So, there I am. I’m at school going to the campus cafe for my usual cup of hot water (for my tea). Just outside the doors is the “free speech” zone where different groups can come and set up informational booths. Who should be there? Yep, a table w/ JW’s hawking their BS. There were a couple of black women (sounded like they were from somewhere in the Caribbean – just think “madam cleo”) waiting for unsuspecting college students to happen by. I went past and got my cup of water and steeped my tea. (Darjeeling this morning). I went back out and pretended to be absorbed in texting someone, but in reality I was taking a photo that I will post tomorrow when I am home.
Anyhow, my anger at them won out and I just had to go speak to them. I’m certain they thought I was just another student or faculty memeber – but I walked up to them and said “Wow! You’re about the last people I ever thought I’d see on a college campus.”
They asked why. I said “Well, when I was growing up as a JW, going to college was discouraged in the harshest of terms.” They said “So, but you went to college?”
Me: “Nope. I’m almost 40 years old and just now taking the opportunity to go. Too bad I didn’t do it when I was younger.”
Them: “Er....Uh....” etc.
Them: “So are you a witness?”
Me: “No way. I’m not a big fan of the WTS.”
Them: “Oh, really? Why?”
Me: “Well, for starters, I don’t like that they have covered up pedophelia as a policy.”
Them: “Well, Jehovah doesn’t let things stay covered up.”
Me: “Well, tell that to my daughter.”
Them: “The imperfect make mistakes. Even in the bible, his servants didn’t always do the right thing.”
Me: “Yes, but they didn’t claim to millions of people to be God’s spirit directed orgization.”
Them: “But it’s individuals. There are always individuals that mess up.”
Me: “Well, that’s funny, because the elders that violated the law by not reporting allegations of the abuse of my daughter and who knew before I did, they’re still elders. I called the society, so they had knowledge – yet they did nothing either.”
They: “We’re so sorry. How old was your daughter?”
Me: “Seven. She’ll never be the same.”
Them: “hmmm.”
Me: “So, how do you everyday witnesses feel about your donations to the worldwide work going to pay off lawsuits because of the coverup of pedophelia?”
Them: “We don’t know anything about that.”
Me: “Don’t you think you should? After all, that doesn’t sound like God’s organization for them to be doing that and hushing it up.”
Them: “Well, it’s like when we pay taxes to the government. We don’t know what it will be spent on, but we still pay it.”
Me: “Yes, but the government doesn’t make the claim that they are God’s orgaization on earth.”
Them: “well, they are directed by god.”
Me: “HA! God’s pretty inefficient then.”
Them: “It’s up to each to work out his salvation. It shouldn’t be up to an organization.”
Me: “Then why when you baptize someone do you requrie that they affirm loyalty to this earthly organization?”
Them: “We don’t.”
Me: “What about the second question at every assembly when there is a baptismal ceremony?”
Them: “Er...uh....I don’t remember that being in there.”
Me: “It is. Listen for it next time. How about the hypocrisy of the WTS preaching that the UN is part of Satan’s earthly organization yet they have affilliated themselves with it – again without ever letting everyday witnesses know about it. “
Them: “We don’t know anything about that.”
Me: “Well, good luck then, today. Sounds to me like maybe you should spend less time sitting here passing out literature and more time educating yourselves about the group you look to as God’s means of communicating his will to mankind.”
I then walked away with a smile on my face. MAN,did that feel great! Who knew college was going to expand my horizons in such ways?