Hey, everyone, the GB don't want a lot of the new R&F to find out the real information about 1975--that they said about the Big A coming during that particular year; instead when it did not happen, the R&F at that time was blamed! They don't want people to think that they are liars. They really ain't fooling nobody!
JoinedPosts by HiddlesWife
Instructions to remove old WT information from kh libraries
by Half banana ina pimo friend (physically in mentally out) has just informed me that the cult has decided that they want to suppress all old jw org information by removing bound volumes etc from kh libraries.. in reality, all through their history they have claimed divine "new light" as a means of changing uncomfortable doctrines.
this however would mean that new jws, or more likely these days young jws, will be prevented from seeing the old light which had been held up as divinely inspired truth in the past.. truth which would get you through big a and which if you didn't agree with would get you disfellowshipped.. anyone else heard of this?
what might be the reasons (if true) for removing the old wts?.
A disturbing reaction.
by longgone inearlier today i was listening to a you tube video about brain plasticity, how our minds aren't hardwired, and that by changing the way we think it can make actual physical changes in the brain.
which is cool for many reasons.
one in particular for me and likely any ex jw is that the way the wts has programmed us, especially those born in, can eventually get past it.
@longgone: I wonder if you are referring to Daniel Amen, MD and his wife, Tana Amen, BSN, RN. They recently conducted a forum program on WLIW21 (a Long Island, New York PBS station) speaking about the human brain and its function, particularly what humans can do to get their gray matter to work healthily.
However, there is one portion of the program which Nurse Amen pointed out, which is of great interest--and I found to be no doubt true re: JWs=> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-7tySYyytE
What Jdubs are doing for the BORG has affected and is still affecting their brain activity. I'm pretty certain that the healing process starts when one wakes up to TTATT. From that point onward, a person can engage in having a more broader outlook concerning various topics, situations, etc. and do whatever he/she can to have a happier, healthier life.
Jw mummies boys
by purrpurr ini've had the misfortune to encounter quite a few mummies boys in the cult.
men aged 20-40 who although in men's bodies think,act and behave like children.
their mother's had them tied to the apron strings tightly.
@purrpurr: Thanks for posting this thread. Your description is fully correct about these brothers.
@LongHairGirl: You are right on point!
My ex-fiance (as posted in one of my past threads) now acts and speaks that way, especially and particularly since he has been in full association with his uncle and the Bethelite brother (I heard he is now either at Warwick or Wallkill, since Brooklyn is no longer in operation) whom were instrumental in our breakup. My ex, not only acts strange to me and some of my family members when we once met up with him and one of his siblings, but also he was laughed at by strangers when he spoke briefly in passing.
Jdubs are indoctrinated, taught and trained to "act like children". So, some have not matured emotionally or even mentally to conduct themselves as adults. Heck, a young brother age 26 in a my family's friend's congregation was seen physically running after and tag-playing with 3 children and 2 preteens like a school-age child--in my family friend's Hall's parking lot on a Sunday afternoon! Go figure!
Because Of The BORG:
by HiddlesWife inmany of the women and men have not achieved the life title or status plus goals she/he/they may have tried to achieve or embark on.
for example: (a) some women are only spiritual sisters.
they may have worked on to become a wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, etc.
Thank you scratchme1010.
That is why a good amount of ex-JWs and those fading are making concerted efforts to make personal changes and live their lives to the fullest (i.e, travelling, hobbies, college/universities, etc.). In fact, one of my sister's friends--who is inactive and fading--has encouraged my sister, my close cousin and myself to start dating (this young woman's husband, also inactive, has set up a future event to have us meet some young men!). So, Jdubs who want to reach these life title/goals better wake up and live LIFE!
Because Of The BORG:
by HiddlesWife inmany of the women and men have not achieved the life title or status plus goals she/he/they may have tried to achieve or embark on.
for example: (a) some women are only spiritual sisters.
they may have worked on to become a wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, etc.
Many of the women and men have not achieved the life title or status plus goals she/he/they may have tried to achieve or embark on.
For example: (A) Some women are only spiritual sisters. They may have worked on to become a wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, etc. Due to the BORG's "do more" mandates, some have been oh so busy in putting the organization first as pioneers (auxiliary, regular, etc.--these type of titles) a great deal that time passes by to the point whereas they reach a "certain"age (BORG-wise: over 30 and beyond is tooooo old) and these women are not considered dating nor marrying age. Furthermore, the congs. want these women to be readily available for favors [a.k.a. sidekicks for certain domineering sisters and chauffers for ones in the cong that others (no doubt popular ones) won't lend a helpful hand in doing, etc.].
(B) Some men are only spiritual brothers. These may have worked on to become a husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather, etc., as well. Also, DITTO due to the BORG's "do more" mandates in their case, too. DITTO to their individual congs. wanting them to be readily available for favors. Also, especially ever since T. Morris' infamous talk harping on bros not to be considered marriage material if they are not MSs by age 23 (sooo ridunkulus)! DI
Suffice it to say, for some in the circumstances I stated above, their personal standing may change up, but it is still not right for this to be the case, if he or she really wants to become more than a spiritual brother or sister.
