To the douchebag who disliked Cofty's comment:
Don't be a douche
a primary school headteacher has been mocked on twitter after claiming that evolution was “a theory” and there was “more evidence that the bible is true”..... she has attempted to dismiss her stupidity as just her personal opinion but it was tweeted from her headteacher account.. even more worrying was the mealy-mouthed response from her employers... a spokesman for blackburn diocesan board of education said: “as a diocese we state all schools should teach the full national curriculum, which includes ‘adaptation of plants and animals and that adaption may lead to evolution’.”.
what chance do the children have being taught by a stupid teacher employed by an even more stupid bunch of theocrats?
this is why there should be no such thing as a "church school".
To the douchebag who disliked Cofty's comment:
Don't be a douche
jehovah's witnesses' brooklyn tax exemptions totaled $368 million.
downtown brooklyn partnership ups its pressure on the tax-exempt organization to donate $50 million.
the jehovah’s witnesses have been exempted from paying at least $368 million in taxes on their brooklyn real estate holdings over the last 12 years, according to an analysis by the downtown brooklyn partnership and consulting firm bjh advisers.
i grew up in a jw family.
i was the youngest, and i never really felt like my questions were answered in a satisfying way, so i kind of gradually faded and i was thankfully never baptized (hooray for me).
i kept going to family study time until i was about 27 (!
Back in 1969, they promised young people that they would never fulfill a career or grow old in this system of things.
i mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
Unless there will never again be new light, they aren't quite the truth, are they?
I wouldn't drink a glass of water that I knew contained only one drop of poison in it. It might be 99.9% pure, but still have that poison and kill you. Likewise, why would I put my trust in a belief system that is still in beta testing?
If you think JWs are the closest to the truth, how do you know? Especially if you are born into the organization. Have you actually studied all other religions to know that for a fact? Or is the knowledge you have about other religions only what the Society's publications have told you?
So what is the alternative if JWs don't have the truth? Become a genuine truth seeker and find what's right for you. Value empirical evidence over anecdotal.
From your account, it's unlikely she - or you - will be ready to put it out "Maybe in a few months".
I'm ready now. I don't care if they DA me or DF me. I'm done. I've closed the book. That chapter is over, I want to help others. She's not used to the idea yet. She still holds out hope that her family will talk to her.
Is there no way you can re-do it so that you are not the figurehead?
There is a way. However, I feel that personal videos are more impactful. Christian and Katja, Lloyd, Mike & Kim, ApostateChick have all been effective in their own ways for various reasons, whether or not you like them. But I think their biggest strength is that there is a face to the information.
I'm thinking this over and seriously considering it. If I can do this in an effective manner without showing my face, maintaining a sense of seriousness as this is a serious matter, and do so in a way that won't scare off a JW searching YouTube, I will do it.
Have you put any of your "How to respond" videos out yet?
No, not yet. This was the first in the series.
Ok guys, here's the deal.
The video is ready. It's on the subject of how to respond to JWs when they use the excuse that the organization is the closest thing to the truth.
I was ready to reupload it.
Wife put the kaibosh on it though. She's not quite ready for me to effectively DA myself by putting my face out there in public. We suspect (with good reasons I won't get into) family or our former elders of knowing our ExJW online personas.
She's not quite ready for me to be public.
Maybe in a few months.
In the meantime, I am continuing with the "How to respond" series, and when my wife is ready, I will have a nice backlog of videos to release one at a time.
i just "da'd" friday.
i've been posting on here for years but do to anonymity, i had to start with a new account.
would love to connect with anyone that i may know.
Probably a good thing I accidentally deleted this. Wife and a few others suggested I specifically thank the individuals on reddit who helped with some of the content. I should give them credit in the video.
So I'm recutting this.
Hadriel: you reported it as threatening, didn't you? That's why it's deleted. 😂😂😂 j/k
I'm just messing with you.