The job I have right now, while I'm glad to have one in this economy (nearly 400 people applied for 15 positions of which I was hired for one of them) --- but I'm just marking time. I work as a stocker / clerk at a Petco pet store. It's okay but I'm just doing it as a part time gig to pay for gas and books while I pursue my degree. I simply have to put up with it for the time being. Being my age and having extensive retail management experience, it's kind of a major step backwards to end up a stocker / clerk making 8 bucks an hour. I haven't made that little since I was like 20 years old. It'll do because a) they like me and my vast storehouse of knowledge and experience and b) they are very flexible on my schedule to work around college classes. It'll do...but I definitely classify myself as one who tolerates it. I have days when I enjoy working there and others when I hate it. I'll be glad when I get done with school and can get into some more satisfying work. I'm studying to be a criminal forensic scientist...hopefully specializing in accident investigation and reconstruction.
JoinedPosts by CoonDawg
do you love/like/tolerate/hate.... your job??
by oompa ini want to find something i i will never have to work another day in my life.....maybe mark twain said that....not sure...but a good idea.................oompa
My wife became a US citizen yesterday!!!
by Dorktacular inyay!
for all of you who say america sucks.... i want you to go down to your closest immigration office and witness a citizenship ceremony.
i watched yesterday all day long as people from all over the world were sworn in as citizens 100 at a time every hour on the hour.
It's taken my wife 10 years from the time she applied for her original visa to come to the US until the time she finally received her citizenship yesterday.
My sister in law just got her citizenship last month. It also took her 10 years from when she originally applied - and they wonder why people get frusterated and go the illegal route. I'm not making excuses....just saying I can see how one could lose patience with the bureaucracy. My sister in law came from China. She had to struggle to come here and to be able to stay.
Welcome to your wife and congrats!
My hospital adventure....
by CoonDawg saturday, my mom goes back to the hospital here because she's having labored breathing and chest pains.
they admit her to the hospital because she's also in a-fib.
the doctor thinks she's got fluid still in her chest from previous procedure's fuckup.
CoonDawg Saturday, my mom goes back to the hospital here because she's having labored breathing and chest pains. They admit her to the hospital because she's also in a-fib. The doctor thinks she's got fluid still in her chest from previous procedure's fuckup. So, I get home from work last night and find out that my mom is going to be sent to ICU in advance of a probable procedure to drain the fluid in her chest. I go visit her and she's doing fairly well. I leave around 9 to go home.
This morning, I wanted to talk to the doc, so I went kind of early. I got there around 7:30 am and just waltzed right in to her room in ICU. No one cared that I was there. So about 8 or so, the surgeon shows up and starts asking questions about previous fucked up procedure. We give him the doc's name and number. He spends about 30 min. calling other surgeon and talking to him. He gets off the phone and comes in. About this time, my dad shows up...and he's already pissed because they wouldn't let him in early, but I was already there. The surgeon then says he wants to do surgery this morning and put in a drain right below her sternum as well as another in her side to relieve pressure. They tell us that if they see fresh blood in the pericadial space, they may have to do more to find where it's coming from.
They wheel her in to the OR prep and we take the trip down to the OR waiting room. We call all my brother and sisters to let them know. I also call my wife who is at work. She says she'll be there ASAP. I then get a call about 20 min. later she tells me there's an accident on her way and she's stuck in traffic. 10 min. later she calls back in tears and blubbering so bad I can't hardly understand her. She's been so upset she slipped her foot off the brake and her bumper kissed the car in front of her. No damage to either car...not even scuffed one even close to being hurt....So now I've got a critical mom and a hysterical wife...can my day get ANY better?
After about an hour in surgery, the nurse comes in and tells us that the doc had to crack her chest open because there were complications. Nice ambiguous term, "complications". So, we get to wait about another hour for surgery to be done. Finally the doc comes out and tells us mom made it fine. Basically, the blood in her chest and pericardial sac have coagulated into a scab like mass that has encrusted her heart, making it have to strain to beat. They had to peel the scab and to do this, they had to open her all the way up.
Anyhow, she's sedated now and still in ICU and on a ventilator for the next couple of days. Guess we'll see how much more things can get fucked up. It's been one hell of a 24 hours.
Oh, and the "brothers" that are so caring....the HLC didn't bother to show when she had the first procedure that caused the internal bleeding....That's your brotherly love right there. And today? Not a one - even after at Mom's request, local elders and such were called and told about the serious surgery. Where's a good ol' methodist or catholic minister when you need one? Bunch of no good posers. Just one more reason I wouldn't piss on them if one of 'em was on fire.
