JoinedTopics Started by WireRider
Why don't you do anything?
by WireRider ini'm not jw, so i see this all standing up and very clear from an outsider perspective (i am still seeking my path).
i joined the blog a few weeks ago.
i dated a divorced jw (jw from birth) for a couple of years recently.
Mass disassociation pact...
by freemindfade inany takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
My Opinions on whats going on in WT land - Insider Information
by thedepressedsoul infirst off, i'd like to state that i currently have "privileges" in the congregation and volunteer at bethel on and off throughout the year.
that's as much information as i will currently give about myself.. starting off, i think something big is coming in the form of lawsuits and bad pr.
they seem to be batting down the hatches in preparation for something the last few years and even more so the last few months.
How accurate is the Bible?
by WireRider inhow accurate is the bible?
the "compiled" version (council of nicaea) was not established for hundreds, or even thousands, of years after events happened.
stories were handed down generation to generation to generation before being written down.
Does Anyone Still Believe in God?
by LaurenM indo any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
Removal of Tetragrammaton from Early Greek Manuscripts
by jhine ina while ago i posted on another thread that i had been told by some witnesses that the tetragrammaton had been in the original christian greek scriptures but had been removed when apostacy came into the church .
i did not know where this came from at the time .however while looking something else up i came across this .as i could not find the original thread i have started a new one .here is a quote from nwt reference edition 1984 :-.
" matthew made more than a hundred quotations from the inspired hebrew scriptures.
What's Your Scenario For The Watchtower Corporation's Business Future? Will They Survive Much Longer In This Information Age?
by frankiespeakin inthe internet a marvel of modern science, mass communication, information at your finger tips is transforming peoples lives.
but alas the whole thing took the governing body by surprise as they continued to pin their hopes on childishly magical and wishful thinking bible interpetations.. the train has left the station and the governing body are just now comming to terms with it(the internet), while they still demonize it for its freeing power, and plethora of information that doesn't fit with their narrow world view they must still navigate a path that includes or give some recognition to this information source now becomming availible to all all over the world.. how will the watchtower survive all this and still be directed by a bunch of delusional old and odd geezers is beyound me to comprehend.
what say you?.
Were Adam and Eve the only humans created?
by heyfea inmy husband asked me a questions that kind of stumped me for a moment.
he asked, in genesis, when cain killed abel, and god, as punishment cursed him and drove him from the land, making him a restless wanderer, why did cain say to god that the punishment was too hard; that anyone who found him would kill him?
who was going to kill him?
Who the heck was Arius?
by Will Power inre: previous discussions about the should you believe in the trinity brochure.. i found it surprising that the "truth[tm]" about the history of this little doctrine just plum forgot to include any reference whatsoever to arius, one of the main characters in the story.. there is much to read on this guy & his movement.. arianism - a heresy of the early christian church relating to definitions of the human or divine status of the person of jesus christ, was the first important doctrinal difficulty in the church after the legalization of christianity took place under emperor constantine i. .
arius was a priest of the catholic church in alexandria, egypt.
in a.d. 321 he was condemned by a synod at alexandria for teaching a heterodox view of the relationship of jesus christ to god the father.
Do JWs still believe the WT version of the 144000?
by nicolaou inthe society have taught for many years that only 144,000 individuals will have embraced true worship from the time when jesus (and presumably john the baptist six months before him) began his ministry in about 30 c.e.
when the great crowd began to be drawn in.. however, even a casual reading of the book of acts shows the phenomenal growth of christianity during the time of the apostles.
in colossians ch1 paul even makes the comment that the good news had at that point been preached to all creation that was under heaven.. in 64 c.e, there were so many christians in rome already that nero felt he could easily blame them for the destructive fire which had swept through the city.