Many people's "research" consists of skimming through a highly-opinionated tabloid newspaper whose owner has a history of jumping into bed with right-wing governments.
JoinedPosts by Gargamel
One Thing I Don't Get About Brexit
by JW_Rogue inhow did such a weighty decision get put directly in the hands on the average citizen?
and with only a simple majority required?
in the usa the biggest thing that people vote on directly is city building projects or infrastructure.
One Thing I Don't Get About Brexit
by JW_Rogue inhow did such a weighty decision get put directly in the hands on the average citizen?
and with only a simple majority required?
in the usa the biggest thing that people vote on directly is city building projects or infrastructure.
Although huge swathes of the British electorate don't take the trouble to inform themselves, it's also true that polarised media coverage hampers such attempts anyway. But what is the alternative? We once had a society where only male land-owners above 35? could vote. Before that it was even worse. Gradually, more and more people were allowed a vote; there would have been revolution if, having made massive sacrifices in wars, the ordinary person had no say in who ran the country.
To make a basic IQ test to determine who can vote would be a slippery slope back to the dark ages.
Leaving the EU could cause me even bigger financial problems than those I have already, but that is what the people want and I must find a way around that. I also believe it is a massive blunder ideologically speaking, but my visions are different from the majority.
Dodgy poetry
by Gargamel init is a stretch to call my dodgy poetry 'entertainment' but i wasn't sure where else to put it.. .
self-fulfilling prophecy.
Spare ... Child
'Spare the rod, spoil the child,'
smiled the suited man
behind his Bible,
through bottle-bottom glasses.
Congregation nodded, staring,
preparing for the after-meeting beating. -
Dodgy poetry
by Gargamel init is a stretch to call my dodgy poetry 'entertainment' but i wasn't sure where else to put it.. .
self-fulfilling prophecy.
[no more roast beef]atop white cliffs of Dover
lemmings admire view
long jump to freedom
Serena Williams provocative with Beyoncé.
by 2+2=5 inanyone seen sister williams working her assests on the latest beyonce video?
what's the go, surely she is not a declared jw?.
she needs some serious council from jehovah, and i'm guessing bro sammy herd wouldn't mind being on that little committee.. the song is called "sorry".
I can't vouch for this, but the poster was a respected JWR member.
It appears that the Williams sisters, although still religious, walked away from being active JWs many years ago. It was a childhood thing that became redundant for them in early adulthood.
Dodgy poetry
by Gargamel init is a stretch to call my dodgy poetry 'entertainment' but i wasn't sure where else to put it.. .
self-fulfilling prophecy.
[tightrope walker]
delicately unbalanced
chips on both shoulders
I say 'no!', but someone's right to believe it deserves respect so long as it harms no other.
Dodgy poetry
by Gargamel init is a stretch to call my dodgy poetry 'entertainment' but i wasn't sure where else to put it.. .
self-fulfilling prophecy.
Sir82. Is that by the Vogons? :) Looks vaguely familiar.
Don't want people gnawing off their arms, do we now?
Dodgy poetry
by Gargamel init is a stretch to call my dodgy poetry 'entertainment' but i wasn't sure where else to put it.. .
self-fulfilling prophecy.
It is a stretch to call my dodgy poetry 'entertainment' but I wasn't sure where else to put it.
self-fulfilling prophecy
Is it true that
if you fear,
the world appears
to turn its hurt
upon your ears?
And if misused
from early age,
abused by others’ rage,
it’s bruises you exude?
And when you dare to doubt
they shout and scare,
tearing at your will
and say they ‘care’.
But when no-one hears
your anguished cries,
memories languish
in latent spaces,
where lonely tears
bleed upon
tomorrow’s seedlings.
Message from Designer Stubble to the former JWR members
by Designer Stubble inmessage from designer stubble to the former jwr members.
first of all i am glad to see that many of you have found your way to this great forum, facilitated by simon.
i am sure that after the dust of the jwr shutdown has settled, you will find this to be a good new home.. i would like to apologize for the sudden closure of jwr.
Good stuff DS. I did have suspicion of some sock puppetry going on, but could never be certain.
My only beef was about not being able to obtain contact details for a few members - since mostly resolved thanks to here and facebook; there are a few members with whom I have common interests other than the jws. It would have been nice to be able to download a few of the more humorous images too, but I can live with that.
At least my dodgy poetry has survived the cull as I do keep copies of things like that :)
I won't be participating nearly as much on exJW stuff - I spend too much time on the internet generally too. I use it more for work stuff and self-education these days.
Best wishes to you.