One of my exdub relatives was excused of "having unscriptural dealings with men". This false accusation came out of the mouth of a very arrogant/narcissistic/boisterous/nosey-yet-popular S-D-PIMI/RP. My relative (cousin) was given a ride home from work by one of her supervisors (her department worked on a project until quite late that evening). When the supervisor dropped her off, and she shook his hand to thank him before she can shut the car door, that S-D-PIMI/RP (with another SPIMI dub) walked past by them, trying to look into the supervisor's car. She thereafter remarked: "Jah knows about what CERTAIN brothers and, in this case, sisters are actually doing behind closed doors! Well, I think we should let this be known!". These 2 biddies walked quickly away.
Sometime during the following week, cuz was called into the backroom by 2 elduhs, who questioned her. She explained the situation, and they realized that there was no wrongdoing plus didn't bother her any longer about it. She asked who accused her. They told her not to worry; they cannot reveal their sources. She found out a year later that it was that S-D-PIMI/RP (who was not only not in her cong, but also not in her cong's Circuit. The bitch tattled to her elduhs who knew one of my cousin's elduhs! DAMNING!🤬