well this is my story, up to now you have little snipets-
Both my dad and mum were brought up witnesses, they met and courted. My dad though unbeknowing to everyone was leading a double life, he was a reg pioneer but also he smoked (pot) and what else, you can guess that. He was put under alot of pressure to be baptised and pioneer from my Nanna (who has passed away now and who had brought many ppl into the JW organisation). Well my mum was regarded by my Nanna not good enough for my dad and they ran away to Gretna green to get married, when they came back they were disapproved of very much. He left and my mum struggled on bringing seven small kids to the meetings (all with bible names, me being the second youngest) she never had help, we never got invited to anything, so not only were we outcasts at school because of the JW's we were outcasts in the JW's as well, We all got bullied at school and at the meetings too, it got to my mum and we all stopped going when i was about ten. We moved house when I was fourteen and I had always loved reading the bible book of stories, we were contacted by the witnesses at our new address and they invited us to the meetings in which I went to on my own, curious and still in fear of dying at armageddon. Thats when I started regularly going, and I fell in love with a young brother , we started courting when we wee both 17 and courted for a year, even got engaged.We were both in the same congregation and many didn't think I was good enough for him which in turn broke us up. He got all the support and i was left, you see he'd tell ppl that if I was invited then he wouldn't go and because they wanted him there then me I was just cut off, that started my depression and unable to cope with I ran away to London which was were I met an australian alled Paul, I needed a friend and he listened to me without predjudice, our friendship deepened until we made love, but I couldn't relax all the way through as I felt I weas sinning and they day afterwards I ran away home again. I started going back to meetings again and a month later found out I was pregnant, I wasn't baptised but I had a judicial commitee meeting about me anyway and was publically reproved, which made me cry. I'd been an outcast ever since, I was nice to everyone, I never gossiped about ppl although they did many times, I know that whenever a brother found himself attracted to me he would ask others and they would strongly advise and discourage them from liking me. There was a sister I remember when i was young called Cath, she started coming to meetings when she was 20 and had a small son called Chris, he grew up and left and she was about 40 , she never met anyone and the other sisters were awful to her behind her back. I looked at her life and and I saw my whole life like hers had been like i already lived it, and I decided enough was enough and left, you know the rest, hopefully now any avid reader would know where my depression came from....
I never left because I didn't believe in Jehovah, Jesus or the bible, I left because of the ppl. I still believe the things I was taught and many of the ppl who come here believe the same I think.
Warm Hugs to all