WT is in full reality HELPING ITSELF TO SUCCEED! All of the donations, business deals (real estate and construction of various buildings) plus NO PAYMENTS/SALARIES to members for their volunteering to work on different projects and activities, has helped this cultporation to garner more PROFITS! Everything is done at the expense of the membership, who are SUBLIMINALLY INFLUENCED to follow through on just about all of the DIS/MISINFORMATION thrown out at them on a damn daily basis! 👆☝🏽🤬
JoinedPosts by HiddlesWife
Watchtower Study : Jehovah Is Helping You To Succeed
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | january 2023. study article 3. jehovah is helping you to succeed.
how jehovah makes you successful.
13. does jehovah intervene in every situation we face?
Why Not Celebrate Christmas?
by Mum inso, jw's don't celebrate christmas or other holidays.
as bill cetnar once said, there are two reasons for everything: the reason they tell you, and the real reason.
they will tell you it's because christmas is "pagan" and can lead to all sorts of licentious conduct (like drinking too much macallan scotch?)..
THEY , have god given authority ,
The GB (especially 2.0) is and has influenced many a dub to unequivocally believe in this lying hype. Concerning Christmas and other holidays, they want to have the monopoly on what each indoctrinated member spends their $$$$$$$ on. Since they are in the "Charlatan Business" and WT itself is considered an MLM (with no real benefits--materially/financially--for the members who are toting the products), they want all of the PROFITS put into their NEED-FOR-GREED pockets/bank accounts. So, any dub who wants to have any NORMAL enjoyment has to deal with the fact that celebrating ANYTHING is not for them--until they WAKE THE HELL UP AND LEAVE! 🤨👆☝🏽
Pioneer couple sense of entitlement
by nowwhat? inso there's this middle age pioneer couple.
he works part time and the wife doesn't work at all.
their daughter is getting married and even though it is known they go on multiple vacations a year, they expect the grooms parents to pay for 100% of the wedding!
These dubs with
privileges of servicetitles expect other dubs and other non-dubs to give them whatever they ask for/request. The Borg has influenced these folks--if they didn't have these negative qualities before conversion--to feel/think that they are on "top of the world" and that they are entitled to everything/anything; especially since they are "full-time servants" of Jehovah. If they were dealing fully with all types/kinds of NON-BORG people and establishments, they undoubtedly wouldn't be able to cope! 🤨😤 -
Pioneer hour requirement returns
by FFGhost inso, just posted on jw.borg:.
as of march 2023, the hour requirement for pioneers, which was suspended during the pandemic, will once again be enforced.. elders will review the activity of all pioneers in june 2023. if it appears that any do not have a “practical schedule” (aren’t getting at least close to 70 hours per month”), elders are to “kindly and frankly discuss their circumstances”.. what’s that sound that seems like a torpedo plane diving on its target?
that’s the sound of the number of regular pioneers in complete free fall .
Pioneer is such an empty title these days.
Yeah, this title or "privilege of service" was a ticket for those who had it to be given PRIVILEGES that other dubs--except for elduhs, MSs, COs, DOs, Bethellites, and Missionaries--weren't able to "benefit" from. Invitations to special events (Borg and Non-Borg) plus gatherings were the big things back in the day--especially from dubs (SPIMI and PPIMI) who were "Title Conscious". Nowadays, this position is just a publisher who has to make more than the usual effort to work a greater deal for this cultporation! 👆☝🏽 So much pressure made for a MAN-MADE/PIPELINE-DREAM ORGANIZATION! 🤬
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses attend so many meeting?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inronald curzan ( helper to the teaching committee ) gives a talk on the real reasons jehovah's witnesses should attend meetings.
it looks like the zoom meetings have softened up many witnesses.
many are probably turning off their cameras and zoning out.
