First off, you have to determine what type of euthanasia you are refering to. Is it only passive or is it active? Is it voluntary or is it non-voluntary? When one speaks of euthanasia, one must deliniate what they are arguing for or against.
Personally, I feel comforatble with active and passive voluntary euthanasia. I too feel that a person should have the right to decide when and how they are going to check out when faced with a painfull terminal illness or when my quality of life will be so bad that I no longer wish to continue. I figure that when there are some safeguards built in, a person should have that choice. It goes to the very foundation of personal freedom. After all, a person is exercising choice and no one's rights are being violated. Better it be a chosen death in a sterile hospital setting or at home with your loved ones than in the living room or by the side of the road with a .45 in your mouth.
I did my first psych paper on euthanasia. I got a good portion of my information from The Hemlock Society. The organization believes in dignified death. They have it all worked out and will be glad to discuss it with you.
The hemlock society is the preeminent advocacy group for right to die issues. However, there are some who are members who seek to expand the definitions of "terminal illness".
In fact, at the 1986 convention of the Hemlock Society, Dutch physician Pieter Admiraal boasted that he had recently broadened the meaning of "terminal illness" in his country by giving a lethal injection to a young quadrapalegic woman -- a Dutch court found that he acted within judicial guidelines allowing euthanasia for the terminally ill, because paralyzed patients have difficulty swallowing and and could die from aspirating their food at any time.
My point is that while I endorse euthanasia in the limited situations I sepcified, safeguards are of utmost importance to keep from descending a slippery slope we don't want to travel.
PS- we just discussed this topic in my ethics class...