However, the straw poll shows that the majority of the respondents (lurkers or not) are definitely over 40.
It likewise shows the majority are under 50. lol
Don't you love statistics?
i'm quite interested in knowing the average age of those of us who use this forum.
i made a quick strawpoll that you can find at the following link: just pick an age and click "vote" if you wish to participate.. admins: if this breaks any rules, i apologize in advance..
However, the straw poll shows that the majority of the respondents (lurkers or not) are definitely over 40.
It likewise shows the majority are under 50. lol
Don't you love statistics?
SoCal101: My dad refused to allow my brother to play the drums because it was "not a musical instrument"!
I'll have to remember that excuse when my kid wants to play the drums.
I, personally, would refuse to allow him to.
Not because of some religion, but because I don't want the racket in my house.
i'm quite interested in knowing the average age of those of us who use this forum.
i made a quick strawpoll that you can find at the following link: just pick an age and click "vote" if you wish to participate.. admins: if this breaks any rules, i apologize in advance..
there is a huge difference between been religious and been spiritual.
been religious is about been superior to others in the sight of god.
however, been spiritual is about self awareness, inner peace and unity with the natural world.
asked a friend of mine this question the other day.
here was his answer: "well, because paul said, 'all scripture is inspired of god...'".
but seriously, that argument is like saying, "the bible is inspired because it says so!
Asked a friend of mine this question the other day. (Of course, I said "we" instead of JW's.)
Here was his answer: "Well, because Paul said, 'all scripture is inspired of god...'"
I said, "Oh okay."
But seriously, that argument is like saying, "the bible is inspired because it says so!"
there is a huge difference between been religious and been spiritual.
been religious is about been superior to others in the sight of god.
however, been spiritual is about self awareness, inner peace and unity with the natural world.
Ok so what I'd bhrama kumeris? I've never heard of it??
"I'm shocked, SHOCKED, to find that gambling is going on in here."
there is a huge difference between been religious and been spiritual.
been religious is about been superior to others in the sight of god.
however, been spiritual is about self awareness, inner peace and unity with the natural world.
You'll be fine so long as you never form an opinion on anything and be so bold as to post it.
It seems to me that what gets her going is when someone forms an opinion on something and then posts it as fact.
In learning to strip off my irrational old personality, I realize that there is a big difference between stating an opinion and stating an opinion as fact.
If you're going to state it as fact, rationally, you better have the evidence to back it up.
For example, I, for whatever reason, still hold some irrational opinions. Like I am not convinced that the climate change we're seeing is completely the fault of mankind. However, I can't prove that it isn't, and science has data to say it is likely that it is caused by man. So, me posting that statement as fact is gonna get Viviane all riled up.
However, I don't think she'll say I can't have that opinion, even if she views it as wrong and incorrect and irrational (which, admittedly, it is irrational).
there is a huge difference between been religious and been spiritual.
been religious is about been superior to others in the sight of god.
however, been spiritual is about self awareness, inner peace and unity with the natural world.
n.(or adj), the way a person is when they uncritically believe unsubstantiated or unfounded ideas. Short for "woo woo".(See Russell's definition of woo woo)
Shirley believes that in a past life she was the Jolly Green Giant of Rainbowland. Shirley is very woo.
I have never heard that expression in my entire life. Wow.
there is a huge difference between been religious and been spiritual.
been religious is about been superior to others in the sight of god.
however, been spiritual is about self awareness, inner peace and unity with the natural world.
That's not being "spiritual" at all. You don't get to define me in terms of woo.
Can I just ask, what the hell is "woo?" I thought it was a typo earlier in the thread.
there is a huge difference between been religious and been spiritual.
been religious is about been superior to others in the sight of god.
however, been spiritual is about self awareness, inner peace and unity with the natural world.
Deltawave: Spirituality is a misnomer for what you're talking about.
What you're talking about is just being a principled and decent being.
Now, if you believe in something beyond the synapses and neurons in our brain, you're talking about religion again.