this piece of cheese?
this piece of cheese?
im on my phone, so im really limited.
i came out to my family about my doubts and my sexuality.
shit hit the fan.
Glad to hear your well Magotan. I just read your story and while I'm happy for you that you got out, it's too bad about you family.
I often wonder if there is going to be a mass realization that this cult is so full of shit and how these people will feel when they recall how they treated their fellow family and friends. Shame that they would put an organization ahead of blood. 😡
i propose that we make pintrest accounts and start openly challenging this crap.. .
seriously.... any suggestions?
this crap cannot be left unchallenged.
"window cleaning squeegee"
LOL Punk you made my day with that one!!
These poor kids getting trapped at such a young age. What's sad is when I do go to the kingdom hell I see these sad faces kids all over. I'm so glad my kids won't be raised in this disgusting cult!!
at the risk of revealing how i waste my time on youtube, is that a brother praying after about 45 seconds into this video?
what on earth is he doing?
have you heard that old chestnut?
i have.. typically it's the last resort when you have dismantled a jws beliefs and they have no way of defending them.
they know they are beat so they come out with that one.. its effectively an admission that you are right and they have no argument but they are still going to attend meetings because they like the social club.. what a lame way to defend your faith..
observing our local unemployed pioneers and how long they take to get to their first or next call, usually taking the longest route to get to one they know won't be there anyway.
along the way it's gossipy this and that.
as a young witness married couple in the 1990's we knew "this generation" of 1914 did not have long to go!
oh how cute a young pioneer couple we were.
we wont have kids till "afew more years pass" and we are in the new system.
The wife and I waited to children too because we figured the world didn't have much longer to go. Feeling pretty dumb now knowing the truth of the matter.
I hope everything works out well for you and the wifey as you try to have little ones. We are going to have another try at it in a few months and are very exited.
Just don't raise them in this piece of garbage cult.
hi everyone.. thanks for the welcome a few days ago, it was nice to hear your support.. this is a pure speculation thread, but what do you think the next changes are going to be?.
will we see tything come into play?.
more evangelical style meetings?.
Half Banana you make a good point. They simply cannot dump the 1914 tale because of what Rubber Face said. There is more proof of that than proof there is wind for Gods sake!!! Why can't we see that?!!
Wind people!!!!😂😂😂
hi everyone.. thanks for the welcome a few days ago, it was nice to hear your support.. this is a pure speculation thread, but what do you think the next changes are going to be?.
will we see tything come into play?.
more evangelical style meetings?.