I can't see it officially being a disfellowshipping offense...
Although I could see it being one of those things that calls your "exemplariness" into question.
in a post at the exjw sub-reddit a user, ursusaractus, posted a link to a site showing a secret ossuary/mausoleum built a few years after the chiba assembly hall was constructed.. http://buta.exjw2.org/noukotudo/noukotudo.htm.
as to why this is of note, he said in part:.
in japan, cremation is the norm for burials, and most either inter the ashes in a family plot (with many other deceased relatives) in a buddhist ceremony, or bring them home to be placed on the family buddhist altar.
I can't see it officially being a disfellowshipping offense...
Although I could see it being one of those things that calls your "exemplariness" into question.
ok again i would like to apologise as i did come across preachy.
i am not going to debate whether or not i am a bk as you have your opinions either way.
what i was trying to write though was my thoughts and feelings which i hope don't offend anyone on this forum.
Does that also mean that we can blame God for all of the ugly things in the world? If not, why not?
That is an excellent question. No way to have a satisfying answer to that and still retain a belief in God.
ok again i would like to apologise as i did come across preachy.
i am not going to debate whether or not i am a bk as you have your opinions either way.
what i was trying to write though was my thoughts and feelings which i hope don't offend anyone on this forum.
I understand the aversion some have to using the word "spiritual."
But if you think about it in terms of say, having spirit, I think it could take on an acceptable meaning for me.
My definition:
Spiritual: of, relating to, being in high spirits.
When I meditate, it is a spiritual experience in that sense. I feel refreshed, renewed and my mind feels centered - my spirits are high.
Spiritual, when relating to your mind, in this sense is acceptable to me.
However, if it has anything to do with something outside the physical universe, like some kind of detached being, or that there's something innate in you that is your "spirit," I reject that definition outright for lack of evidence.
i hadn't seen this posted here yet.. source via wifibandit on exjw subreddit.. what are your thoughts/comments on this?.
ScenicViewer: Is this from a magazine? A Kingdom Ministry? What is the issue or date?
It is from the July issue of the Kingdom Ministry.
has anyone in the united states ever successfully gotten their publisher records from the society?
C Lynne: Welcome!
There's a lot of great stuff on here. There are even elders who leak information before the congregations even know about it.
- Your pal.
to all congregationsre: orchestral accompaniment for singing at congregation meetings.
dear brothers:.
many will find that the newly composed orchestral recordings are more inspiring andconducive to our worship than is piano music alone.
Thanks, PIXEL.
I love how apostates are more informed than the rank/file.
has anyone in the united states ever successfully gotten their publisher records from the society?
If they were in front of a committee the there would be a write up regarding the situation and its outcome.
Yeah, she went through a rough Judicial meeting along with an appeal.
so, the latest "kids" kingdom melody video is out.. here are some screenshots:.
yep, that's right, they showed a kid with a teddy bear getting baptized.. here's the video in full for documentation, if you can stomach it.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ellrtyj_maq.
So, the latest "kids" kingdom melody video is out.
Here are some screenshots:
Yep, that's right, they showed a kid with a teddy bear getting baptized.
Here's the video in full for documentation, if you can stomach it.
key quote:.
many believe that life came about by evolution.... ummmm, no...that's abiogenesis, not evolution.
no evolutionist says that "life came about by evolution.
Key quote:
Many believe that life came about by evolution...
Ummmm, no...that's abiogenesis, not evolution. No evolutionist says that "life came about by evolution."
has anyone in the united states ever successfully gotten their publisher records from the society?
_Morpheus: No, I could care less about my record. I know it sounds cliche, but I'm asking for a friend. (lol) She wants to hire an attorney and everything. She's after her "file." Not just her publisher card.
I told her she's wasting her time. That I believe those files are protected under the first amendment and she won't be able to get them in the US.