Gotta go with Race Car Driver....
Any job with a ;huge salary and many months of vacations a year.
Must have been George W. Bush's dream job too....except for the huge salary part...but then who needs that when there's lobbyists.
anything in the field of forensic science.
it just fascinates me how crimes are solved.. so, how about you?.
Gotta go with Race Car Driver....
Any job with a ;huge salary and many months of vacations a year.
Must have been George W. Bush's dream job too....except for the huge salary part...but then who needs that when there's lobbyists.
it has been a few days since i raged and cried for the victims.
it has been a few days since i cursed our government and became forever disgusted with their actions.
it has been a few days since i made my red cross and animal rescue donations.
Great points, sammi...
Some people, was their stupidity. However, as with most things...generalizations are just that. I don't think i could have left behind my elderly sick mother and saved myself...even at her urging. To me, it's a harsh thing to blame victims for what has happened to them.
Good point --- It was probly only a $20 cab ride out of new orleans all together .I know I would've made a break for it .......
Actually...whoever pointed this out...well, I have news for drivers like gouging people almost as much as oil company execs do. I listened to a couple who did take a cab out to cost over $200. No rental car companies had ANYTHING to rent...and all other modes were at a premium.
It's not cut and dried by any means. I'm sure there were some who didn't leave because they figured...and i quote ..."Hey, my house survived Camilla back in the day...surely this won't be any worse."
For others, there weren't options.
i have read comments on several threads about the wts policy on asking folks whose homes have been repaired/rebuilt by jw volunteers to sign over their insurance checks to the wts?.
is there any kind of paper proof of this policy anywhere?
any further details would be kindly appreciated!!.
My mom said that in Charlotte Co., FL where the 'cane hit last year, they rebuilt houses "free of charge" and asked that the homeowner donate their insurance check to the WTS so that it could perpetuate the fixing of peoples homes. I guess maybe some extra change is garnered that way, but really...I don't think there's dirt here. To me, it seems a reasonable request, as long as qualified people to work that's up to acceptable building standards. She said that the CO told them in a letter about this practice.
I just spoke w/ her about this yesterday.
saw a programme dealing with the possible aftermath of a huge earthquake in l.a.. disturbingly it said that in such an event widespread civil disorder, panic and chaos would render efforts at aid virtually impossible.
the policy is to seal off whole areas and allow the violence and looting to play itself out.
after a week or more those trapped will be exhausted weak hungry and easier to control.
I think it's garbage. If this disaster had occured in a predominantly wealthy locale ... (e.g. Hiltonhead, SC) relief would have been nearly immediate. In fact, many of New Orleans disaster plans had as a component showing favoritism towards more affluent neighborhoods when it came to priority of evacuation and preventive measures.
i took a chance on a raffle in a variety store, and won a "mothers day cake"!!!
ha, ha !!
it was so freakin' dry, too !!
The first thing was a 45rpm record at a radio promo. I was about 7. It was a country station promo. Neither my mom or dad liked country music...we were just there for the hotdogs after service.
It was something about being an angel in disguise by i don't know who.
The second time was in the 8th grade. I got picked as an audience volunteer. I recorded a radio promo for an hour of music dedicated to our class. My prize was a whole week's recording (LP's) of an edition of "American Top 40" for the week of February something 1984....the number one song "Jump" by Van Halen. I remember my dad made a huge deal about Huey Lewis (watch out, he's just a step below Maralyn Manson) singing "I Want a New Drug".
i can't believe it.
as many of you know, my wife is still a jw.
she is very "liberal" and doesn't agree with all the dogma.
I sometimes wish I could post stuff and think, what if I introduce them to this web site one day?
Yep...don't think that didn't start going through my head. LOL....I can imagine the check of THAT post history.
Maybe I can convince someone to wipe my post history out. LOL
save money on expensive personalised car number plates by simply changing your name to match your existing plate.
- mr. kvl 741y.
buy a television set exactly like your neighbours.
Why go through the hassle of marriage and divorce? Why not simply find an ugly woman that you hate with all your heart....then buy her a house and give it to her.
Instead of doing the "Indecent Proposal" thing and have your wife sleep with someone for a million bucks....have her sleep with a hundred people for the low price of $10,000...
i can't believe it.
as many of you know, my wife is still a jw.
she is very "liberal" and doesn't agree with all the dogma.
Thanks everyone....I AM excited. As for her being ready to read Ray Franz...well, I kinda hinted at it because one of the posters here that I knew personally as a kid, was there at Bethel in the Ray Franz aftermath. I told her about how it all started with groups getting together to do deep scholarly type bible study and that they discovered that the society was wrong about the whole 607 thing. I also told her how now...well, it's okay at bethel to read the bible as an individual, but it's frowned on to get together in these small groups anymore because it might lead to discovering lies apostate thinking.
Anyhow...I'm still mostly hands off. I think she's beginning to think that JW's may have been god's people at one time, but they may not have his approval anymore. I'll let her make her progress at her own pace.
As I've said...she's the smartest person I know....except when it comes to the JW's. It's always been ruled by emotion before. I once asked her in our infrequent discussions of religion..."If you discovered that the JW's were NOT god's approved organization, would you change or would you make excuses and stay in with them?" I guess she gave this serious consideration. I've also asked this question of my mom...but I'm not seeing her looking at "apostate" websites anytime soon. But that's okay. My job isn't to "deconvert"...simply to help people begin asking their own questions. "No one knows what the Matrix IS. You must see it for yourself."
i can't believe it.
as many of you know, my wife is still a jw.
she is very "liberal" and doesn't agree with all the dogma.
I can't believe it. As many of you know, my wife is still a JW. She is very "liberal" and doesn't agree with all the dogma. Well, tonight, we were getting ready to climb into bed and we start talking. Out of the blue, she says "Did you know that the WTS was at one time a UN NGO?" I answered "Yep, and they denied their reasons for doing it." She says..."yep...they lied."
I was FLOORED! This from my JW wife. Then she tells me "I was reading on a website called He had some really good articles. One was very compelling about why the gentile times may not have ended...and another with good cogent arguments about how the 'man of lawlessness' is within the WTS."
I couldn't believe my ears. We had some good conversation about how there are sincere witnesses, and a lot of JW wannabees at the hall. We related the things she read with her own experiences as a strong minded career woman in the bORG, my experiences...and those of friends. She was ready for some sleep by then...but I couldn't WAIT to get on here and tell everyone. I'm so happy. It's taken nearly 7 years...but FINALLY....she's using that wonderful brain she has instead of blindly follwing the decrees of some old wrinkly dudes in Brooklyn.
I actually heard her utter the statement "The organization is doing what all religions do...starting sincerely but getting way off track. Becoming like Jerusalem, getting the worship and importance for themselves rather than to God."
why weren't these buses deployed before the hurricane hit?.
Thanks for those links. That was great! I knew I liked that man when I heard his interview from last night.
It's good to know that this guy isn't just a business as usual kind of guy. As has been said, I think there's plenty of blame to go around. I do think that the Federal Government really showed a lack of leadership. I for one, was angry today when I thought of how much money was appropriated to Homeland Security, which is the organization that directs FEMA now...and I think "What if this was a terrorist attack? Is this really the best response we can generate? What did all that money get spent for?"