My thoughts and good wishes are with you. You know you can email me anytime.
i want to thank all those that helped and encouraged me in my hard times!..hubby passed away from his cancer this morning.
i am so sad my heart is broken.
we decided to go ahead and have a memorial for him this weekend at the kingdom hall he went to.
My thoughts and good wishes are with you. You know you can email me anytime.
Thanks Everyon! I really appreciate all the wishes of good will and happiness!
You all are the Best!
Banshee & copsec....If Momma Could Just see me now! JW mom was the first caller this clockwork EVERY year.
Edited by - CoonDawg on 5 February 2003 23:47:47
just wondering, all you non-canucks(canadians) on this forum.
what do you think of canada, and canadians?
be honest, good or bad or in between, it'd be neat to read what impression non-canadians have of us canuckastanis (thanks pat buchanan).
Well, most of the Canadians I've come in contact with have either been on the web or on the drivers I've met on the road. Most have been very spite of the fact that my very first girlfriend was Canadian...and she mercilessly used me and then dumped me. French Canadians are another thing entirely. I don't know why, but many times they seem to come across as very abrupt and rude. That probably isn't their intent, but that's how they come across. Even trying to just get directions from them on the CB brings harsh and abusive language. I usually reserve my opinion for an individual basis. Some people are just A-holes...doesn't matter where they live.
My dad, on the other hand....has a real thing against Canadians. It's actually pretty funny to hear him get all fired up about it. He is in the healthcare field in FL and comes into contact with many of the Snowbirds. He says that many of them bitch about how things are in this country yet they always come back to winter here. They bring their hearing aids to him for repair while they are down and then bitch because he doesn't give them the service for they would get if they were at home in Canada. My dad is such an SOB, he'll sometimes charge them extra....kind of a Canadain excise tax or something.
interviewer - why not?
interviewer - and why do you think they would tell you that?
interviewer - why was that?
This is so wrong. It's like the case of Bethany Hughes in Canada. Those witnesses saw nothing wrong and in fact felt totally righteous in support of her mother. This woman secreted her daughter away and would not tell the father of her whereabouts, even as his daughter lay on her deathbed. It is sooo wrong in every way. I made a comment on a JW board about how wrong this was and was blasted for saying anything about it. I told them that, as a father, if my ex ever pulled anything of that nature, I'd hunt them down and see them in jail. I also proposed that this woman should be punished legally for her absconding with her daughter and denying the father of this girl his rights.
You would have thought that I'd put on a satan suit and sacraficed a goat on the front steps of a kingdom hall or something.
Make 'em pay...they are not above the matter what they think.
interviewer - why not?
interviewer - and why do you think they would tell you that?
interviewer - why was that?
Wow...that's a touching piece. I wish i'd have seen it sooner. That hits so close to home. I know where my daughter is, but my ex moved her away from me without any notice at all. I've thought alot about it, and I would definitely exhaust all avenues to find my ex if she split with my daughter. I'm not exactly sure what I'd do with her when I found her, but I do know that she would NEVER see my daughter again.
Thanks again.
called the 800# listed on the back of my food stamp card.
we're calling it a shopping card so the kids don't blurt out food stamps.
anyway, i have funds on my card so i'm going shopping tonight.
Hey, Sadie...
That's great! and I really mean that. To me, it's good to see someone who really needs a bit of help getting it instead of some slob that's just scamming the system. That's what those programs are for. We all have times when we are down on our luck. I remember not that many years ago living in a "tent style" pop-up camper in a campground and eating Ramen noodles twice a day and skipping breakfast all together. I try to never forget those days.
hey folks .
im not trying to offend anybody , im just trying to find out what you guys really think about bin laden.
of course there are the obvious things to count against him ;- the fact that he probably murdered thousands of people on september 11th , and maybe even before then.
Hmmm...and Osama Bin Laden has been the leader of What country? Oh, that's right...he's never been the leader of a Nation. He's merely a religious extremist who has benefited from a capitalist system that allowed his family to get filthy stinking rich to finace this wave of terror and inciting of people to a life of intolerance. Do you think for one minute that even if the US "cleaned up their act" to his way of thinking, yet did not become a land where his extremist religious views are held as a requirement, that we would be good enough for him? Fat chance. He is so one way in his view that he will stop at nothing short of being the "end all be all dictator for life" of the world.
Oh, but that's right....he has no country. I don't know about any other lands, but here, if you use your money to finance violence to meet your own ends...well, those people usually are called criminals and we have prisons for ones like that. Osama is nothing more than a murdering criminal megalomaniac.
PS...that doesn't even begin to address the "morality" of his brand of Islam's treatment of women.
i've read my fair share of their pubs, and nowhere, ever have i seen a clearly stated repentance or a humble confession on the part of the wts.
i know that they have delicately admitted a mistake here and there, but it's always overshadowed by the self-praise logic that overall we should be thankful for the mistake.
the bible specifically speaks against that.
I was discussing this with my wife not long ago. She wanted to know my cause for bitterness agains these imperfect men just making mistakes. "Well I suppose YOU never mad a mistake?"
My answer was and is "Sure I F*ck up big time some times...but I also take responsibility for my mistakes. Sometimes, I have to take my lumps and it costs me dearly. If I have to be accountable and own up to my much more so the ones claiming to be the very mouthpiece of God upon whose words and actions may depend the eternal lives of millions.?"
did you find that there were some dubs that seemed to be always after something for nothing...........always on the take?!
it would make you laugh sometimes and you might think it was just a funny way some had.
other times it was quite annoying!.
I was one of the few in the cong. with a truck. I had everyone and their brother wanting to borrow my truck, and many times me along with it, to help move whatever. The worst was that many wouldn't even offer any money for gas or anything.
tuesday february 4, 02:07 am
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Yeah, well he's just pissed because their country didn't do it first. If it's such an unholy thing, I guess he won't be needing any of the benefits of zero-g research, including medical advancements.
I notice he's hanging in England rather than being at home in B.F.E. or Turdistan or wherever he's from. What an A-hole.
I guess the most appaling thing is that the FDS and people like this schmuck actually get followers.