I did save money, but they always gave us the crappiest rooms in their hotel. They weren't stupid. If you're going to dicount, leave the good rooms for the customers paying full price and give the ones that need a remodel to the dubs. My wife stays at lots of hilton properties when she travels for business, so when she and my mom go to W. Palm Beach for their assemblies, the other dubs in my mom's posse get jealous because the staff is kissing my wife's ass and they put her in the really nice rooms in the newer tower, all for less that what the dubs pay. It's hillarious.
JoinedPosts by CoonDawg
Did you SAVE money by using a hotel on the recommended lodging list?
by truthseeker ini haven't seen this question posted here before, but did any of you who stayed at one of the hotels on the society's recommended lodging list save money than if you attended a hotel not on the list?.
having seen a few of these lists, it seems the rates given are expensive..
Your Opinions on a Photoshoot, Please.
by SixofNine inhelp me out with a little market research on a portrait photography business i'm considering getting involved in.
i'd love to get your feedback (especially if you are a parent who has purchased portraits of your 1-6 y/o child) on the following photoshoot: http://steveshow.exposuremanager.com/g/maura (ignore the first few photos with the mom; that's really just reference).
feel free to speak freely, the child is not mine or a relative, and i only shot about half the photos and another photographer shot the rest.
I thought that some of the later photos in the series were very very good. Especially the two that you decided to make b&w. I'm not sure about the technique other than getting her to have fun and catching her at candid moments. As a parent, I would expect to pay at least a $100 sitting fee and then up to another $200 for photos to send out, but that would include at least 10 8X10 sheets in whatever configuration the parent wants for distribution. It would also have to include one large framed photo to top it off. -- but that's just my assessment based on a large metropolitian area's economy and experiences getting good, privately shot senior portraits done for a highschool student.
What are you doing for Turkey Day and Black Friday?
by SnakesInTheTower inhappy turkey day everyone... the one thing i can be grateful about this year is that i am over a year out of the borg.... that was a huge milestone.. i have only distant relatives close by and wont be able to travel this year to be with my brothers (who live 5 and 8 hours away) or mom (11 hours away).
just no time or money to travel this year.. i did receive an invitation to spend turkey day dinner with a jwder and their family, but this year i think i am just going to coccoon the next couple of days... .
(i am very very grateful that they thought of me to extend the invite.
Welll, today, thanksgiving day, I actually just did stuff around the house. I watched some football - GO TITANS!!! and baked a coupld of pumpkin pies. I also did laundry, cleaned up the kitchen and cooked breakfast for my wife. Tomorrow, black friday, I am off work (I must have built up a reserve of good karma or something because I work in retail) and we're going to my mom & dad's for a nice big thanksgiving dinner. Of course, we had to postpone it a day because my mom's CO visit was this week. It still cracks me up that my JW mom and wife always get together with us for turkey on thanksgiving.
So, here's me in my full on pre-thanksgiving baking mode:
Where did you meet your lover/partner/husband/wife and..
by mtsgrad inwas it love at first sight?.
Here's a mind-bender. I met my wife at a KH while I was on my honeymoon with my first (now ex) wife. We went to Nashville for our honeymoon. On our way into the city on I-40, we saw a sign for a KH near the interstate. We decided we'd come back and go to a meeting there while we were in town. While there, after the meeting, this nice sister and her husband come up to us and we start talking. They hospitably invite us to their home for dinner and ended up showing us Nashville. We had a great time and we stayed friends as couples for most of my first marriage. They came and visited us in MO, and we visited them a few times too.
So, life happens. I remember getting a letter from them saying that the hubby flaked out and went in search of younger companionship. We didn't stay in too close of contact then. Eventually, I went to work for a retailer that was headquartered in Nashivlle. My wife through the beginning stages of my work for this company told me she found "true love" with someone else. Heartbroken, I went to Nashville for some corporate management meetings. While there, I decided to look up our friend, since she was the only person I knew there. Wouldn't you know it, I had her current address and phone number. It happened to be the only name and address in my personal address book that my soon to be ex-wife had ever written in there. I called, we arranged to meet and have dinner and drinks, not as a date. When I left, she let me know that I would be welcomed back heartily. Before I knew what happened, I was driving 200 miles each way about twice a week to come see her. When my divorce was final, I immediately drove 200 miles, got there, proposed to her at about 2 in the AM. She said yes, then I turned around and drove back to be there in time to open the store. 3 weeks later, we were married. This Dec. 15th, we'll have been married for 10 years.
Southerner's version of Breakfast gravy
by restrangled ini know i can count on everyone here to get me the best recipe for southern country gravy for breakfast.. and yes, i have searched the internet....but this is important.
it's our 29 anniversary tomorrow, and i want to treat my husband to a wonderful breakfast before he leaves for work.. your responses much apprecieated!.
For a city girl, my wife is the queen of southern biscuits and gravy. Jimmy Dean sausage (regular) is the key. She also adds some half and half to the recipe to give it a smoother consistancy and a bit richer tast. Y'all are on the right track though.
In fact, you're making me hungry enough, I'm going to have to go fix something. I have some leftover NY strip steak...maybe that, some eggs and biscuits.
Mayo verse Miricle whip
by LouBelle ini don't mind either - both are fattening to the nth degree but some things just need a dollop.
mayo revolutionised the chicken / tuna sandwhich.
potatoe salad!
