Simon: You brought up the Shakers.
You know, if the JW's are relegated to Shaker status, I would call that a victory for the cause. Even if they are still technically "around."
so why has the growth flatlined?
why is less time spent in the ministry?
why have aux pios droped by 1/3rd?.
Simon: You brought up the Shakers.
You know, if the JW's are relegated to Shaker status, I would call that a victory for the cause. Even if they are still technically "around."
jwbaptism blog retaken (by a jw).
the blog from which the article was taken was closed down by the blogger in the early part of 2012. however, it seems to have recently been claimed by what appears to be the son of a father whose story was featured on the original blog.
please visit this site to see the tirade against 'apostates' in true cult-personality style.
this is a conversation i had with my father when a short article on the pope came up on tv.. joe= you know i think this pope will do good things for the catholic church.
he's trying to get greater financial transparency not only for his organisation but also for religious institutions in general.
i mean the guy even chooses to drive around in a very modest car to save a dollar.. father= true.
i know marriage is tough and it takes work on both parts.
we have been together for 27 years.
the last eight have been involved with this cult.
my name is ogwambi odoki, but my friends dey call me og.
i live in a village in rural uganda near the city of gulu.
my family has been jehovah witnesses for two genorations since de first missionaries came to de village many moons ago.
hello everyone!just a little background info, i haven't been to a meeting in over a year.
my wife has asked me to go with her tonight to help watch our son since it's the circuit overseers wife wants to be able to pay attention and get something out of the meeting since our son is 1yr old he can be a handful some times.. a few things of note about the situation:.
- i'm going to the meeting no matter what.
it seems that once we became sensible adult humans, we lost our way.
we stopped asking questions.
we submitted to the bidding of the world.
Besides eliminating religion?
I would go back in time prior to the industrial revolution and change physics. I would change physics so that when oil or any oil product is burned, zero greenhouse gasses were emitted. Instead of greenhouse gasses being the waste from burning oil, it would be liquid beer.
Specifically, that new Guiness Nitro IPA I've fallen in love with. (I'm sure I'm not the only one.)
abu bakr al-baghdadi put out an audio recording on saturday calling on muslims to join the fight.
it is his first public pronouncement in over 7 months.. a number of muslims have taken to twitter to mock the self-styled caliph of the islamic state with comments like "i've got star wars on sunday, maybe later" and "would do but there's engineering work on the trains around london bridge.
Barring the discussion on whether these are true scotsmen, it is commendable that they're brave enough to speak up.
It is sad, though, that with more than one billion muslims worldwide, the muslim voice against ISIS still seems akin to a lone individual's cry for help in the middle of a remote wasteland.
[note: copy/pasted this with permission from reddit.].
once each year, the governing body writes a direct letter to the congregation members included in the yearbook.
in his annual message to the catholic faithful (urbi et orbi) delivered on christmas day, the pope spoke about world peace, terrorism, and the refugee crisis.
The prophet Isaiah humbly acknowledged that any success and prosperity that the Kingdom of Judah enjoyed was due only to the blessing of Jehovah.
So what would the opposite of success and prosperity indicate?
They're so delusional! It's like they don't realize what this sounds like when you take the money begging into consideration!
[note: copy/pasted this with permission from reddit.].
once each year, the governing body writes a direct letter to the congregation members included in the yearbook.
in his annual message to the catholic faithful (urbi et orbi) delivered on christmas day, the pope spoke about world peace, terrorism, and the refugee crisis.
[Note: Copy/pasted this with permission from reddit.]
Once each year, the Governing Body writes a direct letter to the congregation members included in the Yearbook. In his annual message to the Catholic faithful (Urbi et Orbi) delivered on Christmas Day, the Pope spoke about world peace, terrorism, and the refugee crisis. What would the Governing Body choose to write about? Let's find out...
A Letter From the Governing Body
*Or their ghostwriters?
