Stan: im a supervisor where i work,, and after watching over a warehouse of insufferable people who chose not to get along every day and quenching the fires day in and day out, along with forcing myself to try to teach others to be calm its not the only bullet I've taken its just the one that set me off.
And freemail: thanks I know, you found the plot hole congrats. But let me tell you something. I don't care if your legless, missing in eye, autistic, got polio or what, don't yell at a clerk doing her job and make her cry. There were two pricks, I was one of them. I don't know about other countries, but here in America disability is an excuse for a lot of people not to work. Most folks, especially here in the 417 (meth capitol of the world for those who don't know) who are on disability are just cheating the government. this man had no crutches no chair, no speech impediment, all the limbs in the right places (had shorts and short sleeves on so no fake limbs that I could see), eyes that both looked forward and could see good enough to drive, all his teeth and everything that told me he was able bodied. Maybe there's something internally wrong with the guy, who knows, but whatever is wrong with you doesn't excuse treating a customer service worker like shit. Did I defend the girl in the wrong way? Yes, already established. Did I learn from this? Yes, already established. Did the other man learn anything? Not likely because this is his second attempt at the same thing hoping for different results, the common definition of insanity, and just like most Americans, his first justification at treating people like shit was because he has an ailment. It gives him the right to. Doesn't work in my book but feel free to stick around for part two. Most likely there will be his attempt number 3 at the exact same thing. Maybe ill be there again