Are the pinkie rings on several Governing Body members and a Helper or two the same? In other words, are they wearing identical rings?
Just wondering.
No, they are not. Herd's ring is different than Lett's. That I know for sure.
oh man, i know i'm gonna catch flack for this.. everyone sees masonic conspiracies everywhere.. i am not a conspiracy theorist.
i don't honestly believe the governing body are freemasons.. yet, probably due to cruising this site and seeing all the masonic conspiracy threads, i saw this when looking for a shot of lett's pinky ring to show how he wore one in october, but then took it off in may to ask for money.. .
original is on the left, and on the right, i played with the brightness/contrast to get it to show up a little better.. what does the pattern on his ring look like to you?.
Are the pinkie rings on several Governing Body members and a Helper or two the same? In other words, are they wearing identical rings?
Just wondering.
No, they are not. Herd's ring is different than Lett's. That I know for sure.
oh man, i know i'm gonna catch flack for this.. everyone sees masonic conspiracies everywhere.. i am not a conspiracy theorist.
i don't honestly believe the governing body are freemasons.. yet, probably due to cruising this site and seeing all the masonic conspiracy threads, i saw this when looking for a shot of lett's pinky ring to show how he wore one in october, but then took it off in may to ask for money.. .
original is on the left, and on the right, i played with the brightness/contrast to get it to show up a little better.. what does the pattern on his ring look like to you?.
Here's a link to the full resolution photo. This forum seems to "crunch" the photo quality, especially on mobile.
oh man, i know i'm gonna catch flack for this.. everyone sees masonic conspiracies everywhere.. i am not a conspiracy theorist.
i don't honestly believe the governing body are freemasons.. yet, probably due to cruising this site and seeing all the masonic conspiracy threads, i saw this when looking for a shot of lett's pinky ring to show how he wore one in october, but then took it off in may to ask for money.. .
original is on the left, and on the right, i played with the brightness/contrast to get it to show up a little better.. what does the pattern on his ring look like to you?.
oh man, i know i'm gonna catch flack for this.. everyone sees masonic conspiracies everywhere.. i am not a conspiracy theorist.
i don't honestly believe the governing body are freemasons.. yet, probably due to cruising this site and seeing all the masonic conspiracy threads, i saw this when looking for a shot of lett's pinky ring to show how he wore one in october, but then took it off in may to ask for money.. .
original is on the left, and on the right, i played with the brightness/contrast to get it to show up a little better.. what does the pattern on his ring look like to you?.
Oh man, I know I'm gonna catch flack for this.
Everyone sees masonic conspiracies everywhere.
I am NOT a conspiracy theorist. I don't honestly believe the Governing Body are freemasons.
Yet, probably due to cruising this site and seeing all the masonic conspiracy threads, I saw this when looking for a shot of Lett's pinky ring to show how he wore one in October, but then took it off in May to ask for money.
Original is on the left, and on the right, I played with the brightness/contrast to get it to show up a little better.
What does the pattern on his ring look like to you?
lett you discarded your pinkie ring for the may broadcast.
in the october broadcast (the first of the "historic" set of seven broadcasts by members of the governing body) you wore a pinkie ring.
For the inquiring minds:
so i'm catching up on r rated movies that i missed when i was younger.
"they live!
" was on the el rey network the other day so decided to watch it.. it was kind of eerie watching this being a fader.. here's a guy living under a controlling regime of elites and only he can see the control measures for what they are.
Barrold: I saw Assault on Precinct 13 last night. Man, that was a great flick! It was like a zombie movie, but instead of fighting off zombies, they were fighting off street thugs.
I never saw the remake, and now that I've seen the original, I don't want to see the remake.
Simon: I could have sworn I'd seen The Andromeda Strain, but looking at the imdb, I don't think I have. Going to have to watch that one next...
so sat thru yet another "new light" session this past sunday.
as you may already know, it is a continuation of the previous study.
you know the speech... no more type/anti-type.
I skipped yesterday's meeting, thank goodness. But I did read the lesson a few months ago.
I did have a good chuckle, though, when reading Paragraph 9. Lots of opportunities for that stupid joke, "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!"
as a very young child i have memories of several book burnings done by jw families.
it wasn't something arranged by the congregation, but elders did participate in it.
it was actually scary for me as a child of only about 8 years old.
I got a Stephen King book from the school library. Tommyknockers.
Mom found it, grounded me, made me burn it and then reimburse the library out of my allowance.
hi, for a couple of months now.
i stopped (after some 17 years) visiting meetings etc.
my intellect and conscience could not longer stand the lectures from the platform and in the magazines.
Maybe instead of being a "head" you should be a companion, a friend to her.
She'll likely enjoy the company of a friend more than a head and may someday wish to stay home and hang out with her friend instead of going to a meeting.
so i'm catching up on r rated movies that i missed when i was younger.
"they live!
" was on the el rey network the other day so decided to watch it.. it was kind of eerie watching this being a fader.. here's a guy living under a controlling regime of elites and only he can see the control measures for what they are.
So I'm catching up on R rated movies that I missed when I was younger.
"They live!" Was on the El Rey Network the other day so decided to watch it.
It was kind of eerie watching this being a fader.
Here's a guy living under a controlling regime of elites and only he can see the control measures for what they are. Here are some of the subliminal messages that he was surrounded with:
This guy wakes up, sees the BS for what it is (because of some awesome 80's sunglasses), and decides to kick ass and chew bubblegum....and he's all out of gum.
It was kind of therapeutic watching it and imagining that all the aliens were the Dark Lords of the Borg.
Just thought I'd share that story from yesterday. Haha!
Any of y'all ever seen this film?