perhaps beyond their No. 8 creator's expectation, and we are not finished yet, still trillions of years to go?
What does that even mean?
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
perhaps beyond their No. 8 creator's expectation, and we are not finished yet, still trillions of years to go?
What does that even mean?
ok, so let's say you're on the gb.
for years, you've been getting hundreds of reports from your hired ss agents, er, cos, about poor midweek meeting attendance, people not showing up for talks, crappy teaching from elders, etc.. so, you make the determination - ok!
here's a couple of choices:.
Why the drastic changes?
If you're talking about the mid-week meeting, the changes aren't really that drastic. They just renamed everything.
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
many scientific discoveries, had their origins in philosophy and meta-physical insights.
As cofty would say, "Bollocks!"
ok, so let's say you're on the gb.
for years, you've been getting hundreds of reports from your hired ss agents, er, cos, about poor midweek meeting attendance, people not showing up for talks, crappy teaching from elders, etc.. so, you make the determination - ok!
here's a couple of choices:.
What has always confused me about the midweek meeting is ....How does anyone do it? What I mean is this.....I work full time and I get up at 4 AM M-F. How the hell does anyone get prettied up and go outanywhere during the week? I think it is unrealistic and unkind to ask people to do this.
Don't forget how much of a hardship the mid-week meeting is on parents, especially parents of young children. My kids have a strict 8:00 bed time. The meeting night was always an inconvenience and we always had a horrible morning after the meeting.
none of my jehovah's witness relatives called to tell me or my family.
just found out this morning.
I'm sorry, buddy.
I'll be calling you tonight, if you're up for a chat.
Let me know.
- Cappy
i know quite a few youths (late teens to early twenties) who have the goal of full time service, as bethelites or international construction, so they're doing the required slog of pioneering in order to achieve this goal.
this is a goal which has been excitedly set out for them the last few years or so at assemblies etc.
now they see the cuts, surely they are going to be discouraged and disillusioned.
And, to be fair, he may get some training in something useful for his CV.
A 19 year old "new boy" is gonna learn how to efficiently clean toilets and bonnet buff carpets. That's about it.
just skimmed the new october broadcast.
check out losch talking about good works and sacred service.
i was in town centre about an hour ago to buy a shirt and tie for an upcoming job interview when i was stopped by a youngish, clean cut american young man (20-ish) in a cheap suit.
my heart sank as i thought it was local jws.
to my slight relief, it was mormons!
Fisherman: I'm not trying to pick a fight with you or anything, so please don't take this the wrong way. You are a paradox! It's interesting to me that you can easily and intelligently pick out the flawed logic and circular reasoning of Mormons, but completely overlook the flawed and circular reasonings of the JWs.
Calls to mind the showtune from the play Chicago.
"Give 'em the old, razzle dazzle, razzle dazzle 'em."
i am still serving as an elder but just hanging in there.
i think their quandry is that they don't see me out in the field, but when they need encouragement and decent prayer they come to me.. i just got off the phone to this poor sister who i have only met twice.
she is not even in my congregation (her sister is).
Atheist here .... Rock on bro...that was awesome.