@TE: Excellent points.
i know dubs are delusional.
i know dubs don't reason well.
i know dubs are a bit off, like many groups.
@TE: Excellent points.
apologies if this has already been posted but i am speechless.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnbmyudrwgs&x-yt-ts=1422327029&x-yt-cl=84838260#t=72.
Outlaw: "Happy @ Be..." This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Joe Bethelite."
Wow, I thought you were joking. You weren't! LOL
i know dubs are delusional.
i know dubs don't reason well.
i know dubs are a bit off, like many groups.
campaign of hate: If kids start getting baptized at 8-12, there is going to be a s*** load of dfings and reprovings in the next 5-10 years.
Teenagers are teenagers after all, baptized or not.
All the born-in kids in my home congregation where I grew up got baptized young. The youngest was 10, the oldest they waited was 14.
This was the 90's also. Pre-teen and early teen baptism has been going on for a long time.
i know dubs are delusional.
i know dubs don't reason well.
i know dubs are a bit off, like many groups.
After watching it he is likely supposed to be a teenager perhaps 13 or 14.I agree that this is still too young however it is NOT caleb.
Agree. At youngest, I thought the kid could pass for 12, maybe 11. Insisting he's 10 or younger is like insisting on 607BCE.
i know dubs are delusional.
i know dubs don't reason well.
i know dubs are a bit off, like many groups.
If you can stomach it, I found the video on YouTube. (I don't want to give their jw [dot] org website any additional traffic.)
i know dubs are delusional.
i know dubs don't reason well.
i know dubs are a bit off, like many groups.
It's not Caleb. But it is a kid. Maybe not 10, but definitely implied pre-teen. It's from one of their annoying song videos where it's children singing songs.
apologies if this has already been posted but i am speechless.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnbmyudrwgs&x-yt-ts=1422327029&x-yt-cl=84838260#t=72.
@cappy trust me there is not a single witness that would stumble because of this song
Witnesses are stumbled by work out clothing, but not this song. OK, then.
apologies if this has already been posted but i am speechless.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnbmyudrwgs&x-yt-ts=1422327029&x-yt-cl=84838260#t=72.
What you are saying is that one should first check out an entire Album before he/she can like one particular innocent song.
The Society teaches that we should be careful of stumbling others. "All things are lawful, but not all things are advantageous."
I'm not saying it's wrong to like this song. Liking the song is one thing. Using the song in a video like this that you had to know would get out, even if that wasn't the original intent, is foolhardy and unwise, and certainly not "advantageous."
How can all these Bethelites, young and old, have "freeness of speech" in giving counsel to a young one on choices in music?
apologies if this has already been posted but i am speechless.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnbmyudrwgs&x-yt-ts=1422327029&x-yt-cl=84838260#t=72.
@insidetheKH: Have you seen some of the songs on that same Pharell album? Look at the opening lyrics to Gush.
Make the pu$$y just gush
Make the pu$$y just gush
Make the pu$$y just gush
Make it, make it, just gush
Make it, just gush
I make the pu$$y just gush
I make it, just gush
If you had that album in Bethel, unless the rules have changed considerably, you would be thrown out. And if the rules have changed, then that's just wrong in itself. It's a double standard of morality.
Yes, I can see how this video is "fun." But don't you see the hypocrisy? Shooting a video like this with a song off the same album as the song above gives tacit approval.
this past october geoffrey jackson told the audience at the watchtower corporate meeting that "they aren't sure who the new king of the north is".. this was applauded as new light.
but if you look up the search terms putin king of the north your won't see jw.org pop up as a top search result.
i checked through the first 100 results and n-o-t-h-i-n-g.. isn't interpretation of prophecy the special territory of the jw's.