@Terry, dark mode is white text on black. It saves battery.
Not to be confused with the dark web, that has to do with encryption and anonymity.
i view this site on my mobile browser and would prefer to use it in dark mode (white text on black background).
dark mode helps conserve battery on an oled display used on most phones.
how do i enable it for this site?
@Terry, dark mode is white text on black. It saves battery.
Not to be confused with the dark web, that has to do with encryption and anonymity.
i heard of a jw wedding that:.
(a)wasn’t done in a kh, and was performed by an elder.
(b)the ceremony was done on a sunday.. i find this surprising for 2 reasons.
As an elder I officiated for weddings at a different venue at times, or at the home of family once, but most weddings were at the KH then reception elsewhere. And yes there are a lot of rules for using the KH, especially if you plan on moving chairs or putting up any decorations, usually only flowers. And also you have to write a letter to the BOE's service committee and they meet and decide to grant the privilege or not. When they don't grant the use of the hall then the couple is stuck with having to hold the ceremony elsewhere, usually at the same place as the reception.
i view this site on my mobile browser and would prefer to use it in dark mode (white text on black background).
dark mode helps conserve battery on an oled display used on most phones.
how do i enable it for this site?
While we eagerly await such functionality, thanks Simon, one can install a browser extension to browse sites in dark mode. Search the Chrome webstore if you would like to experience this forum in dark mode through installing a browser extension on Chrome. Other browsers also have their own extension stores with similar plugins.
what the jw sect has become and is slowly becoming is far more near what i thought could be a good religion based on the bible.. no more counting hours and no more blindly following direction now they admit they are not inspired.. i would like to design a new sect inside the jws.
it has to be kept secret because the elders would not like it.. this new sect involves giving a tick every month or so saying you are still kindof active talking about the bible.. going to meetings occasionally and attending on zoom sometimes.
very rarely go to ministry groups but don’t ever do first call, just say you are doing street work and have a nice walk somewhere maybe the shops or the park.
And the purpose of staying in would be what? To continue association with hardcore JWs?
Why would just leaving and seeking fellowship with other Christian groups not be better? Because you agree with some of the doctrines and not others?
Are you just interested in a JW-lite option with all the warm-feelies and none of the shunning?
If you are caught non-shunning you'll be made to account and maybe kicked out if you persist. So why bother staying in? What is the motivation?
am i being mean, thinking that travelling overseers should get a part-time job like paul did, in order to not be a burden to the congregation?
i wouldn't put my hand up when we were asked to raise it if we were happy to give £50 from congregation funds to the c.o.
so that he could take his wife out for a meal.
Years ago when they got rid of DO's it was leaked here and in other platforms that they were planning to make all CO's part time as the now subCO's are. Local, well connected, and very loyal elders would be used to do the visits and oversight of circuits. The goal was to distance the Org from directly seeming to control the congregations. However, it did not get fully implemented although it was tried out in some places, like in New England, for a brief time where some congregations in NE only had subCO's for a few visits.
It was decided not to go with the plan, probably because the scene was changing and it was becoming legally helpful to keep a Roman Catholic hierarchical structure in place.
Where is EasyPrompt getting the numbers?
From a very earnest but naive Biblically misinterpreted sort of wishful thinking, I believe.
embedded in the cleveland ohio convention.
pre covid attendance was always 7k+ this year 4500.. 37baptised mixed bag.
less then half were children.. as far as patience goes, it can certainly help you be a better person when dealing with others but needless to say, this having patience waiting for jehovah is pure b.s.!
Thanks for the report, Nowwhat.
The Amhest, MA Convention was mostly cong's from CT.
Pre-covid there would have been over 5k in attendance but this past weekend barely 3k showed up, even on Sunday.
the watchtower is officially in the renovation business now (no more building) because the "brothers"(freemasonic scum of pensylvania?
) know best 🤣🤣🤣.
***from the latest watchtower article 07/12/23.
because the "brothers"(Freemasonic scum of Pensylvania
Okay now Mr Frantzypants, why do you even think "the brothers" are Freemasonic and scum? It sounds rather like you are besmirching Freemasons without reason. Call the brothers scum if you will, but why mention Freemasons? It just makes you sound like a conspiracy monger.
Many of the USA founding fathers were Freemasons, the same ones who signed the Declaration of Independence and gave us here our Constitution. I would not call those men scum for being Freemasons, far from it, they remain our heroes of liberty and independence.
Your prejudice shows and is sickeningly pathetic. Grow up man, learn some history.
conclusion to harners thesis: https://digilander.libero.it/domingo7/h7.jpg.
in 1973 a scholar by the name of philip b harner published an article in the journal of biblical literature that would be "revolutionary" he concluded that anarthorous predicate nouns preceeding the verb were primarily qualitative in nature.. in my view harner was correct, though he didn't agree with the "a god" rendering he also disliked the "god" rendering in john 1:1c providing an alternative which bibles like the net have paraphrased (to my knowledge).
one he didn't cover in his thesis was john 5:27 i would say this "authoratative" why?
Psalm 82 is not talking about human judges. It is a Divine Council scene. God Almighty is calling to account the Sons of God that He placed over mankind as judges. They failed and perverted justice, therefore they will die like men do for their wickedness. God Almighty calls upon one who will inherit the nations, i.e. a Divine being, a god, and the one foretold to do that is none other than the Son. Look up Michael S. Heiser's Unseen Realm or also Supernatural. Hey, even The Bible Project videos get it right!
YHWH is an Elohim, but no other Elohim is like YHWH.
original reddit post (removed).
You can put an extension on your browser that brings back the number of thumbs down on youtube and shows you the totals