Car mpg performance. Can anyone explain this?
by coffee_black ini have a 2001 saturn sl1.
it has just hit 200,000 miles.
(almost all job related) i get 37 mpg on the highway.
and why does Saturn no longer make the SL1?
lagging sales and need of freshening. The Saturn label overall has suffered in recent years, even to the point of temporarily closing the main plant in Spring Hill, TN. Saturn is trying to reinvent itself. Most of it's products are re-badged Opel products produced in Belgium. They will soon try to bring a new smaller and more utilitarian 5 door to market here in the US to compete with the Aveo/Fit/Yaris market - the Mireva. It has been previewed in Europe and is due there next year. The car may be slated to replace the Astra and will be produced in the Ghent, Belgium plant.
thinking of getting an ass. deg. after dubdom
by dogon ini have ran a small company and worked to be semi retired.
at 44, i am looking at maybe going to school on line.
it seems that i may be able to do something other than construction.
What? an ass degree? I already have an ass masters...and I've never been to college!
Seriously though, I'm 37 and I start classes as a freshman next month. I plan on getting my associate's in arts with a concentration in criminal justice and then I'll transfer to another school to complete a bachelor's program in criminal forensic science. I figure law enforcement and forensics is another area that is recession resistant...and besides it's interesting work that I think I would be really good at.
Good luck.
If this is true, I swear to god I want off this planet.
by IP_SEC inhonest to god true story.. i went to the groc store saturday.
of the items bought was mayonaise.
(dont eat the shit myself but someone had to have it).
She said that it could be used to make methanphetamine. We were both very sick with nasty colds, and he just lost it. He told the cashier that he didn't even know what the f**k meth was.
Actually, kids love the liquid cold medicines for other properties...including the high alcohol content. I don't think Nyquil or Dayquil contains pseudoephedrine in high enough quantities to merit all the filtration they'd have to do for extracting meth oil. So, not only did your cashier not know what "meth" is but she also swallowed a line of BS from some uninformed superior who thought it sounded good. Many cough suppressants and OTC medications are sought by young people because the contain dextromethorphan or "Dex" or "skittles" as the kids call it.When taken at doses higher than are medically recommended, dextromethorphan acts as a dissociativehallucinogenic drug. It is classified neurochemically as an NMDA receptor antagonist, producing effects similar to those of the controlled substances ketamine and phencyclidine (PCP), which affords it a significant potential for abuse.
Apostate Talk
by Wordly Andre inwhy is it that jw's are so afraid to talk to anyone who questions the beliefs, or in general says anything bad about the org.
case in point here i have a friend his family are all jw's not the best of the crowd but they are trying, anyway his brother and i were talking and i was telling him about how some of my cousins have left the org, and even showed him a funny picture of all of us wearing jehovah's witness protection program t-shirts there were about 7 of us in the photo.
he ended the converstation very rapidly and left.. i was not really telling him anything that bad, and i was just mostly joking with him, honestly i didn't think he was all that much of a jw, before he got married he lived with his gf, i have heard he likes to party, and for the most part you'd swear he wasn't a jw, not even baptized.
Don't you know? It's always okay to dis someone else's beliefs and laugh about them...until they are yours. Case in point is a non-JW example. Isaac Hayes was the voice of Chef on Southpark for a long time. He was fine being a part of a show that made fun of anything and everything including many different religions...yet when Matt and Trey wanted to have an episode poking fun at Scientology...he got all pissed and quit the show, thus making the opportunity for Chef dying in a particularly grusome fashion and teaching the boys another valuable life lesson. JW's are the same way. It's all about being right and everyone else being wrong.
by purplesofa ini am in the area (neptune beach) checking things out.. .
ps isn't the beach awesome?
[quote]We have the best beach in America here north of Clearwater. Caladesi Island.[/quote] Oh, bologna! We've got great beaches here in Fort Myers and Naples. My wife goes to the beach every day before she goes to work. She loves it. I enjoy it too, just in more limited quantities. South Florida has great beaches...and the gulf side is so much nicer than the Atlantic side.
I think I just broke the tele-market man
by whitman inwell, today is one of those procrastinatey days, i'm at home alone with the cat who is dazzling me with her new tricks.
so i got pretty excited when the tele-marketer man called to discuss a new and fantastic mobile phone deal.
i managed to keep him on the phone for 32 minutes as i explained to him that i could only use a blue telephone due to a specific type of colour blindness that i have....which i do not have.... turns out they just don't make blue phones.