I always felt like Loesch was one of the hardliners, personally.
15 years ago, he seemed more hardline and Herd seemed more easygoing.
i would like to give my opinion of each gb member.
i would probably split them into 3 groups.. group 1 - the hardliners.
tony the 3rd: he knows exactly what hes's doing and saying.
I always felt like Loesch was one of the hardliners, personally.
15 years ago, he seemed more hardline and Herd seemed more easygoing.
listener gave a link to a short version.
not taking away from that post but here is a more complete version, 2 minutes longer.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnbmyudrwgs.
Another thought.
What about the possibility of this being a video produced for the New York City area International Conventions this past summer? I know that each International had a Delegate Entertainment Committee with events that included live performances and stuff like this.
It sounds more plausible that this would be produced for that.
It could be that this is just barely being publicized now.
listener gave a link to a short version.
not taking away from that post but here is a more complete version, 2 minutes longer.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnbmyudrwgs.
They use to have Bethel recruitment meetings at conventions for anyone interested, do they show it there?
Hmmm...interesting point, pontoon.
They don't currently use this at Bethel recruitment meetings, however I could see that as a possibility for putting this together. If you had asked me 10 years ago if that was a possibility, I would have laughed and said no.
But 10 years ago, all these people in this video would have been sent home like those Bethelites dressed in Zoot Suits were sent home for being in a GQ magazine article about the swing dancing movement in NYC.
listener gave a link to a short version.
not taking away from that post but here is a more complete version, 2 minutes longer.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnbmyudrwgs.
Blurred Lines Bethel Video you say. I'd say, these videos show the lines being blurred between being a part of the world and not being a part of the world.
In that sense, Blurred Lines sounds very appropriate.
My question: will the Bethel Blurred Lines video have nude housekeepers dancing around while AMIII says "Hey hey hey..."?
st john's wort is accepted by the medical literature for use in mild to moderate depression.
if anybody is using it could you share your experiences with it?
the current jws do not cease to amaze.
here's their latest video on youtube and straight from bethel.. there is a lot of work involved in this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwou6e5vwbo .
i wanted to create something to attract interest in ttatt.
maybe someone will see this and do some more research online?
it could be shared on instagram or reddit.. http://imgur.com/zof5ku2.
First off, "Jehovah" or however it's supposed to be originally pronounced, wasn't an English name to begin with, so English etymological history is irrelevant.
Say my name is John. In English it is John, if I was speaking Spanish, it'd be Juan, in Irish, Sean, in French, Jean.
Get the point?
In the grand scheme of things, Simon is right: this is a petty line of argument and won't win any one over.
jesus was thirty was he was baptized.
today, you hear of young children getting baptized as young as 10 years old.
the parents, family and congregation think it's a wonderful idea that someone dedicates their life to jehovah at such a young age.
you have your bethel watchtower study on a monday evening, as i understand it.therefore, prepare your hearts and your bible trained consciences to "test the inspired expressions" being presented as bible truth in the next study article - especially this one;w14 11/15 p. 26 par.
"acts 1:8 - "you will be witnesses of me...." [jesus]john 1:15 - "john bore witness about him..." [jesus]john 5:37 - "the father who sent me has himself borne witness about me.
"revelation 12:17 - ".......and have the work of bearing witness to jesus.
I've tried this line of reasoning before.
Heres the stock answer: "But Jesus perfectly reflects his father's qualities, so being Jesus Witnesses is the same as being Jehovah's Witnesses."
how much do they get for their 120 hours of door banging?