JoinedTopics Started by WireRider
Why does the Watchtower and Jehovah's Witnesses use the Bible?
by WireRider inthe watchtower, post russell, and the jehovah's witnesses hate the jews and the catholics.
they are not allowed to even set foot in the churches of the bible.
they endlessly rail against how wrong they are - but they are all based on their book??.
Why do people follow demonstrably False Prophets?
by WireRider inwhy does everyone just turn a blind eye to the false teachings of the watchtower?
the bible warns us many times and in many ways not to follow false prophets - including the lake of fire.
fundamentally why do the followers of the watchtower just ignore the very bible they claim to live by?.
New movie "Spotlight" coming out - child abuse cover-ups
by WireRider ini just saw a commercial for a new movie coming out.
spotlight - about a newspaper exposing the cover-ups of the catholic church about child sexual abuse.
michael keaton, mark ruffalo.
Does anyone have copies of the WT tax exempt paperwork?
by WireRider inthe wt/jw has a presence in my town.
tax exempt status.
from what i understand the wt/jw is a for profit group that is taking advantage of the community as a whole.
Interesting Factoid - Religious Decline
by WireRider inon the news today - pew research center study on religion.
(sampling size about 40,000. us samples.
margin of error +/- 0.6 %)americans who say that are "absolutely certain" that god exists2007 = 71% 2014 = 63%americans who say they are "religiously affiliated"2007 = 83% 2014 = 77%americans who consider religion is "very important"2007 = 56% 2014 = 53%i just thought it was interesting to see.
Has God done anything recently worth witing about?
by WireRider ini'm not sure why religions insist upon living and teaching from thousands of years ago.
a time when people lived in fear of things they didn't understand and didn't have the knowledge or words to describe things and events in terms that are relevant to us in 2015. why are we taught to live, and believe, in the middle-east over 2000 years ago?
when is there going to be some new material?
An apple doesn't fall far from the tree
by WireRider inhttp://jwdivorces.bravehost.com/decisions/ctrdivorce.html - the founder of the wt/jw and a reflection about his views of himself and life and the religion he built.
his legacy is alive and well, even today.. "while professing at all times to be guided by the word of god the undisputed evidence is that he would sulk for weeks at a time and not speak to his wife, and would resort to the pen to have any communications with her; instead of approaching her personally to try to secure reconciliation of their differences and praying with her as a godly man would have done, he went about among her associates and told them she was under the hypnotic influence of satan in the form of her sister, who was his father's second wife.
" a little bent.. i remember reading an article that had photo copies of a local area news paper that included the facts, from court, that she filed for divorce due to cruelty, an in part because russell would lock himself self in a bedroom with the 14 year old "house girl" that cleaned.
Someone please tell me there is a JW Survivor help line
by WireRider inwho can jw survivors call for help?
experienced survivors?
Why don't you do anything?
by WireRider ini'm not jw, so i see this all standing up and very clear from an outsider perspective (i am still seeking my path).
i joined the blog a few weeks ago.
i dated a divorced jw (jw from birth) for a couple of years recently.
How accurate is the Bible?
by WireRider inhow accurate is the bible?
the "compiled" version (council of nicaea) was not established for hundreds, or even thousands, of years after events happened.
stories were handed down generation to generation to generation before being written down.