I think you can tie every single day of the year to some pagan holiday or some such thing. I think in 2015 people need to get over the past. No one has fun and celebrates holidays based on evil things. Thanksgiving is a few days off of work, families get together, celebrate the harvest season and the end of a long work year in the fields. Modern adults and children are celebrating the harvest and a coming together of the pilgrims and Indians - that's all they know, that's all their intentions are, that is all they are celebrating, they are celebrating family time. Let them have it.
They are not celebrating any evil thing. Let it go.
I'm sure Feb 5 happens to fall on some dooms day reference to some pagan ritual 2000 years ago. So what? It's Billies birthday. So what? Stop penalizing him. Celebrating Billie's birthday is not worshiping the devil or some pagan rite because of the date.
It's Thanksgiving in the 20th century. Don't mess with it.
I don't believe the WT blacks out holidays because of stupid superstitions - they black out holidays to control the herd in control and keep them away from real people.