JoinedPosts by Darkknight757
What's next?
by Grey Goose inhi everyone.. thanks for the welcome a few days ago, it was nice to hear your support.. this is a pure speculation thread, but what do you think the next changes are going to be?.
will we see tything come into play?.
more evangelical style meetings?.
@SadElder LOL never saw that but I see what your saying.The last round of conventions had what, 40 some video presentations? All at the height of inferiority and people ate it up. With the video screens coming to the Kingdom Halls, the GB can possibly make meeting nights like a night out to the movies. $h1ty songs and all. -
What's next?
by Grey Goose inhi everyone.. thanks for the welcome a few days ago, it was nice to hear your support.. this is a pure speculation thread, but what do you think the next changes are going to be?.
will we see tything come into play?.
more evangelical style meetings?.
One thing that seems to be happening is the quality of Elders is rapidly going downhill. It's been said in many congregations that the more "engaging and enthusiastic" elders seem to be dropping like flies. Either it's because they are getting burned out, becoming discouraged due to all the recent changes, or they are suffering poor health.
It seems to me that if this trend continues the organization is going to have a real problem in the area of teaching. Perhaps that is why they are constantly recycling the same old crusty "spiritual food" and dumbing down the meetings. This way any goofball with a tongue and lips can conduct meeting parts.
Constant out-of-context quoting; how do Writing dept. cope with that?
by Anders Andersen ini am just wondering here: almost every single quote in jw literature for which a source can be found, is taken out of context..
personally, i have checked almost every quote in the 5-questions brochure, some on dating and the cross in reasoning book, and some in magazine articles i found interesting..
just checked the "they envisioned a universe subject to whims of gods" quote in the feb 2016 awake..
I'll have to check it out after I'm done with "Your Inner Fish", which by the way is an excellent book!!
Didnt know that about Fracis Collins, never heard of him. Don't pay too much attention to what comes from the Vatican. 😬
Personally it's been interesting looking at all the evidence which proves the modern human being has been here for much longer than 6000 years. Perhaps one day the wts with shed another light bulb on that teaching??😂
Constant out-of-context quoting; how do Writing dept. cope with that?
by Anders Andersen ini am just wondering here: almost every single quote in jw literature for which a source can be found, is taken out of context..
personally, i have checked almost every quote in the 5-questions brochure, some on dating and the cross in reasoning book, and some in magazine articles i found interesting..
just checked the "they envisioned a universe subject to whims of gods" quote in the feb 2016 awake..
Dark Knight there are scientists who believe in God , Francis Collins , former head of the Human Genome Project , for one . He is fully conversant with the theory of evolution .
I honestly didn't realise that. I haven't been studying evolution and science for too long but that's interesting. What I do notice is that wts often does quote spin individuals who do not believe in a creator. -
I was ashamed
by Happeanna ini was once a person who believed in god destroying 7 billion people so a few people could live in paradise.. when the penny finally dropped and i realised what as a jehovah's witnesses i was really praying for , it made me feel sick.
what is attractive about a person that prays for this world to end .
i was ashamed to have been a witness deeply ashamed .
Thinking about the kingdom prayer was a factor in waking me up and when I explained this fact to my wife she was shocked. She had never thought of it like that before. Rarely do we ever put two and two together. -
Constant out-of-context quoting; how do Writing dept. cope with that?
by Anders Andersen ini am just wondering here: almost every single quote in jw literature for which a source can be found, is taken out of context..
personally, i have checked almost every quote in the 5-questions brochure, some on dating and the cross in reasoning book, and some in magazine articles i found interesting..
just checked the "they envisioned a universe subject to whims of gods" quote in the feb 2016 awake..
They must think that the normal j-dub isn't going to take the time to look up the original quote.
I was always personally amazed that scientists who taught evolution believed in a creator, until I found out that those quotes were taken out of context to make it appear so.
Memorial Invitation
by sloppyjoe2 inhow do you faders/inactive handle being asked to the memorial by family?
Such a boring meeting. You've been to one, you've been to them all.
Honestly just tell whomever is asking that your going to a different one with an old friend. Yes it's a lie but why waste a perfectly good night at the most boring night of the year?
Memorial Invitation
by sloppyjoe2 inhow do you faders/inactive handle being asked to the memorial by family?
Ask what day is on then say you have plans. -
Ex elders vs. Current elders
by dothemath inin our congregation there are now more ex-elders than current ones.
(probably very common).
what i notice most of all, is that the ones who were the best speakers (we actually had some good ones) are the ones who have all stepped down.. i'm of the opinion the better teachers recognize its all a joke, and can't be bothered to reach out again.. so the ones left who are taking the lead are the most boring ones available.
That has been the case in the hall I am currently attending. There is an almost 50/50 split elder to ex-elder. Many of whom were fearless and very persuasive speakers. -
Office Jargon, drives me nuts
by punkofnice in'granular' seems to be the latest buzz word going around my office.
previously it was 'appetite'.. abstract words that appear to be designed to make the person saying it appear powerful and part of the 'team'.. as lord sugar has observed before; why not just speak english and say what you mean.. office jargon really annoys me.
i had enough loaded language and jargon in the disgusting jw cult..
Not sure if this would qualify as "office jargon" but my boss uses the term "power flat" to describe a stabilizing land we put on the edge of some of the cutters we make in the shop. The term sounds retardified.