I got a Stephen King book from the school library. Tommyknockers.
Mom found it, grounded me, made me burn it and then reimburse the library out of my allowance.
as a very young child i have memories of several book burnings done by jw families.
it wasn't something arranged by the congregation, but elders did participate in it.
it was actually scary for me as a child of only about 8 years old.
I got a Stephen King book from the school library. Tommyknockers.
Mom found it, grounded me, made me burn it and then reimburse the library out of my allowance.
hi, for a couple of months now.
i stopped (after some 17 years) visiting meetings etc.
my intellect and conscience could not longer stand the lectures from the platform and in the magazines.
Maybe instead of being a "head" you should be a companion, a friend to her.
She'll likely enjoy the company of a friend more than a head and may someday wish to stay home and hang out with her friend instead of going to a meeting.
so i'm catching up on r rated movies that i missed when i was younger.
"they live!
" was on the el rey network the other day so decided to watch it.. it was kind of eerie watching this being a fader.. here's a guy living under a controlling regime of elites and only he can see the control measures for what they are.
So I'm catching up on R rated movies that I missed when I was younger.
"They live!" Was on the El Rey Network the other day so decided to watch it.
It was kind of eerie watching this being a fader.
Here's a guy living under a controlling regime of elites and only he can see the control measures for what they are. Here are some of the subliminal messages that he was surrounded with:
This guy wakes up, sees the BS for what it is (because of some awesome 80's sunglasses), and decides to kick ass and chew bubblegum....and he's all out of gum.
It was kind of therapeutic watching it and imagining that all the aliens were the Dark Lords of the Borg.
Just thought I'd share that story from yesterday. Haha!
Any of y'all ever seen this film?
how long did the flood last?how long can land vegetation survive submerged in seawater?how long can freshwater fish survive in saltwater?how old is human civilization?
what is the oldest settlement in south america?
how did those people get there from the middle east after the flood wiped out everything on the earth?.
all witnesses are ministers.
from the time a witness is baptized, they are considered ministers.
this religion is getting more ridiculous each passing day.
allow me to begin with a clarification: when i say i am one of jehovah's witnesses, i don't mean that i am an advocate of the watchtower society or a devotee of some of its more controversial false teachings.
i mean that i am a christian, a disciple of jesus christ dedicated to jehovah god, and who remains in union with my brothers and sisters who make up the family of faith that globally refers to itself as jehovah's witnesses.
some totally understand the distinction between the family of brothers and sisters and the corporate organization known as the watchtower society (wts).
Wow. I only commented twice on this thread and was in no way aggressive or insulting
...in 2 comments, I never once called your character into question.
In one comment, I did point out a logical fallacy and asked if certain statements Viviane made referring to you were true or false.
In a second comment, after being told I was wrong about the logical fallacy, I defended my position, very mildly, by honestly pointing out something that gave me the impression of an "ad hominem" fallacy.
Then, instead of responding, "Well, I can see how that came across. It wasn't my intention." You respond with, "I'll not be responding to...you from here on out...."
allow me to begin with a clarification: when i say i am one of jehovah's witnesses, i don't mean that i am an advocate of the watchtower society or a devotee of some of its more controversial false teachings.
i mean that i am a christian, a disciple of jesus christ dedicated to jehovah god, and who remains in union with my brothers and sisters who make up the family of faith that globally refers to itself as jehovah's witnesses.
some totally understand the distinction between the family of brothers and sisters and the corporate organization known as the watchtower society (wts).
For starters, what I wrote wasn't ad hominem. I was identifying the nature of Viviane's statements, not casting any aspersions on her character.
When your initial quote says that the negativity is "pathological," it does seem to rise to the level of calling someone's character into question.
how long did the flood last?how long can land vegetation survive submerged in seawater?how long can freshwater fish survive in saltwater?how old is human civilization?
what is the oldest settlement in south america?
how did those people get there from the middle east after the flood wiped out everything on the earth?.
How long did the flood last?
How long can land vegetation survive submerged in seawater?
How long can freshwater fish survive in saltwater?
How old is human civilization? What is the oldest settlement in south america? How did those people get there from the middle east after the flood wiped out everything on the earth?
allow me to begin with a clarification: when i say i am one of jehovah's witnesses, i don't mean that i am an advocate of the watchtower society or a devotee of some of its more controversial false teachings.
i mean that i am a christian, a disciple of jesus christ dedicated to jehovah god, and who remains in union with my brothers and sisters who make up the family of faith that globally refers to itself as jehovah's witnesses.
some totally understand the distinction between the family of brothers and sisters and the corporate organization known as the watchtower society (wts).
Thanks for demonstrating my point about the pathological negativity many exhibit on this forum.
Ad hominem.
- You posited a position that YOU don't agree with.
- You claim to be a JW, which requires 100% agreement (at least publicly) with the GB, a position you disagree with.
- You teach people the JW religion, yet discount it as false.
- You proclaim faith in Jesus and to teach the truth, yet are actively involved in and claim to be a member of a religion that teaches the opposite of Jesus and obvious falsehoods.
Are those statements true or not?
stuckinarut2: It's gonna be like the Matrix. Jehovah will just download that stuff into our brains.
Isn't it great how the solution to any problem or question is, "Oh, Jehovah will take care of it."