Outsider, we are in agreement about everything
I'll take this and run with it, Former Brother lol. Just kidding.
except from " there isn't one right answer about a place of worship." or all roads lead to God. I just cant see how it doesnt matter to God what you believe or who you follow.
It has to matter, there has to be one truth from the bible, not different truths many different interpretations that God is pleased with opposing beliefs?
If Jws are not correct, which I will possibly accept, then which option is the correct option that god is pleased with?
There has to be one truth, there cant be more than one option. There is no place in the Bible that indicates it doesnt matter if two followers of Jesus teachings have different beliefs about the bible, they are both correct. Think about it.
So again, which option is there if not JW's?
Mormons, maybe? One of the 30K so called Christian faiths? If so which one?
I didn't say all roads lead to God or that it doesn't matter what path you follow. The Christian faith is centered on Jesus being the only way to eternal life. As a disciple of Jesus, you follow Him. Not only do you follow Jesus, you abide in Him (John 15:4-5), not trying to "be good" on your own. What (or rather, who) is the truth? We agree that it's Jesus so an accurate understanding of Him and what He did for each of us is the key issue of salvation. Jesus died for all of us, not just 144,000. JWs teach that Jesus is Michael, based on flimsy "evidence". I could start a separate thread or PM you on how circular and closed-minded this reasoning is... Given the emphasis JWs place on God's name being Jehovah, how can they so fast and loose with the name of Jesus? The only name by which we may be saved? (Acts 4:10-12).
Now as to whether place or style of worship matters, there is certainly some allowance for cultural differences. There were no Kingdom Halls or physical buildings called churches. People met in houses and the individuals were the church (ekklesia- called out ones). I agree that the Bible sets forth moral principles which have not changed, but it also cautions not to be divisive on disputed matters (Romans 14:1-12). Yet judgment on disputed and insignificant matters is the Watchtower's bread and butter: cross vs. stake; anything with pagan roots is bad unless they can use it to their advantage (wedding rings, neckties, makeup). There are rules, rules, and more rules but absolutely no spiritual transformation (Colossians 2:16-23). At the same time, it hangs its hat on demonstrably false teachings...Where exactly does the Bible speak of close association with Christ's brothers as a path to salvation? What's more important in the grand scheme of things? The Watchtower obscures the path to Jesus and that's a huge problem. Without this basis, uniformity in worship does not matter.
What do you mean by opposing beliefs? The Watchtower hasn't been a beacon of consistency so I think you must mean something else. Can you give some examples?