@Are you serious=> What you commented is true about the credit cards used to give donations. Assembly Halls in Brooklyn, Long Island City and at the Stanley Theater in New Jersey have a couple of specialized machines (ATM-ish) located in the lobbies, which take these for donations. What will the BORG think of next!
JoinedPosts by HiddlesWife
by zeb inah yes the convention is approaching.
wife is squirreled away with her wt books, her laptop and the tablet thing ..even at meals.. conversation is a word or two and not often.
spoken to.. doesn't answer.. and on return it will be grumps on for at least a week.. anyone else know this phenomenon?.
What kind of toppings do you like on a Pizza?
by Iamallcool ini want something different on my next pizza!.
Definitely spinach, green peppers, mushrooms, and plenty of cheese. In fact, in a Chicago-style deep dish. Yum!
by HiddlesWife inplease watch this youtube video and see what i mean:.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ossdewxvfu0 .
Jehovah's Witnesses and Race/Culture
by kneehighmiah ini have also attended spanish congregations.
this has helped me to understand and respect totally different perspectives and narratives on race.
please be respectful during this discussion.
WT's WHQ (especially in Wawick, NY) is still presently teeming with a great amount/number of Caucasian brothers and sisters. During a very recent tour there, I noticed approximately 6 African-Americans, 3 Latinx and 2 East Asians; everyone else who was identified as part of the Bethel Family was white.
It seems like no matter whatever the amount of R&FOC (which is a big amount) in the BORG, the GB still has their personal picks of who works within and alongside them at WHQ.
by midnight inregarding the recent 1975 video at the convention it hit me !.
when reasoning with people about the inspiration of the bible we used the bible writers candor ie/ there honesty when recording bible accounts about there personal mistakes .. how come the governing body despite its claims to be spirit directed are not honest about there mistakes ?.
Arrogance + face saving = PRIDE has a great deal to do with them or anyone being dishonest.
They know that if they were to admit their mistakes what the results/fall-out would be. You can tell, especially from the way T. Morris speaks (his talk about tight pants and brothers if they are not MSs by age 23, they are not be marriage candidates, which is really ridiculous. He has so much vehemence for people that he made a comment about once he ends his earthly course and ascends to heaven that he will join Jesus in killing all billions who do not worship Jehovah. The child abuse cases, shunning and the blood ban are decisions--personal and not scriptural--of their own making. They are using all of these personal mandates to have complete control in their quest for power over millions of people.
They don't have an honest bone in their bodies!
My jaw dropping OMG moment at the end of the convention
by UnshackleTheChains inyes folks.
over the past few days i can honestly say the convention was relatively quite good.
most of the talks, videos, symposiums were in line with scripture if you have faith in the bible.
Makes one wonder if some of the faketakers are either delusional partakers or folks who partook due to how it is done/conducted (i.e., communion, etc.) in other Christian religions. Plus, J-Dubs are infallible and can/do make mistakes in their accounting. Nobody's prefekt!
Lessons learned from the wife of lot drama
by purrpurr inthe video drama shown at the recent comvention was called "the wife of lot".
i noticed some stuble lessons being taught in this soap opera style video.... firstly, all the bad influence comes from women, its the wife and the mother in law whose pushing for more money and a better lifestyle.
while the men remain loyal to god, can't show the men going astray now can we?.
@waton=> I notice for a few years now, a number of J-Dubs calling brothers "guys" and sisters "girls" or "ladies", and not Brother x or Sister y. Most are doing the informal thing nowadays.
What I Noticed At An Event During This Week. . . . . .
by HiddlesWife ini attended an event this week with my usual closest relatives, which was inside a community center-ish venue with a backyard area.
it was given by my cousin's best friend.
she invited around 50 people of all age groups and racially-mixed.
I attended an event this week with my usual closest relatives, which was inside a community center-ish venue with a backyard area. It was given by my cousin's best friend. She invited around 50 people of all age groups and racially-mixed. There was a large buffet, lots of music from SPOTIFY or PANDORA on her niece's device plus various games being played (i.e., spades, online charades, etc.).
What I noticed was how some of the friends were dressed: There was a sister who had multiple ear piercings (3 within her lower lobe and 2 within her upper lobe). Also, she had a small nose piercing in one of her nostrils (the jewel was very cute, btw). In the midst of our conversation, she told me that she is a regular pioneer and has been for 6 years! Furthermore, the niece (of the sister-hostess) and two of her friends (20-25 year olds) were sporting midriff/belly tops with no bras. A few of the young brothers there were hanging around them a whole lot. In addition, there was three other sisters and two other brothers (sisters in there 30-40s; brothers 20-30s) with multiple finger rings--1 or 2 on each finger and thumbs. Some there were also complimenting them on their choice of jewelry during the day.
I hope that I'm not sounding like a complainer or a prude, but didn't the BORG a while back give talks and had info re: dress and grooming, even during times of recreation? I remember when I wanted a second ear piercing (I was in my 20s at the time), an elder's wife overheard me telling this to another 20-ish sister, who had a second piercing herself. The next thing I knew the COs wife took me aside with my mother to tell me that "It does not look good or spiritual for a sister to do so, particularly if you want to become a full-time servant in Jehovah's organization".
Moreover, the music played there was really what some of the brothers and sisters who were and are in the congs I associated with would call "questionable". I like R&B, rap and hip-hop as well, but most of the songs at the event were gangsta-gangsta. Many of the friends rapped and danced to this during the festivities without a care in the world. Only one sister (around 60-65ish) mentioned that "a lot of cuss words are being repeated too many times" in a couple of songs.
So, all in all, I've been noticing a whole lot of changes in the BORG when it comes to a plethora of things. I and many others have been given sooo many dos and don'ts/restrictions throughout the years; and now I see a great amount of differences in the manner in which a number of R&F live their lives. Have anyone else notice similar things going on, too?
BBC Radio News Report On Pedophile Elder Allowed To Cross Examine His Victim
by pale.emperor inhttps://youtu.be/jmolpaclsca.
That's just like in some legal cases where some assailants were allowed to cross-examine defendants/victims due to these scumbags refusing to be represented by legal counsel, thereby representing themselves.
This brings back to memory regarding the December 1993 Long Island Railroad Shooting. Colin Ferguson killed 6 and wounded 19 passengers. Here is information from Wikipedia concerning this incident: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1993_Long_Island_Rail_Road_shooting
It's really ashame that WTS has resorted to this level, in order cover up their mistakes!.
March 22, 2017 TO ALL CONVENTION COMMITTEES Re: Discontinuation of Physical Distribution of Convention Releases
by wifibandit inmarch 22, 2017 to all convention committees re: discontinuation of physical distribution of convention releases.
That's why there was the downsizing at Brooklyn, Wallkill, etc.; and there is a minimal amount of JWs at Warwick, since just about everything is electronic now.