My issue with GMOs is not whether they're safe - I believe they are though there could be exceptions - but whether you can grow crops from them from seed.
Your issue, then, is not with GMOs, but with the corporations that spend the money and time on R&D.
I agree that it's pretty shitty that you can't use seed from a plant you grew without paying a royalty. I'm not sure what the solution is to that. I'm torn. On the one hand, it's crappy that you can't use seed that you've grown because of intellectual property laws. On the other hand, I recognize that a company would soon go bankrupt if they didn't restrict the use of seeds, and then you wouldn't have innovations, or corners would start to get cut.
Similarly, I really really really WANT my music to be free, but I also want the artist to keep making music.
If they were, for example, to use peanut genes in corn and a consumer has a major allergy to peanuts then that could be a problem.
Before any GMO product goes to market, it is tested thoroughly. I don't know what tests they perform (I'm by no means an expert), but I would imagine allergy tests would certainly be one of them since it's a product for consumption.