I used to have two copies of this. I gave one to my sister as one of her Christmas presents (oh the irony!), and the other I gave to another ex-jw. My sister was many years out at the time, but was still struggling badly with subconscious apocalypse syndrome (I just made that one up).
Unfortunately, they are have been out of print for a while and the person who bought the copyright hasn't got around to arranging a re-print. Hopefully, the copyright hasn't been re-sold to the JW organisation, as I imagine they might pay a decent price for it.
It was the book that started my sister's recovery. I had already debunked the myths by the time I bought the books. I had to wait several months for them to be shipped from the USA and when I received them, they had been opened (and re-sealed) by Customs & Excise. At the time, I think there was an import duty on books, but not if they were deemed 'educational material'. I guess that reading them must have been pretty educational for someone at the Customs Office.