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
The prophet Isaiah humbly acknowledged that any success and prosperity that the Kingdom of Judah enjoyed was due only to the blessing of Jehovah. As we read at Isaiah 26:12, he declared: “O Jehovah, . . . everything we have done you have accomplished for us.” Reflecting on all that has been accomplished during the past service year causes us to make a similar admission.Jehovah is truly doing “wonderful things that have never been done” before! (Ex. 34:10) Just think of some of the blessings that we have received from his hand.
*So as we read through this list of accomplishments, think about whether they are truly "things that have never been done before."
Our official website,, has been used in a wonderful way. The site is now available in over 600 languages, and publications can be read and downloaded in over 750 languages. How effective is the website as a means of conveying the truth to honesthearted people? Consider: A married couple became disillusioned with religion because of the hypocrisy they had observed. In their search for spiritual guidance, they discovered our website. They began regularly visiting the site to read articles from our publications and to watch videos. They even downloaded the booklet Examining the Scriptures Daily and began to read the daily text along with their two teenage children. In fact, that is what they were doing the morning that Jehovah’s Witnesses knocked on their door. The Witnesses learned that as a result of visiting the website, the family had made many changes. They had removed their tattoos and body piercings, discarded their religious images, discontinued celebrating worldly holidays, and stopped viewing inappropriate movies—all of this before the couple’s initial personal contact with the Witnesses! As of this writing, both parents and one of the children are publishers and the parents plan to be baptized soon.
*Thus far we have (a) a website in many languages; and (b) one family changing their religion.
We have received many expressions of appreciation for another wonderful provision: JW Broadcasting. The monthly program is now available in over 70 languages, with more languages to come. Many families view the program during their Family Worship evening. As one brother put it, “Jehovah’s organization has never been larger in size; yet, we have never felt closer to the headquarters!”
*So we add (c) a televangelism web show.
Conventions are always a highlight for Jehovah’s people, and the series that was held during the 2015 service year was certainly no exception. The convention program featured 42 videos and art presentations, as well as six delightful music preludes, one at the start of each session. Regarding the program, an experienced brother observed, “It seems that none of those in attendance wanted to leave their seat during the program, because they didn’t want to miss anything.” A field missionary remarked regarding last year’s convention, “The videos made the truth and the Kingdom more real to me.”
*Now put (d) religious conventions on the list. Also, is the "experienced brother" admitting that convention talks without videos make people want to leave their seat because they are boring???
Jehovah has also blessed us with a number of new Kingdom songs during the past year. One couple wrote: “The new songs are like a hug from Jehovah. They have brightened many dark moments for us.” Our conventions reminded us of the loving labors performed by the Watchtower orchestra and chorus in our behalf, all for the purpose of adding to the praise of Jehovah! We encourage all of you to imitate Jehovah by welcoming returning ones warmly
*Plus (e) religious music.
Has your congregation been making good use of public witnessing carts? What a blessing this form of witnessing has proved to be! Some people who live in gated communities or high-rise apartment buildings are being reached with the truth for the first time, and many other people, including inactive Witnesses, are also receiving spiritual help by this means. In January 2015, a man in South Korea approached a witnessing cart. He explained that he had recently begun to think seriously about spiritual matters. A Bible study was started. In February, he attended a congregation meeting for the first time; in March, he quit smoking. In April, he visited the branch facility in South Korea, and he continues to make remarkable spiritual progress. This is just one of the countless experiences we have received here at world headquarters.
*Also include (f) street corner information booths.
It is our prayer that the information received at the convention will motivate many who once served actively to return to Jehovah’s loving arms before it is too late! We encourage all of you to imitate Jehovah by welcoming returning ones warmly.—Ezek. 34:16.
*We already heard about the conventions... repetition for emphasis apparently.
Jehovah truly has blessed his people during the past service year. What more can we expect? We shall have to wait and see. In the meantime, please know that we on the Governing Body love all of you very much and we pray often in your behalf.
With every good wish,
Your brothers,
Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses
"Things that have never been done before" include: