Village Idiot: The law of Karma works both ways. Yes, the police are having to deal with this rioting because of what they did.
But also, for all the individuals gunned down by police, beaten up by police, etc. one thing remains constant: 99% of them were in that position because of their actions outside the rules of society.
By all means, condemn the police for criminal actions and abuse of authority.
But do not dismiss the fact that the victim would not have been in that position to begin with if he had decided not to break the law and exploit other victims.
PS: Yes I know I'm making another post when I said I wouldn't, but please, people, don't defend idiotic cry babies throwing a tantrum and destroying private property.
You know why you never see rioting in Texas after injustices like this take place here? Because private property owners here have guns and use them. And you know what? When there is an injustice here, it usually gets taken care of through the proper channels - or the guy gets ostracized by the entire community and ends up having to leave town in disgrace.