JW DC's Black Eyed Pea's song would be appropriate...the lyrics on the CD say "Let's Get Retarded in Here" LOL
We need a speaker like ol' Reverend Al Sharpton. He sure gets them fired up. Barak Obamma blew the roof off that place.
well, this was my first ever glimpse of the dnc.
too bad i was still a loyal dub in 2000 because my hometown of philadelphia hosted the event.
i must say that if the district conventions had live musical guests, or energetic speeches, or if guests were allowed to bring in colorful signs in support of their state and nominee (or, favorite speaker and congregation), or if the brothers giving talks used a teleprompter instead of paper, or if they just made the convention both and educational and fun event, i might just think about going. JW DC's Black Eyed Pea's song would be appropriate...the lyrics on the CD say "Let's Get Retarded in Here" LOL
We need a speaker like ol' Reverend Al Sharpton. He sure gets them fired up. Barak Obamma blew the roof off that place.
this may be a question that has been answered millions of times but i've seen it in alot of posts lately.. why don't the kh have windows?
what is their bible-based answer for this one? well as, in the old days anyway, HVAC efficiency. at least thats what they all told us.
Of course, the idea of no windows, especially in a small town, is great for starting rumors. One small town I was in, people thought we were doing animal sacrafices and secret rituals inside...then it was always followed by a smug "well, if you aren't hiding anything...why don't you have windows?"
ive been in the business of buying a new car.
most dealers have been ok to deal with but one bloke acted like a right clown.
i asked him for a quote, i could tell he wasnt going to better the price i had much at all but offering me very little over the quote i already had, in fact in a very short time he had the price above the price of a compeditor and i was having to pay $600 more for the color i wanted, and to top it all off if i didnt make the deal then and there the deal whould have to be completly negotiated again.
What I've found is important is to first...go to dealers and study on the internet. Narrow things down to what you want to buy. Try going to dealerships when they are closed so you can look at their window stickers, etc. with no sales guy breathing down your neck. DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Many times, because of study, I have gone to dealerships and known more about the car I want than the sales guys do. When you test drive, don't baby it. Drive it like it's your car already. I had a dealer about crap on himself. When we hit the bottom of the ramp to the interstate, my wife was driving...(we were shopping for her new car) and we hit interstate doing about 115 mph. I do this too so I can get an idea of its REAL performance. I also find a time to jam the brakes on just as hard as I can...again to check real-world performance.
I recently was shopping for a new motorcycle. I applied the same principles. One of the dealerships I went to, I told them the bike I was interested in and asked them about their price. I was at a dealership in Bowling Green, KY...not far from where I live in Nashville, TN...
The dude punches on a calculator and looks up and tells me "Well, we can get you that bike for $7,400 plus tax, tags, and title." He looked like he was proud. I told him "Hmmm...that's strange. I have had 3 different dealers quote me $6,499...and the MSRP on the internet says it's $6,700. Am I missing some special modifications on YOUR bike?"
The guy turned red and mumbled something about how that must be the dealers in Nashivlle's cost, not their selling price...and "I can't even buy that bike for that price." Obviously I left. I bought the one I wanted with some add ons for $7600, taxes etc. included.
They will try to put one over on you. Just go in knowing what you want and what you'll pay for it.
At the moment, I'm inqiring about getting a new Lotus Elise, but I don't expect any price breaks on it as it's pretty rare here in the states at the moment.
my former congregation usually had a congregation picnic once a year.
all of the brothers (a/k/a men) had to pay for all of the food.
the sisters (a/k/a women) had the godly priviledge of serving the food.
One of the biggest times my dad ever "went to war" with the local control freak P.O. was over get togethers. We lived in SW Kansas and by their attitudes, you'd have thought they were a congregation of southern baptists...only more boring. This elder tried to ban any and all gatherings over the ammount of 2 families. My dad was a rebel and told him to shove it. We were going to have them anyway. The elders boycotted the events, but their families seemed to enjoy themselves.
My dad knew how to make gatherings pretty fun. I don't see how anyone could get into "trouble" there...anymore than at a DC. We had some good times, but it seemed that dancing was rarely a part...and usually no alcohol either.
bobby vanzie
alias: viper.
category: lightweight.
Depends on what his record he a "Leon Spinks" or a Sugar Ray Leonard. Hey, the money talks.
and how much have you spent in your lifetime on booze?.
i'm rated as ozzy osbourne.
Homer Simpson here too.
it says I could've bought .06 of a Ferrari with the money I spent on it. I think my choice was better.
UPI is owned by fanatics. They've pretty much ceased to be a credible news source. They and the Murdoch empire are all but propaganda mills...and the other american news outlets aren't much better either.
if things go well this week, i should be able to have lunch with libertarian party candidate michael badnarik this week.
(not a fundraiser, just lunch, before he does a radio interview later in the day).
i will try and deliver photos of it.
I'm a left liberal...LOL...Big freakin' surprise. I used to consider myself a conservative...and I guess I am on some issues.
i have been thinking about this as a topic, and after reading the following comment by bikerchic on another thread, i think it is relevant, and would like to hear the american's thoughts on this.he never should have been president and it's a shame that we as us citizens let him get away with cheating his way into office.
should the supreme court have decided the presidency?
should there have been a recount?
If Jeb and his secretary of state hadn't illegally purged their voter registration rolls and disenfranchised upwards of a million black voters, this wouldn't even be an issue. They already tried again for this election, only the scandal became so public that Jeb & his buddies are having to toss the original "felon's" list and start from scratch. In the state of Florida, there were tens of thousands of black "felons" listed as inelligible to vote, yet only 50....that's right...i said FIFTY latinos listed. This is significant because traditionaly, latinos in Florida tend to vote Republican, whereas the black voters tend to vote Democratic.
Sorry, I've never read Michael Moor's books or seen his movie. I just look at available facts from multiple media outlets and weigh them for myself. To me, it appears as if election shennanigans took place in 2000 and they are being implemented again. The director of Diebold, the #1 manufacturer of electronic voting machines is a Bush Pioneer, meaning he's a top fundraiser, and he publicly stated that he would ensure Bush's victory in Ohio...a swing state this time around where Bush seems to have lost tons of ground. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck....
i have been thinking about this as a topic, and after reading the following comment by bikerchic on another thread, i think it is relevant, and would like to hear the american's thoughts on this.he never should have been president and it's a shame that we as us citizens let him get away with cheating his way into office.
should the supreme court have decided the presidency?
should there have been a recount?