
I am, to be quite honest, not sure where I fit in this. I do find it interesting that Russell is buried under a pyramid in the Masonic section of a grave yard. Is this proof? Well, could you get your loved one buried in a masonic cemetary if they weren't a mason? Could you do it in the early part of the 20th century when Masons were more powerful?
I have read some masonic literature from the 1800s (My grandfather was a 33rd degree member)and they mention Jehovah quite often. The whole system for interpreting the prophesies using pyramidology is masonic in nature. I think the evidence points to a masonic connection but I would love to hear evidence or reasoning as to why certain ones believe Russell was NOT a mason. -
Poetry JW style. Yuk!
by NikL inhere is an example of what passes for thought provoking poetry among the dubs.
(try not to hurl).... of all my years as a witness, the times were not always good.. too many mistakes were being made, the brothers not doing what they should.. as i look back now there are times, i can recall, when i did not even look forward to going to the kingdom hall.. the brothers showed no love.. they didn't seem to care.. the elders were unyielding, demanding and unfair.. meetings were dull and boring; field service was a chore.. there wasn't much of a "pioneer spirit,".
while going from door to door.. it would not get any better, as i hoped it would.. i knew the day was coming when i would leave jehovah's house for good.. but happily, it's so different now, jehovah has been so kind.. he has allowed me a wonderful congregation to find.. the spirit is so strong here.. the brothers really care.. i couldn't be more happy if i were anywhere!.
Here is an example of what passes for thought provoking poetry among the dubs. (Try not to hurl)...
Of all my years as a Witness, the times were not always good.
Too many mistakes were being made, the brothers not doing what they should.As I look back now there are times, I can recall, when I did not even look forward to going to the Kingdom Hall.
The brothers showed no love.
They didn't seem to care.
The elders were unyielding, demanding and unfair.Meetings were dull and boring; field service was a chore.
There wasn't much of a "Pioneer spirit,"
while going from door to door.It would not get any better, as I hoped it would.
I knew the day was coming when I would leave Jehovah's house for good.But happily, it's so different now, Jehovah has been so kind.
He has allowed me a wonderful congregation to find.The spirit is so strong here.
The brothers really care.
I couldn't be more happy if I were anywhere!Life in Jehovah's organization is just as I would dream, but don't get me wrong; things are not as they would seem.
You see, I'm part of the same congregation, and I go to the same Hall.
I fellowship with the same brothers and sisters, same elder body and all.No, the changes that were made are not as they seem, for all the changes made were changes in ME.
Now I love the whole brotherhood -- No other in the world to find, Instead of being critical, I try to be loving, forgiving, and kind.
I realize we are all imperfect, it's plain now for me to see.
While I was learning to put up with my brothers, they were putting up with me!We are all part of Jehovah's one flock, and that's where I want to be.
Why, if my brothers are good enough for Jehovah, then they're good enough for me. -
Mispronunciations at the meetings
by TR inmoxy raised a point in the "exaggeration" thread that aggravated me at the meetings.
moxy mentioned the word 'hyperbole' as frequently being mispronounced.. another one that bugged me was 'epitome'.
One that always gets to me, it happened the other night at the service meeting as a matter of fact, the congregation was asked to turn their bibles to Ecclesiastiks. LOL