@LongHairGirl=> I agree with your comment also; you're always on point.
Furthermore, I have noticed the very unfriendly/unaccommodating attitudes of special convention speakers from WHQ (no doubt Helpers) towards the R&F. When some of the R&F came over to congratulate and introduce themselves to them and their wives, these brothers and sisters were turned away. One speaker remarked that he was"really busy right now; will have to speak to you perhaps another time" and the like. These speakers acted as if the R&F was some sort of "botherment"/problem for any of the brothers and sisters to speak to them--and it's not like anyone was going to ask for their autograph or a selfie!. I've heard of famous celebrities at least giving some of their time to say hello to fans when he/she is traveling on a public street!
So, this is reason why fully indoctrinated/PIMI JWs are the way they are: They are fully following the way the GB and their Helpers act and not the way Jesus Christ acted when he was here on earth!