Definite SUBLIMINAL tactics used by this cultporation to achieve TOTAL CONTROL (in addition to obtaining MORE $$$$$)! This is VILLAINOUS on soooo many levels! 🤬
WT Ruining Members' Futures
by HiddlesWife inwhat i mean by the title of this thread is what has happened to a relative of mine, one who is really upset about this factor:.
this relative is a distant cousin on my mother's side of the family.
she studied as a child and got baptized at 14 1/2 years old.
To Foolednomore: And all the while those GBGs are living the Life of Riley with more than the usual creature comforts, many dubs are STRUGGLING to make ends meet. They are SUBLIMINALLY INFLUENCED to "wait on Jehovah" and discouraged to do more for themselves so that they can at least SURVIVE/LIVE comfortably and not die DESTITUTE! 😫🤬
GB pushed the vax
by Diedsuddenly ini remember during the pandemic the gb updates got progressively stronger pushing the vaccines .
they even had experiences of some who were reluctant to get them and then due to the gb keep saying fully vaccinated these poor jws went out and got all the catch ups shots and even all the boosters.
i remember someone making a compilation video showing all the gb update clips of the gb pushing the clot shots, even tony morris saying the words ‘go get vaccinated’.
There was a dub (she mentioned that she was PIMQ, thinking about becoming POMO sometime in the near future) who, after getting the Johnson & Johnson vax (1 dose needed only), she experienced skin rashes plus started having her menstrual cycle all over again (she is in her early 60s)! She spoke to her doctor who told her not to take any boosters anytime soon until he and some other medical associates can research plus ascertain why these conditions are happening to her. This dub was on a "Six Screens of the Watchtower" show. I didn't get to hear any more info about her situation.
WT Ruining Members' Futures
by HiddlesWife inwhat i mean by the title of this thread is what has happened to a relative of mine, one who is really upset about this factor:.
this relative is a distant cousin on my mother's side of the family.
she studied as a child and got baptized at 14 1/2 years old.
I want to also add that although she at one time LOVED the fame and popularity--because she wanted to be LIKED and LOOKED UP TO in this organization, she has come to really realize that the same dubs (SPIMIs, particularly) who and when they found out that she was going through a great deal of financial upheaval, these people left her alone and kicked to the curb. Some of them (especially the ones who were financially stable--more or a little bit less) showed that they didn't want to associate with her any longer. Remarks such as: "I hope that Sis F (her first name starts with that letter) gets her act together"; "Sis F should work more days--so that she won't be a burden on the congregation in that she won't be asking for help"; " "We hope Sis F will not be asking any of us for monies to pay her bills! So, now she can't be asked to recreate (movies, plays, and/or vacations) with any of us anytime soon!"; and the friggin' like. A good number of dubs who have these attitudes are NOT TRUE BLUE FRIENDS! They are only thinking about themselves. However, it's a good thing that Cuz's family (former dubs and NIs) are the ones who are definitely in her corner plus have her back! 👏🏽
WT Ruining Members' Futures
by HiddlesWife inwhat i mean by the title of this thread is what has happened to a relative of mine, one who is really upset about this factor:.
this relative is a distant cousin on my mother's side of the family.
she studied as a child and got baptized at 14 1/2 years old.
Firstly, thanks to everyone for their comments on this subject.
Secondly, my distant cousin is getting a lot of help with her finances. It's unfortunate that she has to now work FULLTIME until she is 70+ in order to have some sort of savings that resembles a retirement plan. 😭
Anthony Morris responds to Norway's denial of financial aid
by RULES & REGULATIONS inhttps://direkte.vg.no/nyhetsdognet/news/jehovas-vitner-nektes-statsstoette.5z-pnao3e?utm_source=share-btn.
08:20 27.1.kristoffer solberg.
jehovah's witnesses denied state aid.
So, Tony...Just go away. It's not about the money...or is it? Let's see who wins this fight!
It's actually about: Who can gain TOTAL CONTROL, and still obtain more $$$$$, along with trying to still maintain their 501c3 TAX STATUS the world over! 🤨