Punk: i really do. I think as a consequence of bable, we have not only confused tongues and confused beliefs, as well as confused mindsets, as I hope nicolaou sees in my statements. Allah, is the same as the Jewish and Christian God (trinity aside). Buddha was actually a man that was Christian, many people don't know or refuse to believe that. I work with a roommate of a Buddhist that can confirm this. Just like an old junkie told me one time about vehicles, "there's good and bad in all of em, just 'pends on how ya take care of em" same with beliefs. People want to be separated by them instead. We all got something right, but a lot of things wrong. In any faith or even from those who chose not to have a faith. We can all learn so much from each other. I'm not talking about one world religion don't get me wrong. But the bickering is just nonsensical. "I'm right your wrong" blah blah blah. My mom told me when I was growing up that not all jws would make it through Armageddon, and that there would be many people of different faiths that I wouldn't think that would make it. And my first girlfriends aunt told me that life is about choices and consequences, you just have to make sure you chose the right path but own up to the consequences either way. And my 2rd roommates, both lesbians, told me once that they thought they would burn for being who they are. I showed them in scripture that they were better than most Christians I knew.
You know part of your dilemma is the same as my brothers in a way. To much music, nkt enough time for it all. Maaaaaaan if you could talk to him he could teach you a thing or two about music history and bands and so much more. He'd have his own record store if he knew what was good for him. But its the same with faiths. To many of them to spend your life learning them all to see whats right. So I just learn here and there from everyone I can to do as Roman's 12:2 says. Prove to yourself. Because they all have somethings right. Not everything. But somethings