The org was started by Russell, who never passed the 7th grade, didn't want any body to go passed the 7th grade, and was NEVER a Minister - never Ordained by any Church - but insisted on being called Minister Russell. His wife divorced him and stated in Court (local newspapers available online) for locking himself in the bedroom of their orphaned 14yr old house girl overnights. (have your doubts - but she could not testify at the divorce trial because she was on a slow boat to Australia with a pocket full of cash) (and all these treads of WT/JW child sexual abuse - hmmm - who do you think started it? and condoned it? It started at the TOP.)
Rutherford was never ever a "Judge" but high-jacked the Watchtower, stole over 150 million (modern equivalent) from humans to build a mansion and travel the world, wrote fan letters sucking up to Hitler, adopted brainwashing techniques from the Hitler Youth Programs (notably to turn in relatives) - and still insisted everyone call him "Judge".
What could possibly go wrong with humans claiming to run the lives of other humans?