Watchtower Study : Jehovah Is Helping You To Succeed

by RULES & REGULATIONS 27 Replies latest watchtower bible


    The Watchtower—Study Edition | January 2023


    Jehovah Is Helping You to Succeed


    13. Does Jehovah intervene in every situation we face? Explain.

    13 What conclusion can we draw from the account of Joseph? Does Jehovah intervene in every situation we encounter? Does he maneuver every event in our life, so that all bad things that happen are for a good reason? No, the Bible does not support that view. (Eccl. 8:9; 9:11) However, we do know this: When we face a trial, Jehovah is aware of it and he hears our cries for help. (Ps. 34:15; 55:22; Isa. 59:1) More than that, Jehovah can help us to endure hardships successfully. How?

    15-16. What do you learn from Tori’s experience?

    15 Often, it is only after we look back on a hardship that we see how Jehovah helped us get through it. A sister named Tori found that to be true. Her son, Mason, battled cancer for six years until he passed away. Understandably, Tori was heartbroken. She says, “I don’t think there could have been a more painful ordeal for me as a mother.” She adds, “I’m sure other parents would agree that seeing your child suffer is worse than experiencing it yourself.”

    16 As devastating as that trial was, however, Tori later reflected on the ways in which Jehovah helped her through it. “In hindsight,” she says, “I can see Jehovah’s loving hand throughout my son’s illness. For example, even when Mason was too sick to see visitors, brothers and sisters would drive two hours to the hospital. There was always someone in the waiting room​—ready and willing to provide support. Also, our material needs were cared for. Even in the worst of times, we never went without.” Jehovah gave Tori what she needed to endure, and he did the same for Mason.​—See the box “ Jehovah Gave Us Exactly What We Needed.”

    According to this article, does Jehovah cure Mason's cancer? Does Jehovah help put Mason's cancer into remission?

    “I can see Jehovah’s loving hand throughout my son’s illness.''

    ''Jehovah gave Tori what she needed to endure, and he did the same for Mason.​''

    Mason's mom, Tori, is happy with Jehovah because brothers and sisters drove two hours to the hospital and supported the family by being in the waiting room.

    Exactly, Tori! ''Jehovah gave you exactly what you needed.''

    Jehovah ( a powerful God that created everything in existence) is useless when humans encounter horrible events in their lives. All the best Jehovah can do is be aware of every situation and hears our cries for help.

  • peacefulpete
    I can see Jehovah’s loving hand throughout my son’s illness

    That is actually a profoundly truthful statement. Religious belief is the ability to see God's hand in anything, even tragedy. It is a perceptional lens that, when working, is unfalsifiable.
    When we were on a missionary trip we saw God's hand in the availability of a house for us to stay in. Later that house turned out to be flood prone and underwater half the year, we saw it as a test that God helped us over come rather than reconsider our initial conclusion.

  • FFGhost

    “Jehovah gave us exactly what we needed”

    I dunno, if my son were dying of cancer, I think “exactly what I need” would be more along the lines of “a cure” moreso than “Joe Palooka hangin’ out in the waiting room”.

    I think you can draw a direct correlation line between “how worthy is this divine being of worship” and “how feeble are the excuses given by his adherents for his inaction”.

  • FedUpJW

    Tori says, “I can see Jehovah’s loving hand throughout my son’s illness. For example brothers and sisters would drive two hours to the hospital. There was always someone in the waiting room​—ready and willing to provide support. Also, our material needs were cared for"

    Well isn't THAT special. And yet there were no JW's that could bother to visit my parents when their health failed and they eventually died mourning the fact that they had been cast aside by every single JW at their kingdom hall! And their address was only three properties away from the kingdom hall on the same side of the street! Those sorry-ass JW's couldn't even spare 5 minutes! Tori"s experience, if there really is a Tori which I highly doubt, is a lie!

    There is a reason for the saying, "God helps those who help themselves." We are on our own. If there is a God, he doesn't really care about any of us puny humans.

  • Foolednomore

    I remember a Pioneer sister at a local meeting went on and on how Geehovah fixed her car. [ the money to fix her car] My Dad and I worked on her car an did it at cost, we lost money and time. Did we get a Thank You. Nope. The mighty hand of Geehovah did it. Not the skill of mechanics and the sister being so cheap.

    My Dad and I where very angry about.

  • LongHairGal


    Again, sorry about your parents and how they were cast aside and ignored in their old age - after you once said ALL they did for the religion.

    In my case, I’d never expect anything from the congregation because they never got so much as the right time from me.🤣 But, that’s what happens when you shun people because of their jobs.

    In the OP, who knows if this is a real person. While I don’t doubt that sometimes the ‘Friends’ could be kind bringing over soup, etc., in my opinion the article might give a wrong impression to people in the hall who have unrealistic expectations about other JWs. For instance: they might imagine somebody there is going to pay their bills.

    I knew I was on my own and had to look after myself.

    help : verb (used with object)
    to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need; contribute strength or means to; render assistance to; cooperate effectively with; aid; assist: to save; rescue; succor:
    to make easier or less difficult; contribute to; facilitate

    Did Jehovah help ( with all his strength, power, knowledge, love )Tori in those difficult times, or did mere human beings help with visits and material needs?
    “I can see Jehovah’s loving hand throughout my son’s illness. For example, even when Mason was too sick to see visitors, brothers and sisters would drive two hours to the hospital. There was always someone in the waiting room​—ready and willing to provide support. Also, our material needs were cared for. Even in the worst of times, we never went without.”

    Tori"s experience, if there really is a Tori which I highly doubt, is a lie!

    Yes...Mason is right back in field service after every release from the hospital. How many funerals have you been to that had 700 attendees? A teacher gets a visit the next day, after no contact from Jehovah's Witnesses in five years.

    “Jehovah Gave Us Exactly What We Needed”

    Mason was diagnosed with cancer at age seven, and for the next six years, he courageously fought the disease. Mason had to be hospitalized a number of times during the course of his illness. Yet, those who were in his congregation noticed a pattern. Each time Mason was released from the hospital, he was back in the ministry almost immediately. Mason loved to engage in the ministry for as long as his strength would permit.

    When Mason died, more than 700 people attended his memorial service, including many of his schoolmates and teachers. One teacher who visited him shortly before his death said that she wanted her children to have the kind of faith that Mason had. She also said that she had not been contacted by Jehovah’s Witnesses in the five years she had been living in the area. The next day she was contacted at her home by the Witnesses. The teacher agreed to attend a congregation meeting.

    Tori, Mason’s mother, says: “Jehovah didn’t miraculously heal Mason, and sometimes that thought prevented me from seeing how Jehovah was making our way successful. But he was. Jehovah gave us exactly what we needed when we needed it.”

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ''I can see Jehovah’s loving hand throughout my son’s illness''

    Um, well let's see now.. Up until that poor lad would need a blood transfusion if he was terminally ill.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath


    how could she see jehovah's hand if it was invisible ?

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