Well, call me nutz, but it seems to me that Russia is the only other sizeable nuclear force. They see the US invade Iraq, in part to control the oil flow to other countries. Now, Russia has lots of natural resources and they probably feel particularly vulnerable due to their weakened political state as well as their having fragmented into a confederacy of republics. The whole point on a morratorium against space based and missile defense systems was to keep a balance. If one side or the other had a viable missle defense system against ICBM's, some in that government may, in a moment of tension, feel that they had an advantage and that a "first strike" was actually a winnable strategy. I can see where the Russian government, being a large oil and other resource possessing nation, may feel that it's in their best interests to make a US missile defense system a moot point. Of course, this doesn't address the new generation of intermediate nuclear weapons that this US administration wants to spend money developing. So much for a peaceful new world. Nukes are virtually powerless in a battle against terrorism, because the terrorists hide amongst everyday innocents.
JoinedPosts by CoonDawg
Just like during the cold war
by JH inwhen president bush told the russians a few years ago that he was building a missile defense system to protect the us against rogue nations having the atomic bomb, the russians felt obliged to make a new missile able to penetrate this missile defense system.
mr. poutine said yesterday, that russia develepped a missile capable of penetrating any defense system.. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/a56417-2004nov17?language=printer.
during the first gulf war in 1991, the patriot missiles were supposed to shoot down any incoming scud missile, and although the us said the missile worked, 10 years later they admitted that not one hit an incoming scud missile.
Another name for Christmas???
by ohiocowboy ini absolutely love this time of year, and the warm feelings, and the general feeling of good will emitting from people, but, not really having a faith in christ or religion, i somehow find it difficult to use the word christmas, as it denotes a celebration of christ... .
for those of us who enjoy this season, but aren't really firm believers, can any of us think of a name that could be used instead of the word "christmas", that would have special meaning for believers and non-believers alike, a word that evokes the same emotional feelings?
i have spent the past week decking the halls, and setting up the "christmas" tree(s), getting ready for this holiday which i enjoy so much, but it is that one word "christmas" that somehow makes me feel as though i am contradicting myself, because i no longer have a faith in that higher power.
I don't know about a new name for the whole celebration. Myself, I still live with a JW wife, but she knows I'll send a few cards and will buy some select group some gifts. My grandson cracks me up because instead of "Santa Claus" ...he calls him "ChrismasClaus" it's soo cute.
Could WBTS be forced to pay tax in America?
by Gadget inin another thread link said: .
i am not well versed in u.s. tax laws but it is my understanding that even in the u.s.anyone making loans on which interest is charged is considered to be operating a taxable business.
in the u.k. the societies loans are interest free but they take control of the building once the loan has been completely repaid.
Clergy don't pay income tax or sales taxes in the US??
Actually, the preachers I have known generally don't pay income because they are given a special status and most of their purchases are done in the name of the church which has a non-profit status and therefore are given an exemption number. Most of them aren't even homeowners, they live in a church supplied parsonage rent and tax free.
I doubt that this will change anytime soon. If the govt. wants to start taxing the WTS, they would have to look at other forms of religion too, and that just hits too close to home with the right wing christian conservative movement's base.
Loaded Language
by Duncan ini recently was called upon by jw?s at my door and given the brochure ?keep on the watch?
i posted about it last week, the very nice jw lady with the novel take on ?how close the end is, with special reference to how many bible pages i am holding between my fingers?.
I remember being a seven year old child. Myself and another kid of about the same age were paired up to hand out tracts. I can't believe we were working one side of the street by ourselves. There's good parenting for ya! The whole idea of the tracts was blanket coverage for the shotgun effect. You had to put alot of shot out there to see if you could get one or two pellets to hit. Us kids loved the tract campaigns specifically because you mostly never had to speak to anyone, let alone try to dredge up some barely rememberd scripture.
As far as the wordsmithing goes, the WTS has been at it for a very long time. It's funny to look back on how the terminoligies have changed. It used to be "paradise" then the "new order" it evolved into "the new system" and it's currently, I think ..."The New World".
old bad "wordly" habits creeping back in
by babygirl inafter being a jw for about 27 yrs and giving up old wordly habits...some still lurk at my door..how about you?
which is your choice of badness, i mean the serious df kind...marijuana, smoking, premarital sex, etc...anything creeping back???
