One of my most resented memories as a child at the meetings was during prayer one night at the bookstudy, I was rather fidgety (hey, I was only 4) and a sister that my mother went in service with frequently took it upon herself to pop me on the back of the let me know her displeasure at my fidgeting. Even at the age of 4, I was very indignant that someone other than my mom or dad would take it upon themselves to do such a thing.
At school...I was on the tail end of corporal punishment. My dad always warned me that if I got paddled at school, I would get it double when I got home. I was always way more afraid of getting it with dad's belt than I ever was of any of my teachers. One teacher had "Bertha" that was a baseball bat that was planed down to the thickness of about 3/4". It also had holes drilled in it for less wind resistance.
I do not let anyone else discipline my child. Especially not physically. She has long outgrown the effectiveness of a smack on the bum. I have even warned her stepfather against his spanking her. He hits her, I hit him.