JoinedPosts by OutsiderLookingIn
Higher Education - is it really the end of the WT?
by OutsiderLookingIn inas a non-jw, before i started looking into things, i must say i only encountered intelligent jws.
so i was quite surprised to read here and in the pew report about their low overall educational achievement.
granted, my exposure was limited (less than a handful of people over a lifetime) but i met two of them in post-college education (graduate school) at a very good school.
Thanks for all the insight. I know it's anecdotal, but given my limited exposure to JWs, I was so surprised to hear the reality is the exact opposite of my own experience. -
Higher Education - is it really the end of the WT?
by OutsiderLookingIn inas a non-jw, before i started looking into things, i must say i only encountered intelligent jws.
so i was quite surprised to read here and in the pew report about their low overall educational achievement.
granted, my exposure was limited (less than a handful of people over a lifetime) but i met two of them in post-college education (graduate school) at a very good school.
As a non-JW, before I started looking into things, I must say I only encountered intelligent JWs. So I was quite surprised to read here and in the PEW report about their low overall educational achievement. Granted, my exposure was limited (less than a handful of people over a lifetime) but I met TWO of them in post-college education (graduate school) at a very good school. I was friendlier with one during school (Dub A) and I got to know the other better after we graduated because we were in the same city (Dub B). Dub A wore it as a badge of honor--she’d drop the occasional “Jehovah God”, she chuckled and proclaimed that she was a JW when I suggested going to church together, and when I told her that I got to go to a Prince concert she didn’t hesitate to say “oh, you saw brother Prince.” I would forget that JWs don’t celebrate birthdays and invite them to my birthday celebrations. They wouldn’t come and Dub B even told me that she’s a JW so she doesn’t “do the whole birthday thing.”
Then last summer, I met a current student who was out in service. I asked a question and she gave me her email address, a school email for another good graduate school. I emailed her and have yet to receive a response.
I say all that to ask, why do people believe that higher education is a sign of trouble ahead for the WT? Is it because they’re going against official stance on education? If they still hold up the party line (no birthdays, pride in being a JW, even field service), then what is the excitement about? It’s a great personal achievement for sure, but in my experience, it doesn’t mean they’re moving from the WT. I’ll add that this was all within the last 10 years in case that makes a difference to your analysis. -
A New Words With Friends Player Just Told Me That She Was a Jehovah's Witness And That's Why She's So Smart!
by minimus ini saw she went under the handle of lovejahforever.....she said she is very smart and had cleaning jobs and was going in the ministry this morning.. when she told me she looked forward to beating me (she won the first game) she sid she was smart because she's a jehovah's witness.
my response was we will see how smart she is.. what next?
any suggestions??
WHAT??! Who does that? What a weird thing to say. I would be annoyed and even more motivated to win. Maybe it's her version of a Jedi mind trick that lets her count time.
I'd just say: I dunno... it's been a long time since 1914.
Or: that's great! I've been dying to find out how many generations fit into an overlapping generation.
Here is what kind of person (Prince) a celebrity JW is
by Terry inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lhcparuzpc
Finkelstein, I'm talking about lies of the Watchtower machine (1914, God's organization, etc.) and interpretation of scriptures to control people instead of helping them grow in Christ. The story about Michael Jackson not even wanting anyone to acknowledge his birthday and wanting to celebrate Christmas--but it's okay because he had "Family Day"--makes me sad. As a non-JW, I've often wondered what a young child is told that well-wishes on his birthday as an adult would result in that emotional shutdown. All in the name of God
Faith, where now?
by Theburstbubble inso for the first time ever i went to a church service at my local church (coe) and i have to say it was awful!
it was just like a ritual.
the vicar would say something and then the congregation would all say a phrase in unison back to him.
So for the first time ever I went to a church service at my local church (COE) and I have to say it was awful! It was just like a ritual. The vicar would say something and then the congregation would all say a phrase in unison back to him. In between were prayers, hymns etc. This went on for an hour. It was totally unfeeling and I'm not sure how people even learn about the bible at such places.
Hi burstbubble, what day did you attend the service? I've never been to a Sunday WT service so I don't know how that compares. But the Sunday service of most churches is a worship service so there would be songs/hymns, liturgical or scripture readings, then a sermon. Even then, there are different worship styles depending on the church you attend so maybe the one you attended was more subdued. Many churches have a midweek Bible study which is typically smaller and will go into more extended discussion of an passage of scripture, not a hopscotch of verses.
