A PPIMI (kind of a family acquaintance) remarked that GB2.0 "are so concerned about the attendance--true attendance--of the flock, to the point that they are 'praying to Jehovah' regarding how to instruct them to maintain themselves in the faith/Organization and not stray away". She also remarked that "since COVID has and is really affecting people along with apostates who are angry at the Organization", notice this: "Jah is really protecting the GB so that this disease and those enemies will not be able to penetrate them!' The kicker she loudly announced that got me and some other PIMOs plus exdubs was this=> "As for the ones who don't want to be part of the Organization anymore, the GB is being provided with GUARDS, GUNS AND OTHER AMMOs TO SHOW THESE FOLKS THAT THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO HARASS NOR GET TO BOTHER THEM AT ALL! WARWICK AIN'T LIKE THE HEIGHTS (Brooklyn, NY) WHERE PEOPLE WHO DON'T LIKE THEM CAN GET TO THEM! HA!". 😲
That last statement really got to me, to a certain extent, in that this is the RHETORIC this cultporation is dispensing as info to its members. Yes, when GB1.0 (Sidlik, Schroeder, Swingle, etc.) were alive, Bethell was an okay-to-palatable place to visit. However, now it is a COMPOUND, where visitors have to be surveyed from the very first step to the guardpost of the entrance of the facility and throughout the WHOLE TIME of the visitations/ tours! This so-called leadership group has taken the FUN out of EVERYTHING they touch in LIFE, even within their own backyard! 🤷♀️🤬