I'm right in the thick of it on the I-35 corridor. 20 minutes away from where those 12 people went missing.
Fortunately, our town hasn't been hit that hard. But we have in the past.
More rain is expected later this week. :-/
some terrible flooding happening there.. i never realized that texas was so prone to serious floods and flash-floods because of the geography and weather.
it tops the stats nearly every year for flood fatalities.. stay safe, stay dry if you can and don't take any chances.
water is unbelievably powerful - whatever vehicle you have it can sweep it away like a twig.
I'm right in the thick of it on the I-35 corridor. 20 minutes away from where those 12 people went missing.
Fortunately, our town hasn't been hit that hard. But we have in the past.
More rain is expected later this week. :-/
i received an email from one of the elder in the local congregation.
i am not dfed so there is not a problem there, i am just an aggressive fader.. one of the last things i said to this elder before i stopped all activities was that i do not agree with the borg taking all the assets from the congregations.. here is what the elder said in the email:.
"i recently saw something while looking through the jw broadcasting for the month of may and i though about you.
Ask him about Lett's comments that the sale of "significant property" in Brooklyn only supplied the organization with "2 weeks of operating expenses".
I'm pretty sure Lett said "a few weeks" instead of specifying "2 weeks."
Using that word "few" leaves room for interpretation. From what I understand, "a few" can indicate 3 or more weeks. But you can always say, "when we said 'few' we were referring to 20 weeks."
"Few" was used deliberately for this reason so that it would be technically correct, but people would assume the worst and guess lower.
new "jesus--the way" book, pages 258-259: .
"truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.matthew 24:32-34. thus, when his disciples see the many different features of the sign being fulfilled, they should realize that the end is near.".
so now "this generation" is simply the disciples who see all the many different features of the sign?.
I can see that, cappy and OTWO. Especially with regard to printing things generically so as to allow for future changes which is sort of my point. If they believed the overlapping thing was long term why not print it there...? Instead its gone from both the insight book and the revised greatest man book. I cant help but feel this signals a change is imminent, although i freely admit that there is some wishful thinking on my part thrown in...
_Morpheus: I don't think the change is imminent. I honestly think they're just glossing over the official doctrine to avoid anyone questioning it. If someone asks for details on the generation teaching, they'll direct them to the Overlapping articles.
It's also possible that it's just the writing department that doesn't agree with the "overlapping" doctrine and are stating things as generic as possible - keeping things "technically" correct to get approval and avoiding addressing the overlapping issue so as to not cause Cognitive Dissonance and raising doubts in the rank & file.
Again, pure speculation. But, as those of us that have read Crisis of Conscience, it wouldn't be the first time the writing department disagreed with official GB approved doctrine.
new "jesus--the way" book, pages 258-259: .
"truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.matthew 24:32-34. thus, when his disciples see the many different features of the sign being fulfilled, they should realize that the end is near.".
so now "this generation" is simply the disciples who see all the many different features of the sign?.
Here is my opinion which isn't based on any fact and is pure speculation:
The "overlapping" generation is still doctrine, however they're not putting it in print because it's so ludicrous they don't want to draw so much attention to it.
The explanation quoted above in the OP is like the "Watchtower Simplified" edition.
if you're unaware of the letter tinged with anti-semitism and offering tacit approval that rutherford wrote to hitler, see this article on jwfacts.. so, we all know the witnesses were persecuted quite a bit during the war years.
i personally had family that was in jail with brother schroder in the 40's for the crime of "peddling.
i'm an agnostic fader, however i still think the mob violence against the witnesses was deplorable.
If you're unaware of the letter tinged with anti-semitism and offering tacit approval that Rutherford wrote to Hitler, see this article on JWFacts.
So, we all know the Witnesses were persecuted quite a bit during the war years. I personally had family that was in Jail with brother Schroder in the 40's for the crime of "peddling."
I'm an agnostic fader, however I still think the mob violence against the witnesses was deplorable. You fight speech with speech, not violence.
Anyhow, going back to the subject of the Rutherford letter to Hitler, can you imagine how much worse the violence would have been had this letter been picked up by the press?
Why, the JW's in the U.S. might have gotten the same treatment as the Japanese-Americans being thrown into "internment" camps.
just wishing a happy memorial day to everyone!
we had some friends over, barbecued and let the kids run around slap crazy playing cops and robbers and hide and go seek.
we have so many freedoms that those under tyranny do not have.
original thread here.
I watched this video on my phone and heard it just fine.
what is god's spirit?
i ask this of those who believe in god.
God's spirit is the power that drives every living cell.
I really wish that God's Spirit would stop giving bone cancer to children.
i was informed today by a jw that the watchtower doesn't use images and propaganda to instil fear.
i would really like to see a compilation of all their armageddon illustrations.
maybe a thread or web page already exists that had this content.. the one i am really wanting is the most recent picture of the witnesses in the basement during the tribulation.. this will be a massive help so thank you..
Heres One.
i see an attitude among some people here which is not very helpful.
i can understand it, but still, it's not constructive or helpful.. if you condemn the society for not changing, but then you also condemn them when they do change in a positive way, what incentive or motive does that provide for the people at the society to ever want to change for the better?.
also, what does that attitude look like to current witnesses who are having doubts?.
Where is the "friendly and tolerant?"