Yeah, I remember those people too. There were always individuals in the congregation that were having problems with the demons, either because of something they bought at a yard sale or because of some other issue in their lives.
Not coincidentally, they were also - without exception - the most emotionally needy, disturbed, and uneducated in the congregation (and that’s saying a lot in the JW org).
They’re also the true believers.
When you think of how this organization treats its members, it becomes obvious why so many of them suffer from mental delusions. They’re taught that Satan is after them and personally sets mental traps to get them. They’re also told that the world is going to end any day now, and it never does. They’re told that no matter how much they’re doing for Jehovah, it’s never enough. They’re told not to better themselves, that they need to spend more time selling comic books for the corporation.
A recent WT magazine showed a man on his computer late at night, with a holographic Satan-the-Devil in lion form right next to him. These people are taught that the devil literally enters their home when they have a moment of weakness. That’s disturbing enough as it is, but for someone who has a mental illness, they’re a whole lot more likely to think they’re hearing SATAN the next time a window creaks in their old house.