Keep trying. I certainly didn't find my church on the first try. Even after I went, I alternated with other places just to make sure. It's worth the effort. Definitely take your time to investigate, make sure you're comfortable and that what they're saying is scripturally sound. Hope that helps :)
Here is what kind of person (Prince) a celebrity JW is
by Terry inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lhcparuzpc
The MJ story was so sad. It really hurts me the long lasting and devastating effects these lies can have. -
NEW PEW Research data on Jehovah's Witnesses just released
by Balaamsass2 ini was expecting people who "identified" as jws to follow watchtower beliefs more closely than these pollsters report.. .
ba2, I was going to say the same thing. I would like to see regional statistics. In NYC, in the public "ministry" (carts or standing with a magazine in hand) is predominantly black and Hispanic. A few Asian. I can count on one hand, maybe two, when I have seen white JWs out. Mind you, I take the subway at least twice a day. So the percentage of whites seems high as compared to my experience, but maybe they're not at the stops I frequent. -
NEW PEW Research data on Jehovah's Witnesses just released
by Balaamsass2 ini was expecting people who "identified" as jws to follow watchtower beliefs more closely than these pollsters report.. .
Agree 100%, Coded Logic. There is a spectrum of JW belief. You can also add weak inactive ones (it's the truth even though I don't live it at all). Pretty much anyone in the Watchtower web of influence (somehow exposed to the teachings but unaware of TTATT) might identify as JW for survey purposes.
Also, this isn't a new survey. It's a re-release of the 2014 results in light of the death of Prince, the most famous and (superficially) unlikely JW. Will it generate interest in JWs, i.e. new converts? I doubt it.
Has Anybody Hear a Rumour That Prince Died?
by cofty inwhy do people care so much about celebrities?
I was a fan a lot of his music and musical ability so I was very sad to hear of his passing. It's a bit of nostalgia or remembering what his songs meant to me. He was also back on tour and making appearances (e.g., Grammys saying, like books and black lives, albums still matter). I know people who went to his recent concerts just weeks ago. So to go from that to "he's dead" was quite the shock and hard to take.
As to why there is so much interest in him on this forum, there are so many reasons. There has been much speculation here as to whether he was still an active JW. His sudden death brought those questions to the fore.
Then of course, there's the money. Did he or didn't he give it to the Watchtower? This was something that especially concerned me in the days after his death. I **really** hope he didn't leave them a dime. On one level, it's shocking that someone of his status wouldn't have a will. On another, who knows? Maybe Prince didn't have a will precisely because he thought Armageddon was happening any day now. I think this would be so perfect--just desserts for the Watchtower that for so long has counseled people not to plan for the future. In which case, it serves them right. On top of that, his philanthropy in life suggests to me he wouldn't give away all his money to an organization that does next to nothing to help anyone.
Also, for me it highlights the hypocrisy and double standards in this organization. My JW acquaintance called another performer "my idol" because I was happy about her recent engagement after an unsuccessful relationship. Um, what's idolatrous about that? That I can be happy for her even though her songs weren't about long skirts and religious magazines? Yet upon finding out that Prince was a JW (he claims not to have known before, even though I've known for years) has changed his avatar to Prince. Really!? How is that not idolatry? I'm just waiting for the perfect time to bring it up.
The Prince issue brings together everything the Watchtower claims to be but really isn't.
As to whether this will bring interest (studies or attendance increases), it remains to be seen. But what I have seen says nope. People still passing the carts by at the same rate. Ignored. No one cares. If you loved Prince, it was the music and who he was as a person that you loved, not his belief system.
There seems to be many jw's marrying outside of org recently.
by atomant inl was wondering if others have noticed this or is just my imagination?my sister whom has always been a fine example of a dub just got married to an outsider was a shock to everyone as no one knew she was dating an outsider.she seems happy.the elders are to shit scared of her to approach her about the matter.
I am serious. I said unsuspecting. I think there's a very large segment of the population who know next to nothing about JWs. I certainly didn't beyond not celebrating birthdays. Even the door-to-door work was more of a running joke than something I saw firsthand. The few JWs I knew were polite and pleasant enough. If you don't know anything substantive, it seems like something you can just smooth out or that's not that big a deal.Then add that some (many?) JWs don't broadcast or even bother to mention that they're dubs. They just get you hooked and drop the news. Of course, everyone makes silly decisions in love, but the situation is complicated by a belief system that considers you evil just because you don't ascribe to it. That's a lot to fight against especially if you don't know all these factors are working against you.
I really do hope for true love and compatibility. I love love, but the JW factor makes it hard. If the JW really doesn't want their partner to become a witness, that's a plus. But how does that work on a daily basis? Can the JW life coexist with "normal" events in the life of a non-JW? That's not rhetorical; I really want to know.
Getmeout, sounds like you pass with flying colors :) Just remember, non-JWs aren't all the same. There are nice people and there are creeps too. But give people a chance...at least more than you ever did as a JW. We're all just trying to make it through this thing called life.