Well, when my mom and dad were visiting me during my "in between marriages" stage of life, I banged the bejezus outa her with them in the next room. I have lots of friends...only one of which is a JW...but he's my friend that would go with me after a meeting to share a quart of beer and talk about life. I grew a beard...had it for several years until I got a job that required me to shave (for safety...that respirator has GOT to seal) I really really really really love smoking a good high quality cigar and I chew tobacco. I love to gamble and even had my JW wife playing nickel and penny slots when we went to Vegas last year. I regularly play the lottery with no regret. I still indulge my always existent porn habit and I curse a pretty fair ammount. I became and will stay politically active with no feelings of guilt...only regret at outcomes and lots of cursing as a result. I am a workaholic who loves the fact that this year I made more money than ever in my life. Only once did I even earn HALF of what I made so far this year...and I still have a month to go. I know finally REALLY know my neighbors and openly associate with them.
Hey, I'm loving my wife. The only regret I have is that my ex-wife hasn't contracted some swift acting but excruciatingly painfull fatal illness. and that's the only "sinful" thing I feel I'm engaging in because in my heart, I don't like it that I have the capacity to really hate someone like I hate her.
Prince William And The Dubbies.
by Englishman in.
you can watch the interview on video as well as read it.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4026131.stm.
In one of the interviews, he speaks of joining the Army. I hope he does so he can earn his rep, not just be born with it. He seems intelligent enough...maybe that'd be a great way to really earn some respect besides what is bestowed on him at birth.
They are looking out for their core consumer and their sensitivities. Oh, sure, they can put their stores anywhere and offer low wages with little or not benefits...but by god, you can't have a book in the store that might be (*gasp!*) blasphemous in it's cover art...or buy CD's that might use offensived language...Talk about moral hypocrits.
They can do without my meager funds...
Plus they are huge GOP contributors...that's reason enough to boycott them. PBS's Frontline had a special on about them this past Tuesday...I'm hoping to catch a re-run of it.
Lesbian/Cowboy Joke of the Day 11.16.04
by SixofNine inan old cowboy sat down at the bar and ordered a drink.
as he sat sipping his drink, a young woman sat down next to him.
she turned to the cowboy and asked, "are you a real cowboy?
Then there was the guy who went to the doctor and said "Doc, I have this spot on my forehead. What is it?"
The doc examined him and did several tests. A few days later, the man came back in to get the results. The doc said "Sorry about this but you have a very rare condition. The spot on your forhead will within a year grow into a penis."
The guy freaked and said "Well, can't we just cut it off now?"
The doc answered "No, it's connected to your brain. If we cut it off, you'll die."
So the guy asks "So you're telling me that for the rest of my life, I'm going to wake up, look in the mirror and see a big penis on my forhead?"
The doc answered "Oh, no...you won't see it at all. Your new balls will be hanging over your eyes."
A question for you managers out there....
by Dawn ini work for a fairly large organization - we have over 35 satelite offices spread out across the state.
there are jw's in some of these satelite offices that i deal with on a regular basis.
i have never had a problem with them because i view work as work, it is a professional environment and each individual is judged based on their work performance.
Actually...here's my .02 worth...From a strictly professional point of view, many times in a manager / subordinate relationship, it's a good idea not to be overly familiar, cultivating after hours relationships with employees. The reason isn't that you are not expected to be human, but rather, it can engender feelings of entitlement and special treatment in the subordinate. They also, in social settings, run off at the mouth about things they really shouldn't. Then the question isn't just "Should I give this girl religious advice?" but "How do I now treat this employee who is or at least thinks she is closer to me than her peers?"
It's a sticky situation, that's for sure. I, too, would advise treading very carefully here.
How many people do you *truly* hate?
by Nosferatu ini can honestly say that there aren't many that i truly hate.
however, there is a small list.
it used to contain only two people, but a third is making it's way on that list.
As much as it pains me to know that I am capable of this feeling, and as ashamed as I am to admit it, there is one person that I truly hate...and that's my ex-wife. She is a "JW" and is usuing her BS religion to poison my daughter towards me. She is the most conniving and hateful person I've ever encountered. She oozes malice. I hate her and more than that, I hate what she is doing to my daughter. I've tried and tried to look for redeeming qualities, but unfortunately they are non-existent. She is a boil on the buttocks on the world.