@Phoebe=> I like that you posted this John Cedar's most recent video. Excellent choice of topic on your part!
I can't believe that the BORG would state that single sisters, due to the fact that they are not married and bearing children would classify them as "gossipers and busybodies". A great number of people (male and female, young and old, regardless of race, financial status, geographical location--plus longevity in the BORG) gossip and talk about other people and their lifestyles (be it public or private). To categorize women as such is definitely misogynistic/sexist!
Also, the concern in the video is how these comments--though personal on the part of the GB, their Helpers and the Writing Committee--would affect the brothers' thoughts towards the sisters in the BORG. This may motivate ones with emotionally and mentally problems to have disrespect for sisters--on a verbal and, hopefully not, physically level. Even married brothers may feel that they can treat the single sisters in any way they so do feel (No true/Christ-like love here!).
If there is going to be an expose of in any shape/form/fashion about the BORG, I feel that this subject should included alongside the blood ban, child abuse, shunning, etc.