There is plenty of evidence showing that the Abrahamic god Yahweh is make-believe.Read: A History of God - The 4,000 Year old Quest of Judaism, Christianity & Islam.
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
Read: A History of God - The 4,000 Year old Quest of Judaism, Christianity & Islam.
so i just met with an old 'friend' who wanted a 'chat' after no contact for the best part of 4 years.
she obviously heard about the wonderful news of my abrupt fade :d. i guess i wanted to prove to myself that any future meet ups/chats with jw's would be pointless.
needless to say i proved myself right.
any takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
looking for a way to stick two fingers up to the watchtower and do something useful?.
well, ever considered giving blood?
if you're eligible to do so i would encourage everyone here to go for it, the world needs more blood donors, it's always nice to help out and given our history i find there's something very enjoyable about it.
hey ,.
is this entrapment here?
i want to sign out, press the sign out button over and over.
not that i needed the gbs permission but i will take it anyway.
dureing the jw tv show i almost spit out my popcorn when he said jw can even show love to non witnesses then it dawned on me df people are not witnesses because the anouncment states they are no longer jw so now its official technically you can show love to non witnesses out of his own mouth thank you bro lesh now i have your permissiion to do what god and jesus do ha ha .
any takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
Everyone has always had the legal right to accept or reject the Terms and Conditions. Acceptance or rejection has always come with a catch though, and I don't see that being any different just because a new book was released.
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
cappytan - If not a Nihilist, then what? Perhaps a Skeptic, that is Skeptical of everything? Someone that does not believe in anything until it has been proven scientifically is a Nihilist, and a worrisome soul.
If this is not You, then what is?
Wrong. A Nhilist is defined as I quoted above. Namely, "the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless."
I have not rejected any moral principles. I have my own moral code. There are things I won't do because I don't want to do them. And I don't believe my life is meaningless.
My life's meaning and purpose is my own to determine. Currently, the meaning and purpose of my life is to provide for my wife and children, and be able to enjoy some time outdoors casting my fly rod hoping for a bite.
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
Y'all aren't getting what I'm saying. No matter what a scientists religion or fascination with occultism or metaphysics, any "discovery" they made was based off of observational evidence.
I'm not saying that Philosophy (love of knowledge, by definition) wasn't a motivating force for them. However, anything discovered by them was due to what they observed, and not what God they served, just as their discoveries weren't dependent on the brand of coffee or tea they drank to give themselves energy to finish a bit of research.
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
Nhilism: the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless.
That's far from what I am.