Die hard miracle whip fan - for sandwiches. Though these days I use only the miracle whip lite. My wife prefers mayo and uses it in some of the things she cooks, but we keep both for our varying tastes on sandwiches. Hey, whatever helps us peacefully coexist.
An Evening with Tom Brokaw
by CoonDawg inmy mom works for a broadcasting company that has the abc and nbc television affiliates in this area.
they were corporate sponsors of an event for the uncommon friends foundation .
My mom works for a broadcasting company that has the ABC and NBC television affiliates in this area. They were corporate sponsors of an event for the Uncommon Friends Foundation
You can see what they are all about here:
Anyhow, they are introducing a "Legacy Speakers" series and their first speaker was NBC News Anchor Tom Brokaw. The format was an hour lecture and then 30 min. of Q&A with questions submitted by the audience.
His talk was really about many of the things he's witnessed that have been watershed moments in world history but he also talked about where we are going and what the US needs to do to get there. It was an incredible talk. At times, moving my wife to tears and welling up emotions in all. He really spent some time focusing on our soldiers abroad. His focus in telling of some of the young service men and women that he's met was the idea that we, as average americans, have sacraficed little while asking these men and women, as well as their families, to sacrafice everything. His point was that, as these conflicts come to a conclusion and these families are reunited with their loved ones, we must not leave them hanging or let our veterans be neglected. This is the time to come together, no matter your feelings about the wars or the reasons they've been waged. We are in this together and we should be appreciative of our service men and women. His talk was inspiring. He also gave a message that spoke of civic responsibility and a sense of giving back. I really enjoyed it.
It was also great that this was given on the campus of my school. I had my wife meet me there. I finished my psych class and met her out front. It was like a mid-week bonus "date night".
If you should ever get the chance to hear Brokaw speak, please do yourself a favor and go. He's a fantastic speaker. NO NOTES whatsoever. It was incredibly well thought out and delivered flawlessly.
At the end, he considered the audience questions. I was honored that my question was the first one presented to him. I asked him his take on media having a so called "liberal bias". His answer was actually remarkable. He said he has a bit of a theory. People get into news for a variety of reasons. One of these is to give voice to those who do not have one. This makes the establishment uncomfortable. News people also are in the business of reporting "news" which by it's very definition includes new things whether good or bad and new, by nature, means change. "Conservatism" by it's very nature is invested in keeping the status quo, and tends to resist change and newness. So, it's easy for people to immediately call the news liberally biased. He also pointed out that with the advances in media that there's basicly now a cable smorgassboard of news for all political pallates. It was an interesting theory and one I'd never heard articulated before.
As I say, a great night. We bought his book "Boom" about the 1960's. I'm looking forward to reading it. Too bad we weren't able to get it signed.
I really look forward to the next speaker they announce for this series. If it's even half as good, it should be well worth an evening's time. -
Personal finance points to remember (point # 3)
by JimmyPage indon't assume that someone with something to sell, who is getting good press and running lots of ads, will take care of you.. that "guru" may just be good at press relations and self-promotion.
certainly, talk shows and the media at large can and do provide useful information on a variety of topics, but bad eggs sometimes turn up.
these bad eggs may not always smell bad upfront.
I've always found Dave Ramsey to give pretty sound advice. Sometimes he puts a little much of the whole "Put Jesus First" stuff with his advice, but overall, he's got some great stuff to say. www.daveramsey.com
West Palm Beach Christian Convention Center -- 10 Years Old
by SnakesInTheTower inwhile looking for info on another thread, i found this recent article on the old "leaky teepee" in west palm beach, florida...that was bought by the wtbts 10 years ago....for a song.... .
note the regrets of city officials in that they could have done what wt did and sold some of the land (wt sold a lot of the unused land to home depot and recovered a good portion of the $12.5 million they paid for the entire property).
it really is a beautiful property now, inside and out .
My wife and my mom attend the conventions there. They have this big fence around it and "guards" at the gates. I dropped my wife and my mom off there for the session...then I came back to pick them up. I cruised up with the jams up and sportin my unshaved look, shorts and a sleeveless shirt that nicely showed off my shoulder tatt. You should have seen the way people avoided me like I had the plague or something. Sure...brotherly love and all that sh*t.
I'm just glad I've never had to be subject to enduring sessions there.
Also, there really aren't any places to eat around there except for McD's.
Is Voting A Waste of Time?
by sammielee24 ininteresting article -.
why voting in the u.s. election is a complete waste of time... politics / us politicsnov 02, 2008 - 02:05 pmby: clive_maund.
the united states likes to portray itself as the bastion of freedom and champion of democracy, but if this were really true then there would be at least 6 or 8 different parties to choose from at election time, and given that it is now a country of over 300 million people a choice of at least 10 different parties would be more appropriate, but instead there are just two.
I look at it as "mental masturbation". Sure, you feel good when you do it, but it's really meaningless and just leaves you feeling empty and dirty when the glow immediately after the act is gone. I've been involved with local politics. To me, that's the main place where your vote can really mean something. National politics, not really. Voting in a presidential election is more like tailgating in support of your team. You've picked the guy you are going to root for, now all you need is the face paint and the giant foam finger. You have no deciding influence on wether your guy wins or not.