Outside of the BORG, men and women of all ages, race, backgrounds (financial, etc.) have experienced and are experiencing LIFE without any restrictions or unnatural mandates. I look at them [coworkers at my job, neighbors in my community, strangers in the street/places within in my travels (nationally and internationally), and including my family members/relatives who are non-Jdubs] who are living LIFE happily, naturally and normally.
And all because they are not in the BORG. . . . . .
Anyone recall someone disfellowshipped for gluttony???
by James Mixon ingluttony seems to be a sin that jw's like to ignore .there are several scriptures that point out that gluttony is a sin, proverbs 23:20-21 "do not join those who gorge themselves on meat".....also i read somewhere that 1% is the number of disfellowshipped jw's each year......how do prove someone is a glutton and not just a person who love food???
JWs are discouraged from participating in physical exercise ("bodily training") and are told that "godly devotion" is more beneficial for now and in for the future. This has resulted in quite a number of them getting ill and developing ailments, such as hypertension, diabetes, congestive heart failure, strokes and the like (the above has occurred to approximately 30 people from my past congregations within the previous 25-30 years, 20 of them now deceased as a result!).
No one should allow any man (or woman) to discourage he/she from taking good care of oneself--especially from the ones in "hierarchy" positions who are making personal decisions over members in the organization for selfish reasons and because they are in a quest for power!
JWs shunning other active JWs
by Roger Kirkpatrick inhow many others have noticed how common it is for active jws to ostracize and shun other active jws?
as far back as i can recall, jws have had an ongoing problem with cliques within congregations, and special needs talks would be given from time to time to address that trend.
but, it seems to me that the practice has become even more pronounced with entire congregations actively shunning other congregations.
I agree with all 3 of you! The way Jdubs act plus treat each other is worse than the non-dubs employed at various government/municipal departments and private corporations. A brother and/or sister could be doing his/her all--right straight to the letter and he/she would still be ostracized. Cliques are massive in this organization re: "privileges", race, marital status, financial status, original geographical location (a.k.a., place of birth), lookism (i.e., height, weight, hair color, eye color) and friggin' so on. What a big bunch of hypocrites; and myself and others, whom I 'm close to, notice that the above is getting worse and worse and not better!
Spirit directed vs inspired
by Jules Saturn ini've always been confused as to what the discrepancy is between the phrases "spirit directed/spirit led" and "inspired".
in the february 2017 watchtower study article, paragraph 12 says:.
12 the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
What you all are saying reminds me of points in which Lloyd Evans (a.k.a. John Cedar) brought out in his newest/ latest video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEDTQX7_D5A&t=6970s
Present and past JDubs have been hoodwinked all along by this group.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Race/Culture
by kneehighmiah ini have also attended spanish congregations.
this has helped me to understand and respect totally different perspectives and narratives on race.
please be respectful during this discussion.
As a suggestion, the following YouTube videos are from Marcus Vaughn (a.k.a. Wallkill Bethelite), who profiled the issue concerning the BORG and race, particularly with Bethel:
These videos are, imvho, informative as well as eye-openers, when it comes to the way the BORG looks/treats the R&F!
Are You Objective About Who You Were As a JW?
by Wasanelder Once intoday there was a jesus preaching head case with a bullhorn blaring "save yourself from the fires of hell!
accept jesus.
god loves you!
Yeah, definitely. When I was a preteen, one of my cousins, another sister and myself (same age group) knocked on a door. A female householder opened it and after giving her the beginning of our presentation, she stated that she did not want to hear anything JWs have to say due to a number of doctrines and issues (which she enumerated, i.e., the blood ban, holidays, birthdays, armed forces participation, various hobbies and college/higher education--all of these particularly). I could tell that my cousin and the other sister were bristling up because they thereafter responded: "Well, what we believe is Bible based. So, you should stop and listen to what JWs have to say. By your not listening to us is going to affect your life and your future, Miss!". The woman then told us that she didn't want to hear anymore that we had to say; and if she hears us ringing or knocking on her door again, she will call the police. Unfortunately, the other sister yelled out: "That won't do you any good! We have a Constitutional right to preach to anyone and everyone!". The lady thereafter commented: "Well, since you feel that way, I have a Constitutional right to get my gat (gun/pistol) to enforce what I have said to you three, since you have a problem with listening to me!". She left her door open and walked to the back of her apartment. Since this was the situation, we ran away from her door and into the nearby stairwell (this was a 10-story apartment building) and out of the complex into the street to the nearby corner and waited for the brother leading the four field service groups.
Long story short=> The BORG has really influenced and indoctrinated many Dubs to show arrogance (the phrase that pays) and haughtiness when speaking to people about God and His Word. Many of the R&F have been also placed in the line of fire [literally (i.e., guns, vicious dogs and other weapons of minor destruction, etc.)] to spread these lies and untruths.